Forum posts

Posted 2 years ago2023-01-11 00:57:11 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #347227
Half-Life 1898 Fight like it's 1898!
User posted image
Posted 4 years ago2021-01-29 17:59:24 UTC
in Half-Life texture sources Post #345298
Most of them are in .PSD formats
oof i dont have Photoshop :(
I used these windows plugins;

"Sagethumbs" to see thumbnails in folders
"Xnview" for viewing those files
"Xnshell" to right click and copy (for sharing over the net :) ) (this plug in features a thumbnail plug in but it dont works for me)

Disclaimer: Use at your own risk
Posted 4 years ago2020-11-07 15:05:42 UTC
in How to make blood spray like in HL alpha? Post #344831
nice, is it more accurately resembles original, or more proper way to make it? can you sometime post it here or to tutorial section so everybody can get access to knowledge.
Posted 4 years ago2020-11-07 11:20:55 UTC
in How to make blood spray like in HL alpha? Post #344829
There was a function called UTIL_Setspark or something. Look where this function is defined i guess there is other functions about that blood spray above and below.

If not;
then check UTIL_setsparks definiton. i guess there is functions about TE_spark or something. Go where TE_spark defined. You'll see List of Temporary entities Starts with TE_ there should be blood entity or similar, use it for making your own function like UTIL_setspark. It shouldn't necasserily to be a blood entity any particle effect may be used to simulate original blood.

İf there isn't a temp entity about it, i believe this feature still exist in engine, but i dont know how to make dll functions to call this feature.

Email who made similar alpha half-life mods they may give you further information.

And you have to search these sites and these functions to learn.

documentation( something like "write_byte(TE_PLAYERDECAL)" to find how people use theese functions)
gamebanana Chyvachok's tutorialgamebanana Chyvachok's tutorial
i found this on "Zomibe hell"i found this on "Zomibe hell"
i have seen this before, but i dont remember where probably on one of the half-life wikias, but they also dont citated where there is.
you could try something like this and for god sake inform us if you found where there is.

EDIT: i saw here
valvetime facebook account 31th july 2017valvetime facebook account 31th july 2017
Where did you found other textures though?

There was also some post on somewhere about how Gunman Chronicles' textures was made

i have found this seattle salmon bay ballard locki have found this seattle salmon bay ballard lock
open gates are where textures takenopen gates are where textures taken
you have to use this filetype when loading, "live picture sphere/cylinder,jpg"you have to use this filetype when loading, "live picture sphere/cylinder,jpg"
i think you used "live picture, cube jpg" filetype

i tried you image your image works good. except from the poles of sphere.

you have to use this step for poles i guess "d)Paint in your sky details"

do you using photoshop for converting it to polar coordinates?
can you show your modified and unmodified images.
I guess your image must be a panoramic image.
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-04 16:16:37 UTC
in TWHL! Sound off! (who are you) Post #344010

About You

Name: Hasan
Age: 25.6
Hometown: Ankara/Turkey
Relationships: No
Occupation: Mechanical engineering student
Current goal(s): Study engineering, invent patent and design aircraft or gunrange sporting guns or something useful for humanity etc., not to die from corona or any other things, become richer and always healty, make or order to make custom video games for my taste, enjoy life
Politics: Staying away from politics
Religion: Atheism, and i making myself to believe to someday we will discover eternal life on a digital universe or something (yes nobody wants to die especially me, but sadly science doesnt proven the god).

Favourite Things

Food: Milk Carbohydrate oil tomato and protein rich things such as pizza or cheseburger, but that doesnt mean im not loving salad and vegetables.
Hot drink: Tea
Cold drink: Water
Snacks: Carbohydrate oil and protein rich things such as MCnuggets
Movies: Probably movies similar to incredibles or pirates of caribbean
Videogames: Half-Life and other gun games that doest have a cutscenes
Music: Not much listening music, probably RNB or epic movie musics are good.
Other: Being healty is fun and life is good, also as you can see giving opinions are things that i like, but its not posible to give every opinion because bad people can exploid you, and i also like designing, mostly designing a machine.

Disliked/Hated Things

Food: A plain mushroom, and some exotic foods such as live octopus etc though i have never ate one of thoes kind exotic food (yes i took literal about disliked food).
Hot drink: Black coffees are very bitter
Cold drink: Chery flavored coke (cherry kernels are bitter too, as much as bitter almonds).
Snacks: Bitter or dark chocalate or bitter almond. But i love some pastry that contains traces of cherry kernel flour.
Movies: Most movies i cant enjoy movies since i have been an adult.
Videogames: Almost all RPGs MMORPGs strategies 2Ds Survivals f2p's, cutscenes, games that doesnt support a powerful modding environment because most of stuff in games are not for my taste and i should mod them.
Music: I already dont like listening music that much, but most music especially with modern bas beats, and electronic music and rap i guess.
Other: I hate not enjoying life, and bad people and killers and wars and limited resources, and maybe politicians (i guess this is a political view though), but sadly all theese things are what a life consists from. (yes i took every thing literal probably because im an engineer and science person, not a poet or politician. :D ).
Posted 5 years ago2020-02-26 04:26:18 UTC
in Texlights, only for brushes? Post #343798
Dynamic lights and model lights are point lights and doesnt have that much shadow resolution i think.

You can use a dynamic light and fullbright model so it gives impression of emitting light i think.

I dont know how to make a fullbright model. Maybe there is a way in rendermode. But model will be bright if models origin is in the lighted place.

Because model lights using gouraud shading method and light amount calculated with place of the models origin. There was a post about this i think.
Posted 5 years ago2019-12-29 00:17:29 UTC
in Fate of Gunman Chronicles Post #343526
Isn't it possible for government to know who is the copyright holder? Or is it valve just doesnt want to spend man hours to contacting? How may we contact the copyright holder?

Gunman is coolest mod ive ever seen.
Posted 5 years ago2019-12-28 06:40:52 UTC
in Fate of Gunman Chronicles Post #343522
Can we make a petition or foundation for valve to release it on steam and for sven coop.
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-05 20:05:42 UTC
in half-life still updating with necessary features Post #343311
Posted 5 years ago2019-10-11 21:09:54 UTC
in Preliminary Main Menu Post #343210
yes this was xash3d mod. it is from the guys that remake half-life prerelease versions.
Posted 5 years ago2019-09-07 22:27:06 UTC
in Weird bug in my map... like dust or something Post #343111
Posted 5 years ago2019-08-10 23:15:07 UTC
in Command for getting players position Post #342992
oh right thanks :)
Posted 5 years ago2019-08-10 17:42:17 UTC
in Command for getting players position Post #342990
I guess there was a command for getting players current location XYZ coords. What was that?
Posted 5 years ago2019-08-10 14:21:01 UTC
in Post #342987
have you seen Valve Archive its nice for HL fans.
Posted 5 years ago2019-08-10 14:19:24 UTC
in Fate of Gunman Chronicles Post #342986
Sad. why someone doesnt try to communicate with gunmas original developers.
Posted 5 years ago2019-08-07 14:01:38 UTC
in Fate of Gunman Chronicles Post #342967
What will happen to gunman. is it posible to officially add gunman to sven coop. along with other Half-life expansion packs.
What developers of Sven coop and valve thinks about gunman.
Posted 5 years ago2019-07-26 23:43:26 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #342915
Learning blender. Might make this a skin for new vegas. And, sadly or maybe fortunately i migrated from goldsource to unreal. Now learning unreal and also learning new vegas :DLearning blender. Might make this a skin for new vegas. And, sadly or maybe fortunately i migrated from goldsource to unreal. Now learning unreal and also learning new vegas :D
Also :D
has this WIP completed? i like it. ill give it a try
Posted 5 years ago2019-06-30 10:13:55 UTC
in problem at monstermaker-aiscripted relation Post #342819
-childs name "zm"
-target on release "sc"
-monster type "monster_zombie"
starts on

-name "sc"
-target monster "zm"
-search radius "512"
-move to position "walk"

i guess search radius of aiscripted is too small. im gonna check it now.

edit after checking radius: search radius is now "4096" doesnt work.
Posted 5 years ago2019-06-28 12:00:42 UTC
in problem at monstermaker-aiscripted relation Post #342811
im unable to make montermaker monsters to move a place with aiscripted sequence.
Posted 5 years ago2019-06-28 09:19:43 UTC
in my compo idea making (tl dr included) Post #342810
cool but imposible to implement.

black mesa have lots of 60s stuff exists in year 2000. Onlt this much is possible in 1998

Im also wondering what would valve do if they have much powerful engine and PC technology. I see they are added cool details but not deep enough because of 98's tech limits.

I hope one day when half-life movie was out it will include all details that producers imagined but couldnt implemented.

Posted 5 years ago2019-06-21 01:49:32 UTC
in my compo idea making (tl dr included) Post #342764
@stojke operationally correct architecture interesting idea. hmm🤔 but i think there should not be only safety things. i think we may include food courts kitchen, would be nice to see black mesa facility from an eyes of labor. i think its boring only with scis. modellers could make labor models. then every entry would download and include labors in their maps. and compo would be named "black mesa a living facility" compo may include making all work areas. or every entry may include only one area. some people would make maintanence guys, others make kitchens and food court, etc. i always wanted to see what would happen to frozen foods in office complex' freezer, if resonance cascane never happened. where these food boxes came and where them going?

@Dr. orange Its already obvious "we tried to warn them." but resonance cascade has happened :-D
Posted 5 years ago2019-06-18 19:20:28 UTC
in my compo idea making (tl dr included) Post #342754
@urbanebula hmm i thought open ended this kind of compo would be cool. if this was too open ended then sadly this compo may be imposible to achieve. im gonna narrow and clean the idea later. :)

@bruce its would be cool if you could make it to look like jack and the beanstalk :-D and this is very hard to achieve but i dont know how the results will be. after all i think in this compo, achitectural and artistic quality would be more important than idea to achieve good results.
Posted 5 years ago2019-06-18 18:53:23 UTC
in Found several new Hl1 SP mods..... Post #342753
gonna try next week. when summer break finally arrived. 😂
Posted 5 years ago2019-06-12 19:16:26 UTC
in my compo idea making (tl dr included) Post #342731
how about a building with fancy architecture, and a surrounding fancy garden.

hl maps are made of always indoors or connected halways. (much like a carved playground out of a big block of map)

there are not much big building within a yard that has a useful playground in it. because of engine capabilites

we may challenge ourselves with this compo.

here is sample map ideas:
-a giant tree house.
-a cheateu or castle.
-a command base on desert
-surface units of black mesa.
-a campsite on top of a hill.

but we shouldnt sacrifice gameplay or story it also should have a gameplay function.

for example you can enter and find a way out from frankensteins castle. you may make your indoor area smaller than outdoor but it should be used in main gameplay

and you may add a bit hills or cliffs or a fence around because of not breaking the realism ilusion

you may surround your open area only with a skybox, but its not much suitable to this compo because you can make any hallway map to an open space map with that. so your map should not be like a hallway map surrounded with a skybox. you may use skybox anyway.

you are free to choose garden/building ratio. and you are also free to not place your building in the middle. and also you are free to add any amount of subsurface playground areas as well.

for example you may put your 3 wall of your building looking to your garden, and your 4th wall may have a window with a skybox texture. so you can increase your un interrupted garden area. or you may add an underground wine cellar to your castle. or you may add an abondoned mine on your campsite.

tl;dr key is getting rid hallways and make map more open.

winning criterias might be, fancyness or wideness and quality of wide space. or just arcitecture or even gameplay. or lowness of surrounding cliff. because lower cliff makes maps more open spaced. but you also consider realism illusion otherwise your wide area designs quality gets lower so your compo entrys place will not gonna get higher.

goldsource is preffered because you can make these kind of map in source already. bu if you use source you may not add any hallway like element to your map.

PS:i got bored with writing and quitted from my idea when writing this article.But im gonna make some map some time without hallways.
Posted 5 years ago2019-05-07 20:29:47 UTC
in info_intermission Post #342587
do info_intermission entity works in vanilla hl?
if you know any usefull info please also edit this article
Posted 5 years ago2019-05-07 18:22:51 UTC
in Jack wont launch half life Post #342582
does half-life opens but doesnt load? or do half-life doesnt even opening?
Posted 5 years ago2019-05-07 09:02:12 UTC
in SharpLife - Dot Net Core based modding p Post #342579
where is detailed news about recent open sourcing?
Posted 5 years ago2019-04-13 17:02:33 UTC
in "Top 5s" 3: Top X Post #342458
of course best and most fun weapon is HLDM Xbow :) <3 <3 just seen like here. i post a thread about this before

Some people hate dying with xbow but i rather hate dying to pro gauss players. damn pro gauss players :)

and one of my funnest weapons team fortress 2 sniper rifle (yeah it has similar gameplay like hldm xbow :) )(and yeah i like annoying guns for my victims :) )

i guess my most favorite thing in shooting games is instanteneous aiming, instantenous hitting, instantenous killing, and accurate guns. but not necessarily sniper weapons.

and i really hate awp from counter strike. because its not accurate as my standarts. its cumbersome to aim effectively.
Posted 6 years ago2019-01-29 12:53:36 UTC
in Custom Skybox? Post #341882
you need to have six images in tga format. all must be 256x256 pixels. you can download custom skys from the net or make your own with modelling programs. or you can make a simple one with paint.

six files must be placed in half-life/modfolder/gfx/env

or in half-life/valve/gfx/env to use in all mods

or in half-life/valve_downloads/gfx/env downloads folders of mods is where maps placed when a server specific file is downloaded from the server (only for steam version)

somethingup.tga for up sky
somethingdn.tga for down sky
somethinglt.tga left

you can use gimp for saving images as tga files. gimp is a free software.

or you can use "xnview shell extension" i love this software. normally you can only see thumbnails of some of the image format. with this program your pc will show other image thumbnails in folders as well.

xnview also adds right click menu options. you can right click a bmp image and quickly convert it to a tga file.

then you need to go map properties in hammer editor end write "something" to cl_skyname option.

or you can edit bsp files for change the skyname of compiled maps. i guess a notepad editor is suitable for editing bsp file.

or you can change a maps sky when creating a server. there is a console command for that.
Posted 6 years ago2019-01-16 17:06:30 UTC
in SharpLife - Dot Net Core based modding p Post #341699
what do you mean by unbroken?
i was thinking hl's coop mode is broken. i didnt know it wasnt

and i also trying to say, trigger changelevels arent working in singleplayer maps when playing MP, are they?
That's probably years away at this point, so i wouldn't bother just yet.
Then im gonna wait. and i will make projects about my own profession. because time wont pass when waiting something will not be released soon :D
Posted 6 years ago2019-01-16 16:32:58 UTC
in SharpLife - Dot Net Core based modding p Post #341697
descibed in Post #339709.
heres post #339709

btw can we make another thread for SL v2 for not to forget cool ideas. and not to flood this thread with weird ideas. :D

cause i have one more idea to implement: unbroken coop mode and seamless level transition in multiplayer server. :D

so solokiller dont bother with forwardthinking ideas for now. he can look the other thread when hes ready to implement :D
Posted 6 years ago2019-01-16 12:52:09 UTC
in SharpLife - Dot Net Core based modding p Post #341691
is it posible to use alternative algorithms over csg, bsp, vis and rad?

because map leaks and, convex and simple brush only mapping is very hard and bottlenecking on map design.

and rad compilings learning curve is too steep. I still dont know how to use expert compiling

so more modern collision dedection and more modern visibility calculation would be nice :D

i hope your sharp lifes mapping learning curve would be less steep too. as less as coding side :)

edit: i mean polygon based mapping rather than brush based mapping, is more powerful.

edit2:lightmaps have too low resolution
Posted 6 years ago2019-01-15 15:36:42 UTC
in SharpLife - Dot Net Core based modding p Post #341668
i dont think hornets any more useful than another entities. and projectile bullets dont necessary with current tiny maps xD my mod is just was an experiment. ill post my youtube channel here if someone like to see my projectiles ;)

there is too much things to request. :)

the crowbar gibbing of corpse is buggy. i guess valve intentionally broke it to lower the gore.

some corpses can gibbed with one hit. others are too much hits and they broke the hitting animation so without swinging the crowbar gibbing the corpses. (so politicians or media or something dont want to see a game where player constantly whacking a corpse. it seems so they removed animations.)

and you cant hit the corpse if that part of corpse is out of the otiginal monsters hull (bounding box)

btw im feeling like im flooding the thread with necessary but tiny requests. can we post bug fix request like this?

I've never dabbled in Source programming and from what i know about it the studiomdl compiler for it is closed source. Maybe an easier to use format could be made for it one day though.
if hl2 smd to hl1 mdl compiler isnt posible, at least hl2 smd file to hl1 smd file can be made. the hl2 smd file format is easy to find, i guess. and there is info about hl2 smd at valve developer site.
Posted 6 years ago2019-01-15 14:58:36 UTC
in SharpLife - Dot Net Core based modding p Post #341663
what about 24 bit textures? ok if only v2 supports this. i cant wait to see v2 :)

and i have coded projectile bullets before. based on ar grenade but it was very buggy and doesnt works if entity limit or something exceeds.

so i thought projectile bullets not suitable for goldsrc. but if it possible without messing with network or entity limits then alright. maybe i was not properly coded.

and there is one more probleb about goldsrc. i dont want to use milkshape. its expensive and limited. i can use blender but its only supports hl2 smd files. so maybe you can make a compiler for hl2 smds to hl1 mdls.
Posted 6 years ago2019-01-15 08:56:01 UTC
in SharpLife - Dot Net Core based modding p Post #341661
ok seperate image files isnt possible. but 32bit texures are possible right :) 8 bit textures are pain in the ass too.

and i wonder is it posible to make projectile type bullets instead of hitscan type :)

(i know i asking too much :) )

hmm it seems with all these stuff you coded someone could make a battle royale mod XD
Posted 6 years ago2019-01-14 15:20:23 UTC
in SharpLife - Dot Net Core based modding p Post #341650
thank you solokiller we dont have experience of other engines. and we cant practice more because our profession is not related computer sciences at all.

so there is a demand for your work. so finally us can use goldsource engine with more features.

i cant map in detailed engines like ue4. and i cant make good maps in goldsource either.

But i like to mod because i want a game fits for my taste.

So bigger maps and bigger textures will compensate my skills.

you told me 3d skybox and HD sky is posible.
are bigger maps and bigger textures posible too?

And wad files are pain in the ass too xD could you make it so we dont need wadded textures.
A image file in the mod folder works very well, at least for developing a mod.
Posted 6 years ago2019-01-05 01:18:28 UTC
in custom blood colours Post #341547
let us know if you starting to code or modify about these stuff.

we may help about how to code new particle codes.

Posted 6 years ago2019-01-04 22:10:46 UTC
in custom blood colours Post #341544
green blood color is yellow.

i assume palette lmp is a color palette where it is used by engine codes to make particles.

such as tracer color
(google bullet tracer)


and the falling black particles when you shoot a wall.

and quake style particles
(not used much in hl1)
but you can activate it by game code
(such as quake 1 style explosion,q1 smoke trace, q1 blue explosion, q1 poison dart trails etc.)

and yellow particles around models when they spawned in bsp brush
(i assume its a debugging feature can be activated in console. enter "developer 2" to console then start map c4a1, or enter console "impulse 76" to see its effects)
(it is also some sort of quake 1 style particle)

thats all i remember for now

also a post by me about blood color

also for more imformation about quake style particles check these links


tar explosion(quakes blue things explosion type

game codes

also you can see particle example on the gif in the examples link(yellow particles falling when a grenade explodes)
Posted 6 years ago2018-11-18 00:35:03 UTC
in Weapon Strip (HUD question) Post #341264
i think after stripping give player a crowbar. then strip again. i think this may solve the problem. only if this can be made using hammer editor.
Posted 6 years ago2018-09-16 17:47:54 UTC
in SharpLife - Dot Net Core based modding p Post #340900
Yes i mean higher resolutions. Especially very very high ones for example 2048x2048

And if you want to add bug fixes it would great to add these things below. :)

When you shoot sky it will be gunshot particles coming out from the sky brush, can you fix it.

A problem i noticed in hl sdk. It isnt posible to change colors of blood decals. I guess decal colors are hardcoded.
I can change color of blood sprites. but blood decal colors stays the same.
User posted image
User posted image
It would also great if you manage to seperate blood sprite color from palette.
I mean i dont want to use #define BLOOD_COLOR_RED (BYTE)247
Is it possible to use like this below,
blood_color human;
human.r = 256;
human.g = 0;
human.b = 0;
And this would affect both blood color and the blood decal color at the same time.

It would great if you add hammer modding support.
For example add a weapon_generic and monster_generic who can change their models and attributes in hammer.
It would be way easier for modders since they dont code new guns.
They would add a weapon_generic and customize their damage,clip etc.


And It would great too if you could implement 3d skybox support like source does.
So people like me who cant map organic stuff like clifs, can map a boxy play area and surrounding .mdl clifs :)
Goldsource is easier to mod and suitable for smaller development teams. And more suitable to amateur modders.

And I think this skybox would not interfere with retro style of vanilla goldsource. But i dont know is it posible to implement in gameside programming.
Posted 6 years ago2018-09-16 16:31:27 UTC
in SharpLife - Dot Net Core based modding p Post #340897
Could you implement HD skyboxes?
Posted 6 years ago2018-09-15 12:22:24 UTC
in Rack77 Post #340886
tell more about your mod maybe someone will interest to make your models. and moddb can help you to gather modellers.

there used to be a page for gathering people. But it seems this page is deleted.

You have to share your mods every details at here and add a title like Need modellers for HL2 inspired hl1 mod
Posted 6 years ago2018-09-15 12:02:26 UTC
in Rack77 Post #340884
Because people who wants to follow your mod's updates can follow your mod on moddb
I want to follow because i want to see more of your mod
Posted 6 years ago2018-09-15 09:37:17 UTC
in Rack77 Post #340881
I love your graphic styles. I mean textures and mapping, its my ideal style :)
I hope you will complete this mod.
Do you have moddb page?
Posted 6 years ago2018-09-14 15:40:05 UTC
in changing NPC walking speed Post #340877
gonna read all of your tuts thanks.
Posted 6 years ago2018-09-14 15:39:50 UTC
in Can someone explaind these sequence attributes. Post #340876
thank you <3 awesome work more detailed than hl sdk's manuel :)