Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-05 11:42:58 UTC
in Uhm, Sound Problem... Post #30559
Oh, sorry. The above is a spelling mistake. I have been using foward slashes. I have tried to type both sound/ambience/uspointcaptured.wav f.ex. and just ambience/uspointcaptured.wav. And i have tried to move it to all posible folders concerning sounds in half life, but it still makes the same problem.

It says; Error: Failure to transmit file: sound/C four times, which i do not understand... so does anyone else has a suggestion.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-04 18:34:02 UTC
in Uhm, Sound Problem... Post #30395
Well, im using it for dod mapping, so placed it in the soundambience folder in dod, in steam.

But even though i try to move all the sounds to my original half life folder as you say, and the hammer folder, it makes the same problem, so....

Anyone else has a suggestion, about where the fault is?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-02 21:03:39 UTC
in Uhm, Sound Problem... Post #29894
Well, i have a small problem when compiling my dod map. The compiling itself runs fine. But when the game start it says
Error: Failed to transmit file: sound/C

I have just type soundambiance(name).wav in my entities, but i do not understand what the program means with sound/C.

Can anyone help me?