Make Sure The Sprite Is Off! Created 19 years ago2005-05-21 12:29:48 UTC by Zat_AJ Zat_AJ

Created 19 years ago2005-05-21 12:29:48 UTC by Zat_AJ Zat_AJ

Posted 19 years ago2005-05-21 12:29:48 UTC Post #110422
Hi. I have a button that turns a flame sprite, 3 orange lights and a trigger hurt for 10 secconds. The mod I'm making the map in has "rounds". If the flame sprite is on when the round ends, it says on for the next round, but when you press the button it turns off, but the lights and trigger hurt turn on. How can I make sure, that the sprite will be off before the end of the round?
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-21 12:32:34 UTC Post #110426
Depends on the mod.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-21 13:16:06 UTC Post #110432
Well lets pretend it's counter-strike. What could I do?
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-21 13:50:41 UTC Post #110438
Trigger relays can set things only on or only off not only toggle them. :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-21 14:28:55 UTC Post #110442
Well, for CS, there's a tutorial near the bottom on this page.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-21 22:15:57 UTC Post #110464
Hmm... can't find it... Can you give a direct link?
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-22 03:46:06 UTC Post #110480
You posted that five and a half hours ago. You could have read through that entire listing in ten minutes. Do.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-22 10:04:51 UTC Post #110511
I found it in 10 seconds. It's called "Resetting entities at the start of every round". I'm not going to direct link it either. Otherwise you'll never learn to use your mouse. ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-24 16:02:17 UTC Post #110732
Well no wonder I couldn't find it. I didn't know what it was called. Thanks. I'll read it now and get back to ya.

Ok wait. I don't understand. What does that do? When you use the door it triggers the entity (in my case sprite) until it closes? Or it only turns it off when it is on? Or what?

I just want to make sure it's off when the round starts.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-25 09:22:26 UTC Post #110827
It'll just trigger the entity. Use an env_render to make it invisible, and another completely seperate one to make it visible again. env_render's aren't togglable, they just take effect whenever fired.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-25 17:53:05 UTC Post #110905
Ok, ok... wait a seccond. I am very confused. Could you dumb it down for me?

I have a door in my map. When someone opens it, it triggers the Multimanager which triggers the sprite to turn off? Do I have that right? And what is this about env_render? I use that in place of what?

It seems to me that this door thing is used to start the entity like that in the first place. The problem is, there is nothing I can use to trigger something, only if it's on. This is triggering it at the begining of the map, but I don't always want it triggered, I want it only if it is on.

Is there not someway other than useing multimanagers to make a sprite turn off in 5 secconds?

Thanks again for the help.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-25 17:56:18 UTC Post #110907
The multi manager should target a trigger relay(with trigger state set to off) that targets the sprite!!!
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-25 19:04:24 UTC Post #110920
OH! I get it!

So now I have a door that at the beginning of the round targets a multimanager that targets a relay (set to off) that triggers the sprite?

Or do I have to open the door for it to work every round?

Well I just compiled it and it doesn't work. Can I not just make a trigger multiple at the exit to the spawn that triggers the relay which turns off the sprite?

I mean... trigger_once? trigger_once 's re-initialize after each round right?
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-27 02:23:44 UTC Post #111095
I think so.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-27 18:21:54 UTC Post #111249
Ok, well I'm not having much luck with that either. It seems to not trigger it all the time and it sort of messes up.

Jeeze... how hard is it to trigger something at the begging of a map! Grr...

You'd think someone's had this problem before.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-28 06:20:41 UTC Post #111303
To trigger something when the level is loaded just use trigger auto!!! ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-29 12:42:44 UTC Post #111517
Trigger_auto eh? Can this thing be set to trigger something at intervals (ex. Every 60 secconds?)
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-29 12:46:29 UTC Post #111518

You will need it to target a multi_manager that targets the thing you want to trigger and after 60 seconds it targets itself!!! ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-29 13:03:06 UTC Post #111525
I just realized something. What if someone clicks the button to turn the flame on, during the time that the trigger_auto turns it off? Grrr!! I need something that triggers at the begging of every round. Not at the begging of the server. Thanks anyway, but this won't work.

Cound I do this?:

button triggers multimanager
multimanager triggers trigger_relay
multimanager also triggers the flame sprite on after a seccond is left to make sure that the flame is off.
trigger_relay triggers flame sprite off one seccond before the flame sprite is turned on.

That would make sure that the flame sprite and the trigger_hurt, arn't on at the same time. Would it not?
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-29 13:09:59 UTC Post #111526
Multi_manager only toggles from on to off and the oppisite. If I understood then you can do it! ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-29 13:25:32 UTC Post #111535
Well it seems simple now that I think of it.

When the sprite is on when everyone dies, it stays on during the next round, but it's switched with the trigger_hurt and the lights. So when you press the button the sprite turns off and the trigger_hurt turns on. So, but triggering the sprite to always be off everytime you press the button before it turns on, they won't be switched.

Thanks again for all of your guyses help.
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