Problem making hallway Created 19 years ago2005-12-24 19:35:10 UTC by Xyos212 Xyos212

Created 19 years ago2005-12-24 19:35:10 UTC by Xyos212 Xyos212

Posted 19 years ago2005-12-24 19:35:10 UTC Post #154366
Im on the "In the beginning part 2" tutorial which is connecting 2 rooms with a hallway. Im having a problem. I create the hallway, select carve, then hollow. I make it so the hall connects between both walls. I compile the map and there is a wall where the entrance should be. Im not quite sure if I understand the tutorial completly. Can someone help me? Thanks
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-24 19:37:52 UTC Post #154369
That tutorial should be re-written, Carve and Hollow suck immensly, look in your 3d view and see if you have a wall there (switch it to the 3d textured view)
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-24 19:48:17 UTC Post #154370
How do I switch to 3d texture view? Also, if I dont carve, how will i create an entrance to the hallway?
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-24 19:49:30 UTC Post #154372
What version of hammer/worldcraft do you have? I had this problem with hammer 3.4 when I was trying to use ZHLT 3.1, nothing was changed in the BSP. Change to the newst hammer, hammer 3.5 beta. :)
That tutorial should be re-written, Carve and Hollow suck immensly
They do but they are tools that are good for begginers! They are easy to use but really buggy. Only after you learn more these tools become obselete.
How do I switch to 3d texture view?
On the right top corner of the camera view you'll see camera written. Press the text and choose textured.
Also, if I dont carve, how will i create an entrance to the hallway?
Don't bother your self with learning how not to carve. You'll come to this later.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-24 19:52:36 UTC Post #154373
I have 3.4. So simply changing to the newer one and following the directions will fix the problem?
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-24 19:53:10 UTC Post #154374
I think so.


Hammer 3.5 beta is the newst for Hl1. Hammer 4 is for source only.(Hl2, CS:S ect)
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-24 19:56:15 UTC Post #154375
Thanks. That 3d textured camera view is alot better! Ill upgrade to 3.5 and try again.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-24 20:25:19 UTC Post #154379
A hallway just consists of 4 brushes. An easy way to create them is by dragging them while holding the Shift key - this copies the brush you're moving. That means you only have to create a floor and a wall, then copy them and place them correctly.
This may seem more tedious than carving, but it gives you more control and is less likely to give problems later on.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-24 21:27:18 UTC Post #154382
Thanks. I found out the problem. I forgot to delete the last brush on the wall by hitting ignore. :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-25 20:43:27 UTC Post #154517
This may be an inapropriate comment, but I don't use hammer. I use GTKr that was made for Q3a and It's tools for brush and vertex manipulation make hammer look pretty silly. Of all the maps Ive done for HL and it's mods, I have never had any of the problems that hammer users encounter. For me, a fully textured hall way(even with complex angled walls) can be made in 3 clicks. 1 click to drag out a connecting brush, 1 click for CSG subtraction, the one click for the CSG-hollow.
I've used hammer. and after using GTK, I'll never put hammer back on my system again. It waists too much time doing simple things that GTK does instantly and flawlessly.
I'm sure I may stir up a hornets nest on this subject because GTK has such a different interface and people don't give it a chance, but honestly, It's just a better map editor.
If any one feels brave and feels the desire to kiss all these goofy Hammer related problems good bye, I'd be glad to explain how to get used to it.

Sorry about this post being slightly off key, I think it is at least somewhat relevant though. I wont say anything else about it so don't worry about telling me I'm out of place.
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