You'll be waiting for a while. He's done nothing wrong, he reported what he found out to TWHL. He did the right thing.
Alas, someone in this community has a brain.
It's the informants word against habboi's word, and in the end he can't be proven guilty or innocent.
I will not apologise, for I have done nothing wrong. Can somebody point out what I did wrong? Please, I want to know. I told the community what I heard, I haven't lied, and I haven't really been an asshole about it.
We're waiting for Trapt's apology, now sit there and be quiet!
... You'll be waiting a while. I don't apologise when I've done nothing wrong.
i also bet trapt wont read that whole post. he'll just find things he can contradict.
Yeah, nice one dickface. In fact, I'll summarise the whole post in a couple of sentences, ready?
'I'm habboi and I'm a little emo boy who wanted to cut himself because I was working too hard and so much blood sweat and tears went into my work and my marks were bad but i worked hard and they turned good and my family and friends were all emo about my mod work and then i joined this naughty mod and then i didn't work and got booted and then i voted for nightfall and joined ganglife cos the leader was amazed at my 'beautiful' work and i didn't steal screenshots look in this picture and you'll see a folder which i could've just created a couple days ago and you can't see anything in it and ignore the porn folder and the pirated game folder and the current projects folder.'
Handy little folder that I add map pics too when i apply for mods...back then Nightfall never asked for BSP files...
... hrmm.