Gordan Freemen Created 18 years ago2006-01-09 15:58:31 UTC by thepreacher thepreacher

Created 18 years ago2006-01-09 15:58:31 UTC by thepreacher thepreacher

Posted 18 years ago2006-01-09 15:58:31 UTC Post #157077
(This isn't directed at anyone special, and is not meant to offend.)

I've been at this site for a short while, reading regularly in these forums, downloading maps and so on. During this period I've come to notice that a lot of people in general are having a hard time getting certain character names etc. right.

Personally I find this very disturbing, and therefore I think it would be fitting to give a small crash course of how to type a Half-Life character name right:

The main character's name is GORDON FREEMAN.

Not gordan or gorden, and not freemen or fremen (which is a term from the great novel Dune). And if you're going to write a name, remember CAPITAL letters in the start of both first name and surname, like this: Gordon Freeman.

I hope this settles the matter once and for all, as I've been crying myself into sleep lately because of this horrendous misuse of both the English language and Half-Life terminology (and how hard can it actually be to get this right?).

If anyone else has other common Half-Life typing errors that should be corrected, please educate the world in this thread. After all, the outcome would be horrible if everyone went about and used wrong computer game terminology. And we can't have any of that.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-09 16:18:58 UTC Post #157079
Are you by any chance a teacher? You sound like my Eniglish teacher... :P

I have two problems: Whats Sheperd's first name, I remember it starts with an 'A', and do you spell Barney Calhon like that?
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-09 16:19:27 UTC Post #157080
ermmm... piss off
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-09 16:24:39 UTC Post #157082
Oh damn I wrote Einglish... sorry. :P

Posted 18 years ago2006-01-09 16:25:40 UTC Post #157083
You also sound like my English teacher
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-09 16:28:19 UTC Post #157084
I'm with preacher. English isn't, I don't imagine, his first language, and he can do it.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-09 16:33:03 UTC Post #157085
Elon: Adrian Shepard I believe unless Sheperd is spelt with an e? I'm not fully convinced.

Oh and sometimes people make mistakes but not on purpose, remember not everyone here speaks English as their first language.

Although even I type poorly and I am born under English rules. That however is no excuse.

Anyway Preacher very interesting topic and your one of the first people around to actually write so well and clearly.
ermmm... piss off
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-09 16:40:56 UTC Post #157086
Well, I'm not a teacher, just a student :)

Anyways, with my incredible knowledge of the Half-Life universe I can inform you that it's Adrian Shephard and it's Barney Calhoun :P

And Alex: Grow up :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-09 17:00:03 UTC Post #157092
z0mg i spek gud inglush!

Spell Nihalinth. or did i get it right?
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-09 17:54:18 UTC Post #157102
Habboi wrote:
Oh and sometimes people make mistakes but not on purpose, remember not everyone here speaks English as their first language.
Although I've noticed that those who get the names wrong are from a non-English country it's really not that hard to get it right. A major name like Gordon Freeman is mentioned throughout the game and also written (in the start), if I'm not too wrong. In addition you really can't miss the name when browsing most Half-Life related sites.

Anyway, this thread isn't supposed to be overly serious. Still, all those mistypings makes me wonder a bit :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-09 18:39:39 UTC Post #157128
I ralely dno't see waht the big dael is, if you can raed it tehn I dbuot taht tehre is a pobrlem.

English (if not all languages) is difficult because they don't spell some words like they are pronounced. Although name you probably should get names right, although my last name is spelt with an "a" but is pronounced as a "i".
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-09 18:42:27 UTC Post #157129
Well I think this thread could turn into an interesting discussion.
Spelling seems to make a big impact and it really gives off your personal life and people can tell what class you are.

Quite frankly i'm studying English for my As levels and it will surely help me expand my vocabulary and my spelling errors. I'm starting to say he's now instead of his which is good.

So who here learn't English as a second language? I'm just very curious to see who is and who isn't so I can see the spelling mistakes :)
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-09 18:56:36 UTC Post #157133
It'd certainly add to the (first) impression you make if you take the time to check for such mistakes... so yeah, I'm with preacher, sort of. Not everybody may have had the same level of education though so it doesn't say everything about a person.

@Habboi: English is my second language, Dutch is my first one. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-09 18:58:12 UTC Post #157134
Well I must say you and other members here write outstandingly good replies. You mastered English very well!
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-09 19:06:55 UTC Post #157140
People who mispell Gordon Freeman have never played Half Life. more than likely they are the kind of people who only play Counter Strike and have never even heard of Half Life and have heard the name "Gordon Freeman" in the past somewhere.
Spell Nihalinth. or did i get it right?
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-09 19:34:52 UTC Post #157146
Habboi: Norwegian is my first language, and thus English is my second language.

I've also had classes in German, but I lost interest after a while (not too odd, considering I was 14 years old and quite immature).

Now I've got classes in Spanish, and I'm thinking about learning Japanese in the future (if I find time for it). I've also got a book about Maltese in my bookshelf, bought during a vacation on Malta, but I'm unsure whether I'll actually pursue that :)

Anyone else that's interested in language here?
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-09 19:40:18 UTC Post #157147
Well about two years ago I had no choice but to do a language! At my school one language is conpulsary.

So I choose French and don't get me wrong learning new languages is interesting but quite challenging. I was in the top class but still struggled with it. The thing is my old teacher was a bit well not mean but she picked on me and made me answer a load of questions which sometimes I failed and felt embarrassed.

After those two years were up I was really happy. So languages don't interest me anymore sadly.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-10 02:55:49 UTC Post #157215
English is my primary language, and I still can't spell. :)

Working on learning Spanish right now. Que tal?
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-10 05:29:30 UTC Post #157224
Anyone else that's interested in language here?
Me. I did French and Spanish up to GCSE (end of secondary school) and can still speak some. Studying Russian at the moment, a language in which I intend to be fluent in the near future.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-10 07:25:29 UTC Post #157228
I always wanted to learn Russian or Japanese but I have no time anymore :nervous:
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-11 13:25:43 UTC Post #157463
I know french (kinda), and think that even on internet forums, people should try to spell correctly all of the time.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-11 15:30:01 UTC Post #157480
It's better to learn other langauges when you are young. It's easier, but, it takes a long attention spam.

I think my replies are okay. I'm 1/2 Canadian and English, although not many people know that. But English is my first langauge.
I'm only 13, but my language is better than most people's of my age.
Apart from my last comic (which had too many spelling mistakes).

One thing that pisses me off is people who get to and too confused.
A example of "to".

"Young Billy went to the old corner shop." Not "Young Billy went too the old corner shop."

A example of "too".

And, it's "Yeah". Not "Yea".

(Even though "Yeah" isn't a word, still, spell it correctly!)

"It's too hot!" Not "It's to hot!" :furious:
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-11 16:49:45 UTC Post #157487
"Yea" is just a sound, It's as valid a written form as "yeah".
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-11 19:37:53 UTC Post #157532
I find it rather amusing that a person who complains about other people's spelling makes so many spelling mistakes.

A example
attention spam
and so forth.
ChickenFist ChickenFist<Witty Title>
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-11 19:56:50 UTC Post #157535
Learning to type properly isn't difficult, really.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-12 10:01:14 UTC Post #157586
1 kn0w, wh4t's up w1th p30pl3 4lw4ys c0rr3ct1ng p30pl3 wh0 4r3 1ll1t3r4t3. P30pl3 wh0 d0n't kn0w h0w t0 sp3ll sh0uld g0 b4ck t0 fuck1n sch00l 4nd g3t l34rn3d. 3sp3c14lly th0s3 wh0 h4ng 4r0und f0rums l1k3 4 bunch 0f h4lf-l1f3 m4pp3rs. But wh0 und3rst4nds th0s3 m4pp3r guys 4nyw4y.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-12 10:18:31 UTC Post #157587
People just need to accept that some people are not as good at languages as them.

I am useless at languages, i read constantly but hated learning English. I am always checking my spelling in MS Word just to make sure its right but when it comes to grammar i just get lost. I am by no means thick or stupid, my skills are elsewhere, maths, science and anything that involves logic and problem solving.

Sometimes, its a case of trying to type too fast, i get the right letters in the wrong places.

So what if people make a few mistakes? Just accept the fact the languages are not everyone's strong point and move on.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-12 10:41:39 UTC Post #157590
Well, one should be able to both speak and write ones first language properly, at least.

It's not that much work either. Writing and reading once in a while will certainly improve ones language skills, and it's entertaining and creative as well.

Learning another language can be a bit harder, though, and if it's not for you then that's okey. You don't have to pursue it. Still, in general, I think learning English should be compulsory (in non-English countries), considering that it's such an important and international language.

A few mistakes doesn't matter, of course.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-12 18:36:27 UTC Post #157635
How is it even physically possible that every thread get so off topic after like 4 replies? Its like some A.D.D curse on the whole community.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-12 19:49:57 UTC Post #157643
Um, yours is the only off-topic reply here.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-12 21:09:00 UTC Post #157645
What? Crap! Everyone is all of a sudden talking about language though.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-12 22:00:29 UTC Post #157648
hwo to tlak enlgish?
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-13 20:29:35 UTC Post #157814
I've given up on language on the internet. You can't fend off all the "yo d00d wad up" yuppie scum.

But i can understand your point(s). When English isn't your vernacular language - its hard to understand slang and mistyped text. I guess it all comes down to the person typing the post.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-13 20:37:13 UTC Post #157821
Typos and misspelled words always bother me, but I know I am an obsessive-compulsive freak who gets annoyed at every little things.

However, I try not to impose my compulsion on others. People have different standards, and we're talking about a gaming forum here. I don't take things too seriously when it comes to gaming.

As long as I can understand what they're trying to say, I just let it go. In fact, sometimes I even quote bad grammar and typos in my posts. I figure the writer should have the ownership of the post I am quoting, so I resist the temptation to modify them.

And 1337 speak is another matter. You're suppose to type certain words the "wrong" way when you're typing 1337. For example: "That was teh pwn!"

I think I am the only one who types complete sentences with proper punctuation and capitalization in the middle of a firefight in CS:S. Maybe that's why I die so often.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-13 20:39:59 UTC Post #157824
I always find it much more simple to write properly all the time, even when i'm texting on my mobile. Otherwise I end up writing in bizarre ways and with my current line of work that would send me right up the shitter.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-13 21:14:02 UTC Post #157829
I think people do pay special attention to spelling and grammar when they're posting in this thread.

Either that or they intentionally misspell words.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-14 04:09:54 UTC Post #157866
I always find it much more simple to write properly all the time, even when i'm texting on my mobile.
Me too.

FPSs are the only excuse for crap typing.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
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