Okay, so I'm trying to make a level change in an elevator, but I'm running into some problems...
I have the normal setup with a trigger_changelevel and an info_landmark. You shouldn't be able to change levels unless you're inside the elevator with the doors closed, so I put a trigger_transition inside it, gave it the same name as the trigger_changelevel, and had one of the elevator doors "fire on close", triggering the trigger_changelevel (but it should only work if I'm standing in the trigger_transition, right?). The elevator door has its "toggle" flag set, so I have to press the button inside or outside the elevator again to get it to close.
Now, this would all work fine, if the map wouldn't change when I'm still outside the elevator. The way it is, it's almost as if the trigger_transition isn't even there. The map will just change whenever the elevator door closes, no matter if you're inside it or not.
So, do you see any problems with the setup? This is the first time I've attempted using a level change of this sort, so I'm sure there's got to be some mistake in there, right?