Questions Created 18 years ago2006-07-11 05:02:18 UTC by S.O.T.E. S.O.T.E.

Created 18 years ago2006-07-11 05:02:18 UTC by S.O.T.E. S.O.T.E.

Posted 18 years ago2006-07-11 05:02:18 UTC Post #189662
Ok, I'm creating a de map, but none of the Ts start with a bomb. There is a bombsite between ct and t base but there are 2 bombs at ct base. So, I want to make a trigger_hurt with 999999 damage per second around both bombs so that when 1 is picked up by a t, the other bomb will be guarded by the trigger hurt.
Oh yeah, and can I do something like an object that's breakable and when it breaks, something else is triggered?
Oh, just 1 more thing. For an elevator I'm making, there are 3 storeys. I can make it go from level 1 to 2; from level 2 to 3 and from 3 back to 1. But how do I make it go from, for example, 1 to 3 and 3 to 2 or 2 to 1 for that point? If it's not possible, then never mind. I'll appreciate any comments really cos this is really bugging me...
Thanks! Oh yeah, and I read the tut already if you're wondering... but that's for making 2 storeys only... :nuke:
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-11 05:16:24 UTC Post #189665
1) Do you have a func_bombzone (cant remember if thats the exact entity name)

2) Select your func_breakable go to outputs, and make the condition "on break"
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-11 07:23:34 UTC Post #189678
Dosn't the weapon_c4 have an output called "on pick up" or something like that.. then use that to trigger the trigger_hurt.


well here it is anyway ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-11 08:04:07 UTC Post #189682
Ok, thanks! Hope it works though cos my hammer is really crappy... Anyway, is what i'm trying to do with the lift possible?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-11 09:45:18 UTC Post #189689
I think it is... I'll test it later and tell you if succesful...
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-12 06:29:54 UTC Post #189772
ok thanks! :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-12 09:45:33 UTC Post #189788
Hey, you know you guys always measure things in "units". Well, I can't see any units on my Hammer! Can somebody tell me how to get this "units" thing or tell me how many cubes (as in, you know, the squares in the grid...) is 16 units? :confused:
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-12 09:55:04 UTC Post #189789
It depends on the scale of the grid. The units are shown in the bottom status bar.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-13 01:34:28 UTC Post #189895
you can also click on the brush/entity and it will give you the l/w/h demensions in the 2d views.

As for the elevator, i suppose you could place 3 buttons inside the elevator that trigger the whole sequence of moving to each level, like telling one to move to level 2 and one to move to level 3, etc. I haven't much experience with elevators, but that method may work...

Good luck :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-13 05:10:47 UTC Post #189907
Haha, I just saw it! Thanks a lot! About the idea of having 3 buttons, i don't think it'll work, but thanks anyway!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-13 05:21:12 UTC Post #189909
you can only make a 3-level lift that has to go thru all 3 levels before it goes back down...else, use stairs :P
anyway, elevators dont match the gameplay style of CS.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-13 06:33:23 UTC Post #189912
O, ok! Thanks! :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-13 12:07:22 UTC Post #189941
good point, penguin. I was actually planning to put an elevator in my level after i saw this post, so that's helpful to know for me too :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-16 02:46:13 UTC Post #190295
err, anyone knows how I can make water spray out of a pipe? Flow out is also ok if spraying out is not possible...
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-16 03:13:30 UTC Post #190296
with func_conveyers and sprites, but dont ask me how :x
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-16 03:26:31 UTC Post #190297

Like penguinboy said. Although this is for HL1. I dunno if func_conveyors and scroll textures work the same in Source.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 04:47:35 UTC Post #190445
Oh, yeah! Thanks. They work perfect! :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 05:09:53 UTC Post #190448
Err, sorry, but I didn't really understand how to make the water gushing out from a pipe... Can you briefly explain or give me a tut... Thanks!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 09:02:47 UTC Post #190480
Ok, never mind! I got it! Thanks! :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-18 05:24:41 UTC Post #190621
Just a little problem here: I downloaded a helicopter model, but after extracting it and using "cycler" to try and open it in Hammer, I can't see it anywhere. My folder's there, but it's empty... :tired:
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-18 05:27:39 UTC Post #190622
Why're you using a cycler? This is Source!

If it's a static model, then use a prop_static.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-18 05:36:02 UTC Post #190623
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-18 06:42:44 UTC Post #190626
SOTE please dont quadruple post, there is an edit button when you are the last person to post, its next to your name (only when your the last post)
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-18 08:50:07 UTC Post #190631
Oh... right...didn't see that... sorry! :lol:
You know in one of the half-life (I forgot which one...), there's a vending machine that can spawn drinks.
I made that already.
But then, how do I do something whereby when you touch the drink, (actually, something VERY small in front of the drink cos the drink's an env) you regain 3 health?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-19 05:55:36 UTC Post #190767
hey i just realised that if I edit instead of creating a new post, the post remains "read", meaning no one will notice!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-22 09:44:29 UTC Post #191259
My map runs perfectly fine, a few problems here and there which I fixed, but there's one that has me STUMPED.
Whenever I want to play it, it says this which I couldn't take a screenshot of by the way:
"The instruction at [some wierd code] was referenced at [a different wierd code]. The memory could not be read. Click ok to terminate the program"
If anyone thinks that knowing what the code is will help then I'll add it, but if not, can anyone help?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-22 09:59:02 UTC Post #191264
meaning no one will notice
Wrong, people check all the threads because it turns green when you edit.

Does this error cause you problems...I recognise that error as a serious one.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-23 02:44:32 UTC Post #191337
I can compile and all, but whenever I start cs and try to play my map, it starts loading for a while then the message pops up, i click ok and cs just closes.
Do you want the code?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-23 08:20:26 UTC Post #191359
Post the Compile log and we'll see.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 04:14:18 UTC Post #191417
Ok, here it is...
I know its kinda short but that's because I'm only 1/4 done with it...
If there's a leak problem, that's fine cos I simply haven't put in the sky yet. Please note that i added in a temporary sky while testing it.
** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: D:SierraCondition Zeroczero

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "D:SierraMap" "D:SierraMap"

** Executing...
** Command: C:PROGRA~1VALVEH~1toolsqcsg.exe
** Parameters: "D:SierraMap Testde_ambush"

qcsg.exe v2.8 (Jan 31 2000)
-- qcsg --
entering D:SierraMap
CreateBrush: 0...1...2...3...Entity 0, Brush 40: plane with no normal
Entity 0, Brush 40: A 'Unknown Class' @(0,0,0) has a coplanar plane at (763, 319, 2), texture C3A2A_PIPE1
Entity 0, Brush 40: A 'Unknown Class' @(0,0,0)
outside world(+/-4096): (-9000, -9000, 2)-(9000,1946,9000)
Entity 0, Brush 40: A 'Unknown Class' @(0,0,0)
outside world(+/-4096): (-9016, -9016, -34)-(9016,1964,9036)
Entity 0, Brush 40: A 'Unknown Class' @(0,0,0)
outside world(+/-4096): (-9032, -9032, -30)-(9032,1983,9032)
Entity 0, Brush 40: A 'Unknown Class' @(0,0,0)
outside world(+/-4096): (-9016, -9016, -16)-(9016,1964,9018)
4...Entity 0, Brush 55: A 'Unknown Class' @(0,0,0)
outside world(+/-4096): (-1040, -2320, 3996)-(1040,336,4131)
Entity 0, Brush 55: A 'Unknown Class' @(0,0,0)
outside world(+/-4096): (-1056, -2336, 4000)-(1056,352,4127)
Entity 0, Brush 55: A 'Unknown Class' @(0,0,0)
outside world(+/-4096): (-1040, -2320, 4014)-(1040,336,4113)
5...6...7...8...9... (0)
CSGBrush: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
Using WAD File: sierracondition zerovalvehalflife.wad
added 8 additional animating textures.
1 seconds elapsed
** Executing...
** Command: C:PROGRA~1VALVEH~1toolsqbsp2.exe
** Parameters: "D:SierraMap Testde_ambush"

qbsp2.exe v2.2 (Dec 28 1998)
-- qbsp2 --

********** ERROR **********
nummarkfaces == MAX_LEAF_FACES

** Executing...
** Command: C:PROGRA~1VALVEH~1toolsvis.exe
** Parameters: "D:SierraMap Testde_ambush"

vis.exe v1.3 (Dec 30 1998)
-- vis --
1 thread(s)
LoadPortals: couldn't read D:SierraMap Testde_ambush.prt
No vising performed.

** Executing...
** Command: C:PROGRA~1VALVEH~1toolsqrad.exe
** Parameters: "D:SierraMap Testde_ambush"

** Executing...
** Command: D:SierraCOUNTE~1.6cstrike.exe
** Parameters: -dev -console +map "de_ambush"
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 04:18:42 UTC Post #191418
delete entity 0 brush 40, and entity 0, brush 55
(press ctrl-shift-G and put numbers in)
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 14:03:05 UTC Post #191459
Get ZHLT for compiling. Links page.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 14:34:53 UTC Post #191475
isnt ZHLT for hl1 only?

I had a weird error (this is for DM, mind you) where I got the exact same error except that it was "00000001 referenced at 00000001" and I had found that I forgot to put an info_player_deathmatch in. If thats the weird code you see then perhaps you had a brain-fart (like I always seem to have) and you forgot to add that in :nuts:

Other than that, i have no idea
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 02:51:16 UTC Post #191593
Parameters: D:SierraCondition Zeroczero

You're making a map for condition zero, and you post this in source discussion? Also, it looks like there are several brushes leaking or in eachother, try going to the co-ordinates and see if there's a hole in the map or a brush inside another there.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 04:45:35 UTC Post #191595
Oh, ok. Thanks!
I'm asking in Source forums cos there's no CZ forum. Anyway, compiling is all the same right?
Oh yeah, and I didn't know that brushes could not overlap each other! Will the map crash if that happens?

Oh, and how do I make a shiny floor? Thanks guys!
Ok, I used the ZHLT to compile, deleted the problematic brushes, but the text document in my map test folder says that my map apparently has a lot of problems. AND I don't see a .bsp file ANYWHERE!
here's the compile log:

hlcsg v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlcsg ---
Command line: D:SierraExtrasZHLThlcsg.exe "D:SierraMap Testde_ambush"
Entering D:SierraMap

Current hlcsg Settings
Name | Setting | Default
threads [ 1 ] [ Varies ]
verbose [ off ] [ off ]
log [ on ] [ on ]
developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
chart [ off ] [ off ]
estimate [ off ] [ off ]
max texture memory [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
max lighting memory [ 6291456 ] [ 6291456 ]
priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ]

noclip [ off ] [ off ]
null texture stripping[ on ] [ on ]
clipnode economy mode [ on ] [ on ]
clip hull type [ legacy ] [ legacy ]
onlyents [ off ] [ off ]
wadtextures [ on ] [ on ]
skyclip [ on ] [ on ]
hullfile [ None ] [ None ]
nullfile [ None ] [ None ]
min surface area [ 0.500 ] [ 0.500 ]
brush union threshold [ 0.000 ] [ 0.000 ]

Using mapfile wad configuration
Wadinclude list :

1 brushes (totalling 6 sides) discarded from clipping hulls
Error: Entity 0, Brush 98: outside world(+/-4096): (1040,-2320,3996)(1040,336,4131)
Error: brush outside world
Description: The map has a problem which must be fixed
Howto Fix: Check the file for a detailed explanation of this problem

Error: Entity 0, Brush 98: outside world(+/-4096): (1056,-2336,4000)(1056,352,4127)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 98: outside world(+/-4096): (1040,-2320,4014)(1040,336,4113)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 113, Side 1: plane with no normal
Error: Entity 0, Brush 113, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (763, 319, 2), texture C3A2A_PIPE1
Error: Entity 0, Brush 113, Side 6: has a coplanar plane at (782, 310, 2), texture C3A2A_PIPE1
Error: Entity 0, Brush 113, Side 10: has a coplanar plane at (793, 285, 2), texture C3A2A_PIPE1
Error: Entity 0, Brush 113, Side 14: has a coplanar plane at (782, 260, 2), texture C3A2A_PIPE1
Error: Entity 0, Brush 113, Side 17: has a coplanar plane at (763, 251, 2), texture C3A2A_PIPE1
Error: Entity 0, Brush 113, Side 22: has a coplanar plane at (730, 260, 2), texture C3A2A_PIPE1
Error: Entity 0, Brush 113, Side 26: has a coplanar plane at (719, 285, 2), texture C3A2A_PIPE1
Error: Entity 0, Brush 113, Side 30: has a coplanar plane at (730, 310, 2), texture C3A2A_PIPE1
Error: Entity 0, Brush 113: outside world(+/-4096): (10000,-10000,2)(10000,10000,2)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 113: outside world(+/-4096): (10000,-10000,2)(10000,10000,2)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 113: outside world(+/-4096): (10016,-10016,-34)(10016,10016,38)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 113: outside world(+/-4096): (10016,-10016,-34)(10016,10016,38)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 113: outside world(+/-4096): (10032,-10032,-30)(10032,10032,34)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 113: outside world(+/-4096): (10032,-10032,-30)(10032,10032,34)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 113: outside world(+/-4096): (10016,-10016,-16)(10016,10016,20)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 113: outside world(+/-4096): (10016,-10016,-16)(10016,10016,20)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 152: outside world(+/-4096): (1104,-2320,4058)(1040,400,4132)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 152: outside world(+/-4096): (1120,-2336,4062)(1056,416,4128)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 152: outside world(+/-4096): (1104,-2320,4076)(1040,400,4114)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 154: outside world(+/-4096): (1104,-2320,-98)(-1070,400,4130)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 154: outside world(+/-4096): (1120,-2336,-94)(-1054,416,4126)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 154: outside world(+/-4096): (1104,-2320,-80)(-1070,400,4112)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 155: outside world(+/-4096): (1006,2320,-98)(1040,400,4130)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 155: outside world(+/-4096): (990,2336,-94)(1056,416,4126)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 155: outside world(+/-4096): (1006,2320,-80)(1040,400,4112)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 156: outside world(+/-4096): (1102,366,-98)(1038,400,4130)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 156: outside world(+/-4096): (1118,350,-94)(1054,416,4126)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 156: outside world(+/-4096): (1102,366,-80)(1038,400,4112)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 157: outside world(+/-4096): (1102,-2320,-98)(1038,-2286,4130)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 157: outside world(+/-4096): (1118,-2336,-94)(1054,-2270,4126)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 157: outside world(+/-4096): (1102,-2320,-80)(1038,-2286,4112)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 158: outside world(+/-4096): (1040,-2320,3996)(1040,336,4131)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 158: outside world(+/-4096): (1056,-2336,4000)(1056,352,4127)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 158: outside world(+/-4096): (1040,-2320,4014)(1040,336,4113)
(0.94 seconds)

--- END hlcsg ---

hlbsp v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlbsp ---
Command line: D:SierraExtrasZHLThlbsp.exe "D:SierraMap Testde_ambush"
>> There was a problem compiling the map.
>> Check the file D:SierraMap Testde_ambush.log for the cause.

--- END hlbsp ---

hlvis v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlvis ---
Command line: D:SierraExtrasZHLThlvis.exe "D:SierraMap Testde_ambush"
>> There was a problem compiling the map.
>> Check the file D:SierraMap Testde_ambush.log for the cause.

--- END hlvis ---

hlrad v3.4 Final (Feb 25 2006)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlrad ---
Command line: D:SierraExtrasZHLThlrad.exe "D:SierraMap Testde_ambush"
>> There was a problem compiling the map.
>> Check the file D:SierraMap Testde_ambush.log for the cause.

--- END hlrad ---

Can anyone help?
Oh yeah, did I mention that the compiling stops after showing all this because of a fatal error: "Host_Init: Couldn't load gfx/palette.lmp".
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 06:28:00 UTC Post #191597
Condition Zero is the Goldsource engine, so I'm moving this to the HL1 forum.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-25 06:46:04 UTC Post #191598
There are a lot of brushes badly designed, there are brushes outside of the world, brush-based entities without a brush assigned to them. I think it would be better if you build the map all over again, unless it took a lot of work to build already.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 05:33:51 UTC Post #191693
I've deleted 3 maps already, and this is my best so far! No way man!
Anyway, I removed all errors, leaks and the compiling and all is fine, its just that when I load my map in CZ, it starts loading, but at the part where it says "Verifying resources...", it's just stuck there, and stays there forever, NOT DOING ANYTHING!!!
So I cancel and go to console to see what it has been trying to do, and it tells me
Error: server failed to transmit file 'sound/D'
What does that mean cos I think that's what stopping it from loading...
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 06:06:03 UTC Post #191696
it means you have an ambient_generic with a sound name that says something like this:


You only put the sound folder (ambience or whatever it is in this case) and the sound name so it should be

Any chatter regarding modding or playing the original Half-Life and its mods belongs here.
That's what it says for the HL1 forum. Czero is a Half-Life mod, yet you put it in the source forum.. that's just stupid.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 06:39:11 UTC Post #191697
Error: Entity 0, Brush 155: outside world(+/-4096): (1006,2320,-98)(1040,400,4130)
Notice that the cordinates aren't a crazy number like 9999999, this means the level is truly too near too the edge of the map. 64 units is the maximum distence between the edge and the level. Move the level farther away from the edge.
Error: Entity 0, Brush 113, Side 1: plane with no normal
Error: Entity 0, Brush 113, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (763, 319, 2), texture C3A2A_PIPE1
If you wont fix the planes with no normal errors your maps wont run. Go to map menu->Go to brush number and paste the defected brush and entity number.(written in bold in my quote) Then remake the brush from the start.
That's what it says for the HL1 forum. Czero is a Half-Life mod, yet you put it in the source forum.. that's just stupid.
Most people that buy Hl2/CS:S don't know that their engine is called source, they only know that the game they bought is Half-life or Counter Strike.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 06:44:40 UTC Post #191698
Lol, sorry guys. I know you are all very pissed I posted in the wrong forum... I always thought CZ wasn't really a hl mod. So source was the closest thing! :lol: Anyway, thanks!
Err, I just realised that I don't have a SINGLE ambient_generic in my map. What should I do then???
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