Op4 mod team Created 18 years ago2006-09-28 23:20:06 UTC by NineTnine NineTnine

Created 18 years ago2006-09-28 23:20:06 UTC by NineTnine NineTnine

Posted 18 years ago2006-09-28 23:20:06 UTC Post #197890
this is just a though and, i may not need you but i was thinkin bout makin an op4 sp mod. anyone wanna help?
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-29 00:42:14 UTC Post #197894
Erm... Any ideas about the story, or did you just get some sudden inclination to make an Opposing Force mod?

By the way, isn't it true that, by copying the Opposing Force DLLs, you could just make the mod for Half-Life? It would be preferable to do this, since many people don't have Opposing Force installed.
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-29 01:19:52 UTC Post #197895
you cant, because it's illegal to distribute another game's content.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-29 01:35:18 UTC Post #197899
Okkkkk, USING the op4 FGD....if you want more detail send me a PM so i can straighten things out more. ok, the dlls and stuff, may be a bit. though i did say i may not be doin it....
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-29 04:06:25 UTC Post #197901
/me slaps you on the head a few times.

You will get no help proposing a mod request like this.
Post screenshots, concept art, story and at the very least, a detailed few paragraphs about what the mod is about. You didnt even tell us what you're looking for. Level Designers? Modellers? Coders?
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-29 04:51:22 UTC Post #197912
This reminds me of what I did, except I had a little more information, Like what it would be called and stuff.

lol lol olo lol
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-29 14:02:09 UTC Post #197937
you cant, because it's illegal to distribute another game's content
Who cares after hl2 came out...everyone does it.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-01 21:44:18 UTC Post #198248
ok. it was only a though. since my parents let me map again (using worldcraft) i havent started. I need an expert mapper, scripter,dont think i need a coder or new textures. basic stuff. a short mod combining maps from each different hl mod based around black mesa. where you play as a grunt told to guard an entrence. i was thinkin bout the entrence at the start of azure sheep...i can make maps to look almost the same as other maps from mods. for 10 mins real time. thats as far as i got. THATS why it was a though. any other map ideas would help.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-01 23:16:14 UTC Post #198253
Copying areas out of other mods is pretty cheap, in my opinion.
since my parents let me map again (using worldcraft) i havent started.
Your parents put restrictions on mapping? And they only let you use Worldcraft? LOLERGASM!!! :nuts:
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-03 21:43:32 UTC Post #198432
Noooo. im not allowed to download stuff. so im only using world craft off the disk. ok. THATS WHY I NEED ideas, THATS WHY it was a though. plus, i enjoy playin the same maps in different mod. (azure sheep)
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-03 21:54:42 UTC Post #198433
why don't u just download hammer and rename the shortcut worldcraft so they won't know the difference. that is after u delete worldcraft from the comp, cuz it wud be pretty stupid to have 2 copies of worldcraft -.-
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