Sky texture not showing Created 17 years ago2007-11-24 19:30:38 UTC by Stu Pidaso Stu Pidaso

Created 17 years ago2007-11-24 19:30:38 UTC by Stu Pidaso Stu Pidaso

Posted 17 years ago2007-11-24 19:30:38 UTC Post #239117
Weirdest thing because I believe I am following everything to a T. I have created brushes that are using the "sky" texture. In the map properties option I am changing the skyname to the appropriate sky texture name that I have in my gfx/env folder. When the map compiles and run it in HL, the sky is showing up as blue/black scattered patterns. I have other maps with sky boxes and do not have this problem. I even used Ented on the compiled BSP to verify that it did name the correct sky texture. What I am doing wrong?
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-24 20:04:53 UTC Post #239120
Are the files making up the custom sky the correct format? They also HAVE to be 256x256 pixel images saved as 256 colour format.

Otherwise post a screenshot so that we can see what we're dealing with.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-24 22:21:45 UTC Post #239127
The image is in 256x256. It has been used in other maps so I know it is ok. I have tried using other sky textures and get the same results. Here is a screen shot of what is happening.
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-25 02:41:31 UTC Post #239131
Wow, that is strange. I'd say it's definitely not a problem with the TGAs themselves, as you've already stated. looks almost like a graphics card problem or something. I think I've seen a thread about this here before, but that was a log time back. I'm sure there's someone here who knows about this.

Edit: Wait, that looks like the SKY brushes are being drawn as normal surfaces. The skybox doesn't follow you like it should, does it? You haven't tried to use the skybox images as textures, have you?
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-25 02:54:30 UTC Post #239132
That's what I thought too. It's not being drawn like a skybox.

I think someone needs to go check out the tutorials page.
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-25 03:00:30 UTC Post #239134
That would contradict his statement that he has "other maps with sky boxes and do not have this problem".
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-25 04:34:00 UTC Post #239139
Yes, this is quite weird.
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-25 12:51:50 UTC Post #239145
i've gotten that before. Make sure there's only one sky texture in your complete collection of wads. Re-save the wad with wally, and try it again.

What i did was just copied the halflife.wad texture into my custom wad. I guess if you use a sky texture from a wad that's already in use, and there's another sky texture, it screws everything up.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
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