Map of the Year || Best of 2003-2006 Created 17 years ago2007-12-12 14:54:35 UTC by Daubster Daubster

Created 17 years ago2007-12-12 14:54:35 UTC by Daubster Daubster

Posted 17 years ago2007-12-19 23:16:30 UTC Post #241549
I don't think it should be allowed for people to only vote for one thing, and nothing else. If you think about it, it really offsets the vote with people doing that, because it neglects any maps that might be in, say, second place from getting any points at all! I think the point system would be fine if you were required to vote for five and no less than five, but as it is it seems a bit unfair to me.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-20 18:04:30 UTC Post #241631
yeah, actually i agree with srry =o
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-20 18:10:21 UTC Post #241632
Srry is right.

But what, I mean, are we gonna redo the whole vote?
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-20 21:38:07 UTC Post #241635
No, but you could require people who only voted for one thing to choose their other four. I think only Ghetto, World Crafter, and Mad Cow did it anyway.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-20 22:03:07 UTC Post #241636
Well, Im out then, my shitty memory sucks.

I have played most of these maps, but I have no memory of anyone except HLywood.
HLywood was special ;>
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-21 00:57:50 UTC Post #241644
Crap. I've downloaded so much junk over the past 3 years I couldn't even begin to name some. I have probably downloaded about 30-50 mods and 400+ maps.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-21 01:54:19 UTC Post #241646
I don't think it should be allowed for people to only vote for one thing, and nothing else. If you think about it, it really offsets the vote with people doing that, because it neglects any maps that might be in, say, second place from getting any points at all!
Then I'll add four more votes for you. No map votes from me. Only mods.

1. Timefall
2. Uplink Extended
3. Minimicus
4. Starwars
5. HLywood

Orb was insane, but it didn't leave a lasting impression.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-21 14:50:09 UTC Post #241672
MotM: October reviews have been posted!

Best of 2003-2006 score
Half-Life: Uplink Extended (HL1 MOD) - [m]23[/m]
Minimicus (HL1 MOD) - [m]19[/m]
Life's End (HL1 MOD) - [m]14[/m]

Orb (HL1 SP) - 12
Timefall (HL1 MOD) - 7
Intake (HLDM) - 4
Carbaseus (HLDM) - 3
HLywood (HL1 MOD) - 3
Sidney Harbour Bridge (HL1 SP) - 3
Tribute (HL1 SP) - 3
Kaufmann House (SOURCE SP) - 2
Ruled By Insanity (HL1 MOD) - 2
Star Wars (HL1 MOD) - 2
Sunden (HLDM) - 2
Day 13 (SOURCE MOD) - 1
GunGod (HLDM) - 1

Srry: You've got a point, though some people haven't played enough MV maps/mods to be able to choose 5 worthy of the award. Any vote is valuable and I don't think forcing others to spend lots of time searching for more quality stuff is a good idea, so unless more people find this unfair, the rule stays.
Sure, there's always laziness, but I'm sure at least most of our old-timers will manage remembering 5 of their favourites. ;)

Thanks to everyone who voted so far!
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-23 08:52:14 UTC Post #241797
True. Still, even if you only vote for two or three things, it's better than one.

We should have a thread for the worst maps of 2003-2006. That'd be fun. :P
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-23 09:10:49 UTC Post #241799
So be it. Rules updated; When voting for Best of 2003-2006, you must choose at least 3 entries. Everyone, who voted for less than 3 ([m]Madcow, Espen, NineTnine, Ghetto[/m]) have to vote for at least another 2. For now - their given points are removed.

As for worst maps - heh, why not? Post away, maybe there'll be a review for the crap maps in the end too? ;>
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-23 09:23:18 UTC Post #241800
Minimicus - Best mod I've ever ever played from here. No doubt about it.
Timefall - A little confusing, but a great mod nonetheless.
Life's end - Just a really good mod.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-23 11:30:46 UTC Post #241805
5 points: Minimicus
4 points: Orb (Compo 20)
3 points: Operation Overlord
2 points: Half-Life: Uplink Extended
1 points: HLywood
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-23 18:52:31 UTC Post #241824
Best of 2003-2006 score
Minimicus (HL1 MOD) - [m]29[/m]
Half-Life: Uplink Extended (HL1 MOD) - [m]26[/m]
Life's End (HL1 MOD) - [m]22[/m]

Orb (HL1 SP) - 19
Timefall (HL1 MOD) - 11
De_Spirits (CS:S) - 4
HLywood (HL1 MOD) - 4
Intake (HLDM) - 4
Carbaseus (HLDM) - 3
Operation Overlord (TFC) - 3
Sidney Harbour Bridge (HL1 SP) - 3
Tribute (HL1 SP) - 3
De_Vine (CS 1.6) - 2
Kaufmann House (SOURCE SP) - 2
Ruled By Insanity (HL1 MOD) - 2
Star Wars (HL1 MOD) - 2
Sunden (HLDM) - 2
Day 13 (SOURCE MOD) - 1
GunGod (HLDM) - 1

Well, finally finished choosing my 5 for Best Of '03-'06..
Life's End - An awesome and creative mod. Amazing for a one-developer creation. Definitely worth the cake.
De_spirits - The majestic large areas really impressed me. Even for a Source map.
Orb - Probably the most amazing HL ent setup to date.
De_vine - The legendary CS map. Looked awesome 3 years ago and still does now. ;P
HL:UE - Quality and well-executed mod bringing back the nicest memories. However - a remake and nothing to make you gasp too much either, imo.

Some maps/mods that were really close to appearing in my list..
Minimicus, Timefall - Legendary, amazing work back in the day, a bit lacking when you look at it now.
Lab17_quake - A very well-made HLDM map, interesting theme. This was very close, but not close enough.
Dm_poisongarden - Beautiful DM map. Nearly made it, but I turned it down in the end.
De_etape - Bbeautiful map, however, it didn't present anything new or spectacular either.
De_railstation - Very nice open map I really enjoyed playing. Lacking detail and too crate-filled sometimes, though.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-24 01:13:21 UTC Post #241830
i did pick three. Lifes End for number 1 and the other 2 were my maps.

Fine then!

1) Lifes End (just because) [number 1 vote, btw]
2) ... (You fail for voting for your own map. Read the goddamn rules, kid!)
3) In-Security (because i need something to fill number 3)

ok done!
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-24 01:17:28 UTC Post #241831
You can't vote for your own maps you self important cunt. Even if you don't have the decency to obide by that yourself, it's one of the rules stated in the first post.

Posted 17 years ago2007-12-24 01:18:31 UTC Post #241832
you can't vote for your own maps :|
play some of the maps voted here and vote for you favourite, or your vote won't be counted.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-24 01:36:50 UTC Post #241833
Okay, based on what the current scores are then I will award the following:

1. Minimicus - I simply love mini-maps and the effects were cool
2. Uplink Extended (HL1 MOD) - This was a true HL mod, I haven't seen any mod that resembles HL so well.
3. Timefall - I didn't play Life's End but I really like Timefall, good storyline-map mesh even if I had to restart the mod a few times.

For maps:

1 .Orb (HL1 SP) - Simply impressive
2. Dm_poisongarden - Ingenious map, really breaks from the HL theme entirely.
3. Carbaseus (HLDM) - Still play this map regularly
4. Sydney Harbour Bridge (HL1 SP) - Even if it wasn't playable I still liked it.
5. Sunden (HLDM) - I liked this map but the weapon layout really ruined it for me.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-24 01:37:36 UTC Post #241834
NineTnine failed so bad... neither the shipment of fail, truck of fail, or fail train would be enough to express that fail.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-24 01:45:04 UTC Post #241836
Ummm...hlife_hotdog, you don't separate maps and mods. You just get five votes total, six if you count the vote for 2007's best.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-24 06:30:11 UTC Post #241842
Ffs, read the rules, folks!
six if you count the vote for 2007's best.
Eight. You can choose up to 3 maps for MotY.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-26 23:24:45 UTC Post #241981
Okay :P (blows raspberry)

1. Minimicus - I simply love mini-maps and the effects were cool
#CUT# Uplink Extended (HL1 MOD) - This was a true HL mod, I haven't seen any mod that resembles HL so well.
#CUT# Timefall - I didn't play Life's End but I really like Timefall, good storyline-map mesh even if I had to restart the mod a few times.
2 .Orb (HL1 SP) - Simply impressive
3. Dm_poisongarden - Ingenious map, really breaks from the HL theme entirely.
4. Carbaseus (HLDM) - Still play this map regularly
#CUT# Sydney Harbour Bridge (HL1 SP) - Even if it wasn't playable I still liked it.
#CUT# Sunden (HLDM) - I liked this map but the weapon layout really ruined it for me.

Those poor mappers who got cut... :cry:
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-27 01:52:01 UTC Post #241985
Oh damn, sorry for posting misinformation.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-28 18:04:59 UTC Post #242055
Best of 2003-2006 score
Minimicus (HL1 MOD) - [m]34[/m]
Half-Life: Uplink Extended (HL1 MOD) - [m]26[/m]
Orb (HL1 SP) - [m]23[/m]

Life's End (HL1 MOD) - 22
Timefall (HL1 MOD) - 11
Carbaseus (HLDM) - 5
De_Spirits (CS:S) - 4
HLywood (HL1 MOD) - 4
Intake (HLDM) - 4
Dm_Poisongarden (HLDM) - 3
Operation Overlord (TFC) - 3
Sidney Harbour Bridge (HL1 SP) - 3
Tribute (HL1 SP) - 3
De_Vine (CS 1.6) - 2
Kaufmann House (SOURCE SP) - 2
Ruled By Insanity (HL1 MOD) - 2
Star Wars (HL1 MOD) - 2
Sunden (HLDM) - 2
Day 13 (SOURCE MOD) - 1
GunGod (HLDM) - 1
Those poor mappers who got cut...
.. you can still add another map/mod to your list? The limit is 5, not 4. :>
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-28 19:10:04 UTC Post #242058
Haha, I wouldn't have expected for Orb to actually get ahead of Life's End or Timefall when I first voted for it. That's just wrong. It's good, but not THAT good. :P
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-29 17:54:25 UTC Post #242094
Okay, picked my 5 nominees for 2003-2006, here goes:

1. dm_poisongarden: The ambience, the mood, the lights, the textures...this map is still pure win for me.
2. Life's End: A very creative and funny mod, enjoyed it all the way through.
3. Orb: Great mapping and mind blowing sequences.
4. Star Wars: Again, great mapping with probably the most complex sequences evar.
5. Talking Scientists - Compo 9: One word review: LOL.
Taylor TaylorJohn Romero's Bitch
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-31 06:04:58 UTC Post #242165
NineTnine failed so bad... neither the shipment of fail, truck of fail, or fail train would be enough to express that fail.
says the guy who also said:
And the USMC is the most powerful fighting force on the planet.

1:Life's End
3: Sydney Harbour Bridge
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-31 09:37:15 UTC Post #242170
Huntey's Map of the year votes:

1) Day 15
2) Alpestrine
3) de_mon
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-31 12:42:31 UTC Post #242174
Map of the Year 2007 Score
Day 15 (SOURCE MOD) - [m]3[/m]
Alpestrine (HLDM) - [m]2[/m]
De_Mon (CS 1.6) - [m]1[/m]

Best of 2003-2006 Score
Minimicus (HL1 MOD) - [m]34[/m]
Life's End (HL1 MOD) - [m]31[/m]
Half-Life: Uplink Extended (HL1 MOD) - 26
Orb (HL1 SP) - 26

Timefall (HL1 MOD) - 11
Dm_Poisongarden (HLDM) - 8
Tribute (HL1 SP) - 7
Sidney Harbour Bridge (HL1 SP) - 6
Carbaseus (HLDM) - 5
De_Spirits (CS:S) - 4
HLywood (HL1 MOD) - 4
Intake (HLDM) - 4
Star Wars (HL1 MOD) - 4
Operation Overlord (TFC) - 3
De_Vine (CS 1.6) - 2
Kaufmann House (SOURCE SP) - 2
Ruled By Insanity (HL1 MOD) - 2
Sunden (HLDM) - 2
Day 13 (SOURCE MOD) - 1
GunGod (HLDM) - 1
Talking Scientists (HL1 MOD) - 1

Thanks to everyone, who's participating! 2008 is almost here, so get voting for Map of the Year! :walter:
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-31 13:37:49 UTC Post #242177
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-31 19:01:16 UTC Post #242182
I tried to play Life's End about 5 minutes ago. but all that happened was I got an error saying something.dll couldn't be loaded and both Half-Life and Steam crashed.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I made sure to extract the pak0.pak into Steam-Half-Life-like folders before playing.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-31 22:55:13 UTC Post #242183
That's funny, because I installed it just fine without doing anything to it. Just extracted it to my Half-Life folder, and it worked. I didn't extract the PAKs or anything.

Daubster: Map of the year voting ends on the first? Nobody but Hunter has voted yet! D:
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-31 23:03:23 UTC Post #242184
map of the year STARTS on the first.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-31 23:06:12 UTC Post #242185

Also, I just realized I got the first TWHL post evar of 2008. Yay for me.
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-01 13:25:33 UTC Post #242242
My votes for MotY..

De_Mon - Simply amazing.
The Citizen - The most impressive mod this year imo, even with it's minor flaws.
Cs_Abscond_Pro - A very nice-looking map; well made, even for a remake.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-04 21:38:59 UTC Post #242604
Rowley asked me to vote for Best of, so here we go. I actually didn't remember much maps so I had to look through the map vault a bit, but oh well. It's funny to see all those old maps... man, it's been years since I released my first map...

1. Issues
Contains some pretty impressive stuff. Also some ok-ish stuff but that's ok I think. The good parts were simply awesome. If I remember correctly.
2. Half-Life: Uplink Extended
I may never have encouraged Muzzle to redo an already done map-pack, but he did it very well nonetheless. Kudos!
3. Carbaseus
I never actually played in this map but when I saw it, it's sheer size and style were pretty impressive.
4. dm_crete3
Pretty abstract texturing but neat architecture. Fairly fun to play in, too, except for a few connectivity issues. But the simple fact that I remember all that puts this one on the list.
5. Annopus
Just... nostalgia. One of the first maps I ever downloaded, and one of the few maps I've ever played in. Simple rocket-launcher fun.

I may have seen better stuff during those years but I simply can't remember. This'll have to do. :)
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-04 21:57:52 UTC Post #242609
Rowley asked me to vote for Best of...
What? You still have contact with Rowley? :o
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-04 22:24:18 UTC Post #242610
Nope. I was just on IRC today, that's all. :)
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-05 09:14:28 UTC Post #242641
Map of the Year 2007 Score
De_Mon (CS 1.6) - [m]4[/m]
Day 15 (SOURCE MOD) - [m]3[/m]
Alpestrine (HLDM) - 2
The Citizen (SOURCE MOD) - 2
Cs_Abscond_Pro (CS:S) - 1

Best of 2003-2006 Score
Minimicus (HL1 MOD) - [m]34[/m]
Life's End (HL1 MOD) - [m]31[/m]
Half-Life: Uplink Extended (HL1 MOD) - [m]30[/m]

Orb (HL1 SP) - 26
Timefall (HL1 MOD) - 11
Carbaseus (HLDM) - 8
Dm_Poisongarden (HLDM) - 8
Tribute (HL1 SP) - 7
Sidney Harbour Bridge (HL1 SP) - 6
Issues (HL1 MOD) - 5
De_Spirits (CS:S) - 4
HLywood (HL1 MOD) - 4
Intake (HLDM) - 4
Star Wars (HL1 MOD) - 4
Operation Overlord (TFC) - 3
De_Vine (CS 1.6) - 2
Dm_Crete3 (HLDM) - 2
Kaufmann House (SOURCE SP) - 2
Ruled By Insanity (HL1 MOD) - 2
Sunden (HLDM) - 2
Annopus (HLDM) - 1
Day 13 (SOURCE MOD) - 1
GunGod (HLDM) - 1
Talking Scientists (HL1 MOD) - 1
Rowley asked me to vote for Best of
Twasn't Rowley. :lol:
Really glad you voted, though. Thanks. :^_^:
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-05 11:46:41 UTC Post #242652
Twasn't Rowley. laughing - :lol:

See? It's been years, I tell ya! :P
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-05 21:42:04 UTC Post #242719
I have contact with Rowley. Last time I talked to him though, he said he wasn't into Half-Life mapping anymore.
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-05 22:42:21 UTC Post #242725
Next time you talk to him, tell him I, Muzz, want him back no matter what the cost!

Rowley was a good reviewer and always had nice mapping ideas. I miss that.
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-05 23:06:27 UTC Post #242728
If Minimicus doesn't win this, I officially call this thread a complete farce.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-05 23:39:23 UTC Post #242729
Strange, I was going to say the exact opposite. I played that mod and was totally unimpressed with the mapping and gameplay, so much that I gave up after the first couple maps.

MuzzleFlash: That was actually a pretty long time ago, and I doubt he'd still care about this place by now. You can email him yourself if you want, that's how I talked to him...but I'd wait for TWHL3 if you were going to do that.
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-06 08:02:13 UTC Post #242739
Sinner repent, srry!

Minimicus, while not being something spectacular to look at, did exactly what HL did, which was provide brilliantly functional and fun levels with an original concept.
Gonarch in a microwave, people.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-06 08:10:00 UTC Post #242740
I remember replaying Minimicus and enjoying it quite a bit, so it has my vote.
  • Minimicus
  • Issues
  • Orb
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-06 08:57:04 UTC Post #242741
I played that mod and was totally unimpressed with the mapping and gameplay, so much that I gave up after the first couple maps.
I had that with Life's End. :rly:
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-06 09:37:23 UTC Post #242744
Thanks for voting (score's now in the first post; nuff spamming :P)

As for Minimicus - it was quite an experience back in 2004, the effects, scripted stuff, everything would blow you away instantly. Now, it's just a nice lil' creation to remember. That's why I'll be switching de_vine with Minimicus in my list. It should really end up amongst my all-time favs.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-06 11:30:40 UTC Post #242752
Thanks everyone! I appreciate all the votes and compliments on my maps.
My votes are:
1 - Timefall...I was one of the beta testers for this one, so I got to watch it improve to the final version.
2 - Issues...nice teamwork there.
3 - Star Wars... going into the tie fighter was cool.
4 - I would vote for Andy's CS map, but I couldn't find it.
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-06 12:54:21 UTC Post #242760
It's Christmas all over again. :^_^:
Thank-you for voting.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-08 22:57:00 UTC Post #242988
Oh wait, I was thinking of Timefall, not Minimicus...ugh. :

I did in fact finish Minimicus, but was not really highly impressed. Best I can say is that it was pretty inventive.
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