Monsters Disappearing Created 16 years ago2008-04-27 05:35:22 UTC by Ag3nt-X Ag3nt-X

Created 16 years ago2008-04-27 05:35:22 UTC by Ag3nt-X Ag3nt-X

Posted 16 years ago2008-04-27 05:35:22 UTC Post #249241
Yeah, this is the problem this time, certain parts of my map (its big) the Engine just stop rendering some NPCS (Yes, only npcs, not any other model of the map), I'm sure its something related to vis, but I dunno what it could be, I've deleted every hint brush and it still annoying me, man I hate that so much, can someone help me?.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-27 05:44:18 UTC Post #249242
Do they disappear completely, or can you just not see them but they are still there?
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-27 06:49:05 UTC Post #249247
Second option. They still there, just the model disappears.
I've mapped the whole map brushwork and so, then I started to put entities, on the start, when I had just a couple of few entities, the monsters wasn't disappearing, I dunno what I did wrong for they start to not be rendered, I'm not using any big sprite or anything.
Here's an screenie of the whole thing on 3d Hammer Camera, if you find it usefull.
User posted image
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-11 13:42:49 UTC Post #251137
it has something to do with the amount of entities in the map - I made de_shootout and some of the fuction walls disappeared - you could stll walk into them but not see them.

i made them back into non entities and they worked ok after that.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-11 14:12:46 UTC Post #251138
Here's an screenie of the whole thing on 3d Hammer Camera, if you find it usefull.
No, we don't, because its a dead link. :D

Anyway, check for anything suspicious in your compile log and report back here.
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