Hammer, ambient_generic?! Created 15 years ago2008-11-14 11:34:04 UTC by ikhoma ikhoma

Created 15 years ago2008-11-14 11:34:04 UTC by ikhoma ikhoma

Posted 15 years ago2008-11-14 11:34:04 UTC Post #258519
Well i have a question regarding triggers to a ambient_generic.
When ive created my amb_gen and "attached" a trigger too it and its time for the amb_gen to Fadeout, it cuts the sound when the "so-called" Fadeout is done (at maybe, imo, 1 volume left) instead of making the sound go down smooth, how do i change this?
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-14 11:44:09 UTC Post #258521
I'm not big on sounds but as far as I know you need 2 seperate amb_generic entities. One that plays the sound on a loop and another that is intended to fade out (this should be inactive to start with).

Make the trigger deactivate the first amb_generic so that it cuts off and at the same time make it activate the second amb_generic which should have a designated Volume (0 to be silent), Start Volume (which should be the same as the first amb_generics volume, and a Fade Out Time.

Hope that helps. Otherwise I apologize for not having a clue what I'm talking about. :rly:
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-18 10:49:15 UTC Post #258695
The problem still remains, cus it still cuts the sound at volume 1-2 somthing.. but i noticed that if i put a delay between the sounds you'll never get that "silence" but u can cover up the sound cut. But thats cheating tbh :P. And now I have too work with two seperat amb_gen's. So its not quite what i was looking for.

There should be a way too have 1 gen and just 1 trigger.. then the amb_gen should fade out proper too 0 and not cut the sound..
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