Well you CAN add blocks, so long as you subtracted an area first.
It's like carving a hole in a giant box, then creating smaller boxes inside the one you carved.
And M0P, you make a valid point. I never checked which version of radient i was using, so it could be possible, but those files and editor are long gone off my hard-disc and i really don't feel like tracking everything down just to test that.
Which brings me to my next point/ question/ pregunta.
Is there a way to export .map files (or .vmf files) into a format that 3DS Max can support? (Or on that note can 3DS MAX read .map files?)
I don't have it anymore so i can't see for myself.. But if i can do that, then i can just export a pre-fabricated hammer map from 3DS max, and load it into Unreal Ed. Then alls i would have to do is re-texture and light and place Actors (Entities)
It works!!!
Here are the instructions for anyone who wants to know.
Take any map you want in hammer, File >> Export as .DXF
Open up 3DS MAX, File >> Import AutoCAD Drawing (*.DXF)
A window will pop up with some settings. The defaults blow, and take every face and inverse it so by trial and error here are the working settings:
[X] Create one scene object for every ADT object
[X] WELD (Keep the weld settings to default)
[X] Unify Normals
[X] Cap Closed Objects
[X] Include External References
Un-check everything else!! And the other tabs need not be touched.
Even better, you can import a .dxf directly into unreal so long as it contains 500 or less
faces. So i don't even need 3ds max as a stepping stone. Instead of importing a map, you import a brush under the brush menu not the file menu. So you might have to split up a map, but you can do it!

Woot Woot
Side note. I mentioned before that importing the DXF sometimes caused the faces to be facing the inside, not outside...
Same thing happens when importing to unreal, and the fix for that is grouping the brushes you want exported, scaling them all by a factor of -1 (X, Y, and Z), re-rotating, to align, and you're golden.
Basically you're flipping the faces inside out in hammer so they are orientated correctly upon importation.
/end novel.