Rooms (mini co-op project) Created 15 years ago2008-12-29 22:45:57 UTC by Captain Terror Captain Terror

Created 15 years ago2008-12-29 22:45:57 UTC by Captain Terror Captain Terror

Posted 15 years ago2009-06-17 16:59:43 UTC Post #268339
I use WON HL too. A lot. :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-17 17:27:00 UTC Post #268340
rooms minimod format runs buggy for me so i don't test in it. of course the minimod version will be included in the final...

Atom: did the levelchange work for you to the second map so you weren't frozen? I find this so weird because after the level change you can't noclip, impulse 101 or anything... you are just stuck there! I've checked all the landmarking threads i could find and couldn't find a similar case..


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-17 17:27:12 UTC Post #268341
Oh, something to add; I did'nt get a chance to test it in minimod, because the console no longer works for Rooms.
Or Decay. Or half of my mods.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-17 18:34:21 UTC Post #268342
that's odd!

oh and jeff about the goldsource logo thing,of course i'll make it wider/bigger, but you made me think of something: i wonder if the visibility behind the logo brush would change if you were running a diff aspect ratio?

I have widescreen ratio--which i would assume most people do--, and i don't see the sky behind..

Oh, and btw:
the rooms_intro beta permalink has been slightly updated(same pass) for anyone who is bored enough to test the changes. Some minor changes/improvements made, the menu functionality has been improved, and the exit submenu works. small things i'm proud of about it is that you can cancel or "back out" of the menu and resume browsing the other menu items, and when you have a submenu activated, all the other menu items are "frozen", so you don't get some weird-looking results.

"doubletap" the exit menu button to activate the submenu. this update is not so important in itself but that it proves the framework will work for the rest of the menu items.

Hopefully finish the rest of the buttons tonight when i get back from my poker tournament..


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-17 18:41:45 UTC Post #268345
i wonder if the visibility behind the logo brush would change if you were running a diff aspect ratio?

I have widescreen ratio--which i would assume most people do--, and i don't see the sky behind..
I have a normal, squarish monitor, so I can see the sky. But a lot of people with newer equipment (and jobs) would have widescreen. Just us old system people would'nt.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-17 22:45:14 UTC Post #268347
I tested the intro map - when the map changed, I was stuck and couldn't move. Jumping straight to the second map worked, though. Also, the first map is pointless and silly, as Valve has nothing to do with the mod itself. Either remove the whole map, or remove the humungous "VALVE" billboard and replace it with something more TWHL-y.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-18 08:10:09 UTC Post #268367
But it's on valve's engine!
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-18 14:16:17 UTC Post #268394
But I have WON, I bet everyone else is using steam HL.
Not everyone! :D

I have a good ole 4:3 17" Samsung CRT. Can't help but wonder wtf is going on with this...
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-18 16:46:22 UTC Post #268411
The error I get when I try to run the first map is "Host_Error: PF_setview_I: not a client"

According to Tommy's page, it's caused by a camera that's triggered by a trigger_auto, rather than by the player triggering it.
do you mean like adding a holo-emmiter device at the front of the console, and use some volumetric light and fade textures?
Yes, something like that. However, because of the surreal nature of the map, with the floating arrows and ghostly furniture, the lack of some kind of source for the floating menu doesn't look too odd.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-18 16:50:26 UTC Post #268412
Atom: did the levelchange work for you to the second map so you weren't frozen? I find this so weird because after the level change you can't noclip, impulse 101 or anything... you are just stuck there!
Yup, that happend to mee too.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-18 16:58:51 UTC Post #268413
Yes, something like that. However, because of the surreal nature of the map, with the floating arrows and ghostly furniture, the lack of some kind of source for the floating menu doesn't look too odd.
Yeah, but you don't really see a source for DVD menus either. I think that's the style he was going for, and if it wasn't he did a good job of it anyway.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-19 12:31:18 UTC Post #268491
Also, the first map is pointless and silly, as Valve has nothing to do with the mod itself. Either remove the whole map, or remove the humungous "VALVE" billboard and replace it with something more TWHL-y.
I'll go with popular opinion on this. If most of you think the valve thing is silly, i'll replace it with something more appropriate. (btw thanks for testing pengy! if any other of your mod friends want to test too, please supply them with the proper credentials and our blessing)


The error I get when I try to run the first map is "Host_Error: PF_setview_I: not a client"
According to Tommy's page, it's caused by a camera that's triggered by a trigger_auto, rather than by the player triggering it.
Well that's definitely the problem then, as there are trigger_auto and trigger_camera on that map... and i'll guess this is the same error raver and others are getting too. maybe there's another way i can automatically trigger the camera?

And lastly, if anyone has any idea what's causing the player to be "frozen" in the second map, it would be greatly appreciated! I've never seen a condition before where the player is "frozen", and nocliping doesn't even work!
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-19 12:31:31 UTC Post #268494
Have the player start in a disabled trigger_once and enable it when you want to trigger the camera.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-20 20:19:01 UTC Post #268603
Atom, enable it by activating multisource or simply targeting the trigger_once's name? I tried both and variations, and couldn't get it to trigger the camera that way..


edit: I'm working on the "credits reel" now, which will play at the end of rooms or on demand from the menu. So, now is the time to let me know who you think should be included in the credits and why (besides the authors of course).

Send a pm (preferred), or just post in the thread who you think should be mentioned. I have a good idea anyway of who i'll include, but i don't want to leave anyone out!

Plus btw anything you think might be fun/cool to add to the credits map, pleeze, suggest away!


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-21 08:31:54 UTC Post #268631
Could you make a new player.mdl? Like, both heads have HEV helmets? That would be a good idea IMO. (Just because of that one camera sequence)
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-21 08:38:13 UTC Post #268632
[quote]Atom, enable it by activating multisource or simply targeting the trigger_once's name? I tried both and variations, and couldn't get it to trigger the camera that way..


Yeah you meed a multisource, it should work. Let me try it out.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-22 18:58:57 UTC Post #268695
update the menu system is done but it's not without problems. among those problems:

submenus are akwardly spaced at random locations around the primary menu. this is because the buttons from one menu cannot be in the way of another. I tried a way around this by making the buttons 'passable' (func_rot_button) and disabling the unselected 3 submenu buttons with multisources--so you can have submenus all lined-up in the same place-, but it seems buttons set to 'passable' or 'not solid' cannot be activated by shooting.. = (

-It's hard to see the crosshair in front of the menus... We will have to make or borrow a custom crosshair. If someone can manage to make a custom crosshair that looks like a mouse pointer, it would be greatly appreciated!

Updated intro01 map only, here (i cannot ftp to permalink from my current location, but it will be done later)

To-do list release:

-dress up and/or redesign 'menu' map.
-finish 'credit reel' map
-dress up or remove 'intro00' map (billboard map)
-work out the details implementing the author commentary

Which reminds me:

i need author commentary from everyone who's interested

I don't know if HL has duration/size limits for wav files it can play, but probably something between 1-3 minutes would be optimum, but make them any length you like. (we can try using custom cd_audio/mp3s perhaps, if we run into problems using ambient_generics)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-22 19:08:57 UTC Post #268696
I'd actually prefer text commentary, myself. Could I send you some text to add, and just have the player teleport into a black room while the text is playing or something?
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-23 14:30:18 UTC Post #268733
I'll work on something if i can!
I'll have audio.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-24 14:09:32 UTC Post #268802
Jeff: sure np. u could use game texts or if your fading to a black room, you could use a textured text with a slow moving func wall, like i'm gonna do for the credit reel. If the reason you want text is cuz you don't want to use your voice, i just downloaded 5gb of new voices for my tts software, and i could record it through one of the voices if you want...(english audrey sounds hot)

Tetsu0: sweet!

Maybe if a lot of people don't do audio commentary i'll just give a quick review of each map or something to fill in the space. Also i'd like to ask everyone if they see any technical problems with using trigger_cdaudio for the voice commentary? I think the audio quality is better than ambient generics fo sho.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-24 14:18:52 UTC Post #268803
how would you specify the track number using the cdaudio?
And.... if it's just voice, the compression now-adays is much btter than it was in '98.
I don't see a problem with the ambient generic, i just don't know how the cdaudio stuff works... Expecially if there's any small difference between the WON and STEAM versions.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-24 14:27:24 UTC Post #268804
how would you specify the track number using the cdaudio?
You just have to make the commentary an MP3 that replaces the track. I'd browse the HL CD and find the tracks location and their names and just replace the originals with the new ones.
Plus hearing that while playing normal HL would be hilarious.
If the reason you want text is cuz you don't want to use your voice, i just downloaded 5gb of new voices for my tts software, and i could record it through one of the voices if you want...(english audrey sounds hot)
That's the exact reason. Plus nowhere to record where I can do it in private.
I'll peice together some commentary and you can force audrey to say it if you really want to.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-24 14:35:09 UTC Post #268805
i have tons of other voices too. maybe I'll send you samples when your text is ready, and you can pick the one you like?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-24 14:36:10 UTC Post #268806
Aww isnt that cute. Hot computer audrey is speaking on behalf of JeffMOD.
But if i may jeff, where do you map if it's not private?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-24 14:48:48 UTC Post #268807
Living room, where the computer is.
K, sent you a PM.
Please try to keep the filesize of the test lines small. ;)
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-24 15:08:36 UTC Post #268808
I'll try to get an audio commentary done next Monday when I have the house to myself for a while.
To be completely honest, I can't do anything like that with people around :rly:
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-24 15:11:51 UTC Post #268809
I'm with you guys. I don't blame either of you.
It's the "WTF" factor from other people, mixed in with the added ambient noise.
Oh, if only my room was sound proof.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-29 16:07:34 UTC Post #269139

rooms intro permalink has been updated. the way the menu is going to look and react is finished unless i get some good pointers/comments to change it.

by the end of the week i'm hoping to have:

-finished rooms_intro00((bulletin board map)if i can fix the teleport bug, otherwise the map is getting scrapped)
-finished rooms_intro01(menu map)
-finished rooms_intro02(credit reel)
-finished author commentary and test it in the maps(people i don't recieve commentary from i'll insert a short tts review to fill the space. real commentary can always be added later.
-I might make an additional rooms_intro03 as a fancy loading screen between maps. (like a scrolling bar or sum such)

Things we'll still need, but can always be added later, and i don't care about for the final release.

-custom music for the menu screen, credits rolling, and loading screen
-additional menu items like bios or written introductions
-more stuff i can't remember right now cuz i'm tired. = )

carry on then!


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-29 17:00:54 UTC Post #269140
Great work, but it seems im stuck in the main room, i can't even noclip out of it.
As for the room itself, I don't get it. You made it look so darn complicated with all those flashing objects.

Keep it simple.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-30 17:53:32 UTC Post #269188
yeah, that "stuck" bug is caused by the teleport from the first map. I find that very weird too that noclip doesn't work as well. Did you ever get trigger camera by trigger once and multisource to work to replace the trigger_auto?

Oh, and those flashing things you mentioned are for testing render effects only, lol. = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-30 18:02:03 UTC Post #269190
Well, the camera sequence works fine for me, but only the top part of the board is lit, the bottom half is almost pitch black, so you may want to distibute the light over the entire surface of the board.

Other than that, great work, get it finished! :D
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-30 18:23:22 UTC Post #269191
no, remember the error people are getting that tommy14 says is caused by a trigger auto that about half the people who tested are experiencing? besides that, there is the landmarking issue where changeleveling to the next map causes you to be irrevocably stuck. If these issues aren't remedied soon the intro map will be scrapped. I'll give up a little more time to debug it, but i'm not willing to waste much more time trying to get it to work..
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-30 18:48:57 UTC Post #269193
Just have the whole sequence triggered by a trigger_once with the player already in it? No need for trigger_auto's.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-30 19:02:50 UTC Post #269194
yeah i already tried that with and without the multisource, remember? i can't get the cam to trigger at all that way, but i will try it again.


edit: oh and wherever i move the info_landmark on the second map, the player is ALWAYS frozen in that spot(even if it's in midair!!)... i've never seen anything like it. I'm gonna try copy/pasting the menu stuff only into a new .rmf and see if that does anythign
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-30 19:03:47 UTC Post #269195
I can't believe its not working that way. Ill have a look at the rmf tomorrow.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-30 19:08:50 UTC Post #269196
ok it is triggering that way(previously i was trying to target the trigger once with the "no clients" thing checked... It works with just the trigger once tho with clients enabled.

can you try to troubleshoot the changelevel and see what's causing player to get stuck in the secoond map?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-30 19:31:41 UTC Post #269198
Give me a couple of days. Send me the latest build of the rmf(s).
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 11:02:36 UTC Post #269350

Final version of my map. Included audio commentary and entity set-up.

I know you love me.
Special thanks goes to atom fixing the ftp
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-03 14:28:08 UTC Post #269364
Unfortunately, my previous optimistic projection for goals accomplished by this day have not happened, due to crazy rush at work all week. Now, my boss just told me (last night) i'm going to New Jersey this evening and i won't be back until a week or moar... the plus is i should actually have more editing time out of town then at home, so maybe i can deliver everything complete by next friday..

Sweet Tetsu0, getting it now... = )

Atom: the latest version is permalinked here. Don't worry if you can't fix it, i can always append it later or maybe try including the intro and menu map in the same rmf. is trigger_changelevel the only way to change the map? (i find them annoyingly and unnecessarily buggy for goldsource)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-05 18:54:34 UTC Post #269468
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-05 21:30:19 UTC Post #269471
I haven't checked this thread since page 4...anyone wanna give me a rundown on WTF i missed?? lol :walter:
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-05 22:15:35 UTC Post #269472
People posted maps and pics, CT made permalinks to the latest versions, and he's asking for commentary if you want to include it. Also, we have a main menu!
Tetsu0 (pirate ship!)
Urbanebula(due summer 2009 when his gfx issue is resolved)
Daub and his ultra-detailed mega-masterpiece
Did any of these promised Uber maps ever surface?
EDIT2: Just realized Tetsu0's finished his map. Downloading now.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-05 23:40:36 UTC Post #269474
Wasn't I going to make another map?? Maybe I should...and I could try to make a commentary...don't know what to say though :P
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-06 11:06:04 UTC Post #269494
You could say "lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol"
Or ramble about development.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-06 11:20:38 UTC Post #269495
Yeah. That pirate ship needs crazy optimization that i really don't feel like doing right now. Maybe I'll inclue it in my Castle Disposed project.

We'll see what happens after the compo comes to a close.
I'll see if I even want to open hammer again.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-06 12:32:19 UTC Post #269499
I am I allowed to join now or is it too late in the grand scheme of things?
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-06 12:44:58 UTC Post #269501
I Think it's still open. El Capitan never said it was closed.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-06 14:41:49 UTC Post #269506
JOIN NOW! It's always open, at least until people lose interest.
The first non-beta release isn't even out yet. :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-06 16:04:34 UTC Post #269513
Glad to know. I'm just back from the huge pile of homework I had last week! And I still have some, although I should have a little more free time to finish my room.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-07 20:15:23 UTC Post #269632
Rooms release update:
I'm still in new jersey for the rest of the week, and my boss just informed me i have to go to connecticut for 4 days after that. so the official release is going to be a couple weeks, at least.. = (

WC: got it SWEET. = )

Hotdog: sweet go for it! As for the commentary, you can talk about how you thought of the idea for the map and some technical design details or whatevs.. Really anything you want! = )

Urby: Yeah get that shit done! and like Jeff said, there is no deadline anyway. (even after the official release, i'll still accept new rooms)

DiscoStu: sweet hope you do. = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
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