Tex lights not lighting? Created 15 years ago2009-04-27 14:22:12 UTC by DiscoStu DiscoStu

Created 15 years ago2009-04-27 14:22:12 UTC by DiscoStu DiscoStu

Posted 15 years ago2009-04-27 14:22:12 UTC Post #266047
Is it me, or light textures don't make enough light? I tried what I read on the texlight tutorials but I always end up in the same situation, resorting to place point lights. This is what I get:

User posted image

Am I missing something?
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-27 14:42:09 UTC Post #266048
Make sure there's a lights file in your tools directory. Lights files have the .rad file extention.

And why are you running software mode?
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-27 14:52:49 UTC Post #266049
No .rad files near the compile tools. Not even in the zip they came in.

Actually I took that screenshot before I noticed I was still in software mode (I found out and changed to OpenGL yesterday). Does that have an effect on texlights?
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-27 15:05:01 UTC Post #266050
No .rad files near the compile tools. Not even in the zip they came in.
There's your problem. No .rad files = no light emitting texture lights.

Get yourself a fresh copy of ZHLT here: http://www.themightyatom.nl/downloads.html, there's lights.rad file in the zip.

As for software mode, it won't affect texlights, but you should never use software mode anyway. Go for OpenGL.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-27 15:20:55 UTC Post #266051
What? ZHLT 3.4 already? I have and thought it was the latest version.

What's the problem with software mode? It gives a pixely vintage look :P
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-27 15:25:29 UTC Post #266053
Put your lights.rad in the maps directory and it should work.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-27 15:45:58 UTC Post #266055
What? ZHLT 3.4 already? I have and thought it was the latest version.
3.4 is been out longer than you might think.
Put your lights.rad in the maps directory and it should work.
It won't. It'll only work if you name the rad file the same as the map you're working on.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-27 15:58:05 UTC Post #266057
Weird... It works fine for me.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-28 00:35:01 UTC Post #266066
That, or map "lights.bsp" :P

I got 2.5.3 in about 2003, so it doesn't really surprise me that there is at least one newer version after 6 years. I didn't keep looking for new versions, anyway. But I should be up to date now.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-28 03:09:23 UTC Post #266077
hlrad will actually read both 'lights.rad' and 'mapname.rad'. For some time during the development of lab11_lavalab I had a lights.rad file (unwanted) sitting in the directory with the compile tools, and it read that AND my lab11_lavalab.rad file. Had me a little confused for a while, till I realised where the extra lighting information was coming from...
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-28 16:16:28 UTC Post #266111
you could also use the info_texlights method for texture lighting (i delete the one in the tools folder, so i don't accidentally add a texture that emits light i don't know about):

1. Take any point-based entity and rename it "info_texlights"
2. use smart edit to add the name of the texture in the first field and the color/brightness in the second
3. you can add as many texlights in that same point entiy as you want. Check rooms4.rmf or rooms5.rmf, and search info_texlights if you want to see mine as example.

NOTE: if you want to add effects like blinking or strobing, you must turn the brush that has the texture light on it and make it a func_wall (works on func_doors too). 2nd from the bottom of the list of attributes should be "texture light style". Pick the type of effect you want like "flouresent flicker" from the dropdown, and you should be good to go.

FINALLY: to make a texture light switchable, again you must turn the brush with the texture light to be switchable to a func_wall, and you must give it a name. Under "texture light properties" pick "grouped". Now create a pointlight with the same name as the func_wall with a brightness value of "1 1 1 0.1" Now, when that light is activated by a button or a trigger calling it's name, the light will turn on or off.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 00:06:14 UTC Post #269731
1. Take any point-based entity and rename it "info_texlights"
2. use smart edit to add the name of the texture in the first field and the color/brightness in the second
3. you can add as many texlights in that same point entiy as you want. Check rooms4.rmf or rooms5.rmf, and search info_texlights if you want to see mine as example.
I just did this and it still doesn't work.

I have the textures +0~dfr and +A~dfr. I made a func_wall and textured it with +A~dfr, and named it a1. Then I added an info_texlights with the value pair +0~dfr / 255 64 64 128.

Finally, a trigger_auto and a multisource to toggle the a1 func_wall every second to test it. The texture does toggle, but it doesn't emit light! What am I doing wrong? :(
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 00:48:08 UTC Post #269736
128 isn't bright enough. Texlights require MUCH higher values than point lights. Try 750.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 00:48:33 UTC Post #269737
Wow. Cpt. Terror's texlights were at 200 or so. Gotta test. I'll be back...
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 00:49:18 UTC Post #269738
But you're forgetting that Captain Terror is also a communist.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 00:50:44 UTC Post #269739
He likes all his lights the same value of red?
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 00:56:52 UTC Post #269741
So red, you won't even see the blood pouring from his eyes.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 01:01:00 UTC Post #269742
LOL. Never mind. I saw one at 6000. But I still must be doing something wrong, as I set it to 10000 and I can barely see the texture.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 01:04:07 UTC Post #269743
I'm assuming you're recompiling each time you've done these tests? Texlights aren't dynamic.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 01:09:17 UTC Post #269744
Of course I am. But wait a minute... texlights aren't dynamic? I just want the bloody object to appear lit up, I don't care if it actually emits the light. Is this still a correct way to do it? Maybe I should just set the minimum light level to 1 and move on...
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 01:12:02 UTC Post #269745
Send me your .map and lights rad file. I want to take a look at this.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 01:16:04 UTC Post #269746
Uh... where is lights.rad again?
Never mind, found it. Packing it up to PM it to you...
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 01:44:12 UTC Post #269750
If what I told you doesn't work, then I'll get back to you tomorrow. Have to go to bed for an 8:00 dentist appoint.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 01:56:58 UTC Post #269751
It doesn't. But thanks anyway, I'm not so desperate. Don't forget to floss!
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 07:34:27 UTC Post #269759
Use the compilator and it allows you to directly link to your .rad file so there's no mistakes!

Texlights have to be a LOT brighter than point lights. And if you just want a texture to appear lit up, try using an env_glow set to addive - FX 255
Place it in the middle of your texlighted brush

Are you running software mode or is that just a REALLY bad screenshot?
Lol Yes you were. I neglected Atom's post >.<
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 14:59:13 UTC Post #269794
I was, but now I'm working on a different map than when I posted the thread. On that first map, I had set minimum light level to 1, that's why it appears lit.

On the map I'm working on right now, the func_wall toggles between the "off" texture and the "on" texture. It looks fine when it's off, but I want it to be way brighter when it's on the "on" texture, and it doesn't happen. Both look equally dark regardless of light values - I've tried 100, 1000, 10000, and 20000. They always look exactly the same. And I don't want to set minimum light level because it would be always lit.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 15:15:33 UTC Post #269798
You can't toggle a ilghts.rad texture light by simple toggling the brush it's applied to. For dynamic texture lights you need to do what Captain said: Use the Info_textlights entity.

If all else fails, just use a point light underneath the texture. You won't even know.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 15:21:48 UTC Post #269800
It doesn't work whether I put it in lights.rad or info_texlights. It's exactly the same. A bright white point light next to the texture that goes on when I want it brighter would be fine except that this setup is repeated like 60 times together (and I read somewhere around here that the engine only supports up to 4 dynamic lights)
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 15:28:31 UTC Post #269802
Lol 4 dynamic lights of differing colors in the same area.
So long as you have less thatn 3 different dynaminc lights in a vis leaf you're set.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 18:44:26 UTC Post #269819
I have 64 dynamic lights all in the same room. I don't need them to actually emit light, only appear brighter. Come on, tell me this is possible!
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 18:48:39 UTC Post #269821
If only thor was here, he would probably know the answer >_>
User posted image
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 19:14:06 UTC Post #269825
User posted image
Thor can make bright flashes of light! :D
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 19:31:26 UTC Post #269826
I'm starting to think I could use a combination of two func_wall_toggles: one starting off and the other one with minimum light level 1.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 19:49:12 UTC Post #269827
What's the alien from?

edit: are you trying to make the texlight brighter? for the love of god that's easy. Whatever the value would be on a point light (like 200 or so) would be times 10 on a texlight. 200 = 2000 maybe even brighter.

Make a simple testing map for your texlights for adjusting. Also if you are using the default texlights, NOT ALL OF THEM WORK! the ~ on the textures mean that they've been entered into the rad file, but many of them were not. The ~ is a lie.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 19:49:56 UTC Post #269829
Stargate SG1.
The alien's name is Thor, hence why I brought it into the disscussion.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 19:52:27 UTC Post #269830

Also that screenshot looks like it is in software mode. Please use OpenGL or Direct3D. Please. Please.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 19:57:16 UTC Post #269831
Actually I took that screenshot before I noticed I was still in software mode (I found out and changed to OpenGL yesterday). Does that have an effect on texlights?
I was, but now I'm working on a different map than when I posted the thread. On that first map, I had set minimum light level to 1, that's why it appears lit.
Also, the textures I'm using are custom made in my own wad. I added the ~ but I suppose it would have worked without it anyway. I have tried adding them to lights.rad and (XOR) info_texlights, but it doesn't work in either. Hence I'm posting here.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 21:27:19 UTC Post #269835
The only thing I can think of now is maybe you're having problems because you're using an animated texture.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-10 03:56:33 UTC Post #269840
If only thor was here, he would probably know the answer >_>
Couldn't agree more. <_<
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-10 13:10:05 UTC Post #269857
I don't know, I have seen animated textures listed in info_texlights in the maps Cpt. Terror told me to look at. As in, starting with "+0~...".

Oh well. I guess I'll resort to make two func_wall_toggles, turn off one of them and set the minimum light level on the other one. That can't fail, but it will double the entities.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-10 13:17:32 UTC Post #269859
What if you try using one of the default half life ones?
And are you setting the texlight values for each Frame in the animation? Or just the base texture?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-10 20:36:26 UTC Post #269894
I'm only setting it to the +0 and not the +A, could that be related? I tried with default ones in my other map (the origin of this thread, see first post) and still no lighting, that's why I had resorted to use minimum light level.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-10 20:42:19 UTC Post #269897
The 'on' ones should emit light, unless the func_wall is given a name. I think.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-10 20:45:47 UTC Post #269899
A func_wall is given a name and textured with the toggling texture (+0 and +A). The name is to be able to actually toggle the texture. That's the setup.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-11 08:20:08 UTC Post #269912
So let me get this straight:

You have an animated texture (two frames, on and off) that you want to emit light, not by using a light entity, but emit light by itself.

Is that correct?

Would you mind posting the texture in question?
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-11 19:50:55 UTC Post #269927
Yes, basically yes. To be precise, I don't need it to emit light, I just want it to be brighter - as if it had minimum light level = 1.

User posted image
User posted image
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-12 10:07:23 UTC Post #269940

If you want it to be brighter, just set the minimum lightlevel property. Its that easy. If a value of 1 doesn't cut it, go higher.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-12 16:26:28 UTC Post #269942
If I do that, it won't turn off when I toggle the texture. So I guess I'll resort to using func_wall_toggles then.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-12 16:32:11 UTC Post #269943
I don't know what you're doing and all, but i just tested it myself and it works.

I have a button targetting a func_wall.
The func_wall has a toggleble texture and minimum light level set to 1.

With each use on the button, the texture on the wall changed.

So it works fine.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-13 02:01:44 UTC Post #269980
Yes, but does the lighting go down?

Edit: It doesn't, just as I expected. So yes, I'll use func_wall_toggles to achieve exactly what I want.
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