Who the Hell are you again? Created 15 years ago2009-07-18 18:36:59 UTC by monster_urby monster_urby

Created 15 years ago2009-07-18 18:36:59 UTC by monster_urby monster_urby

Posted 15 years ago2009-07-18 18:39:03 UTC Post #270468
Ah yes. The return of a TWHL classic / invasion of privacy. Alls we need now is a "What are you doing right now" and "What's outside your window." thread. Also, I'm half-way through a bottle of Banana Bread Bear and needed something to do. :plastered:

The question is fairly straightforward: Who the Hell are you? Simply copy the fields that I've posted and fill them in according to yourself. Simple.

Name: Andy Morris
Age: 22
Nationality: British (Half-English / Half-Scotish)
Birthday:18th October
Occupation: Administration Supervisor

Ailments: Claustrophobic (the "fear of suffocation" kind, not enclosed spaces), Allergic to Cats and Antiperspirants.

Favourite Meal: Roast dinner with thick gravy.
Favourite Snack: Chilli Dorito's and Hot Salsa
Favourite Drink: Coca-Cola (regular, not that diet piss water)
Favourite Band: Pendulum (thanks to Huntey)
Favourite Animal: Cats

5 Things that make you happy: Days off work, my fiancee, late night gaming, being drunk and hanging out with mates.

5 Things that piss you off: Slow/Bad drivers (not including ME!, Arrogant people, Attention seekers, Sneezing fits, Work.

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User posted image
Yes, take a good look at sleep depravation kids. Not pretty...

Over to you.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-18 18:49:00 UTC Post #270469
Name: Lucas P.
Age: 18
Nationality: 1/4th Irish, 1/4th Sicilian, 1/4th Croatian, 1/4th Romanian, 100% American.
Birthday: May 18th
Occupation: Student

Ailments: Claustrophobic, I suppose. I can't do small spaces.

Favourite Meal: Steak with mushrooms and side of pasta salad.
Favourite Snack: Peanut butter...?
Favourite Drink: Grape crush
Favourite Band: Franz Ferdinand
Favourite Animal: dogz r awsum

5 Things that make you happy: Girls, animals, things that work / go my way, music, good movies.

5 Things that piss you off: Stupid people, annoying people, ignorant people, die hard religion fanatics, and (probably already understood) Conservatives.

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Luke LukeLuke
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-18 19:14:43 UTC Post #270470
Name: Oskar Larsson H?gfeldt.
Age: 17
Nationality: Swedish
Birthday: July 3rd
Occupation: Student

Ailments: I have trouble concentrating

Favourite Meal: Macaroni salad
Favourite Snack: Potato chips (duh)
Favourite Drink: Cuba Cola
Favourite Band: I don't listen to music
Favourite Animal: Humans and cats

7 things that make you happy: programming, animals, good games, old games, good movies, South Park, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

5 things that piss you off: games/software only released for Windows/OS X, C#, Visual Basic, JScript, Silverlight and similar Microsoft technologies, bad web "developers" who claim to know HTML when they really don't, the EU, and ads.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-18 19:17:50 UTC Post #270471
What, another one of these threads? OK you creepers, I'll oblige

Name: Alex
Age: 16
Nationality: American (IDK the particulars.)
Birthday: 29th January
Occupation: I don't have one :(

Ailments: Is being more awesome than everyone else considered an ailment?.....

Favourite Meal: Steak, with mushrooms and onions <3 :biggrin:
Favourite Snack: Oreo Cookies and potato chips.
Favourite Drink: Mountain Dew
Favourite Band: I can't really say that I have a favorite...
Favourite Animal: Dogs

5 Things that make you happy: My friends. Music. Staying up late, sleeping all day.

5 Things that piss you off: Hypocrites, arrogant people, assholes, attention whores, etc.

Optional Photo (no photo for you, bitches)

BTW: I think I see urby outside my window. :o
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-18 19:19:39 UTC Post #270472
ATDestroy! Stop touching yourself!

I mean uhm...I'm not here
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-18 19:54:47 UTC Post #270474
Name: James Archibald
Age: So close to being 18
Nationality: 100% Scottish
Birthday: 19th September
Occupation: Drink mixer. It's better than it sounds.

Ailments: Get drunk too often. Can't eat cheese.

Favourite Meal: Chicken with a green pepper and black bean sauce on fried rice.
Favourite Snack: Ready Salted Crisps / Jaffa Muffins.
Favourite Drink: Blueberry, Banana, frozen yogurt and freshly squeezed orange juice blended together. Trust me.
Favourite Band: In Flames
Favourite Animal: Cats

5 Things that make you happy: Days off work, girls , late night gaming, being drunk and hanging out with mates.

5 Things that piss you off: Unbelievable idiots

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Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-18 19:58:49 UTC Post #270475
Name: Hampus
Age: 17
Nationality: Swedish, bork bork
Birthday: 17th august
Occupation: "Student"

Ailments: Require constant stimuli.

Favourite Meal: Anything with meat, pretty much. Om nom nom.
Favourite Snack:
User posted image
Favourite Drink: Milk
Favourite Band: Tie between Reel Big Fish / The Aquabats
Favourite Animal: Cats

5 Things that make you happy: Weightlifting, socializing, programming, trying new stuff, er, flow.

5 Things that piss you off: Beings sick/injured/having colds, douchebags, not having caffeine availible in the morning, hm...
User posted image
ChickenFist ChickenFist<Witty Title>
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-18 21:28:14 UTC Post #270480
Luke, is there a SNES off frame?

As for me:

All information classified.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-18 21:38:39 UTC Post #270481
Disco stu doesn't want to be stalked by you!
If I can find 5 thinks that I like and dislike, I may post again in here.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-18 23:00:13 UTC Post #270486
Name: Dan
Age: 19
Nationality: Aussie (with some Austrian and Pom mixed in)
Birthday: December 2nd
Occupation: 3rd year Computer Science student

Ailments: I'm perfect

Favourite Meal: Anything with pasta and Tabasco sauce
Favourite Snack: Tasty food?
Favourite Drink: Mountain Dew, or a good sarsaparilla
Favourite Band: None, all my music is OST/instrumental
Favourite Animal: Cats, I guess? I don't really like animals

5 Things that make you happy: Programming, Gaming, Solving a difficult programming problem, Good TV (Futurama, NCIS, etc), Good books (fav authors Garth Nix, Matthew Reilly, etc), LAN parties

5 Things that piss you off: Religion, people who take everything seriously, dogs, having to cook food that you don't like, and a lot of other junk

Optional Photo

Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-18 23:52:14 UTC Post #270489
Name: Thomas Boyle
Age: 17
Nationality: British by birth(3/4 English, 1/4 Scotish), but lived in Australia for most of my life. Now I live in Ireland
Birthday: 7th July
Occupation: None

Ailments: Severe intolerance of cold
Favourite Meal: Barbeque steak
Favourite Snack: Chocolate
Favourite Drink: Coca-Cola
Favourite Band: System of a Down
Favourite Animal: My dog

5 Things that make you happy: Days off work, all night gaming, reading a good book, hanging out with friends and cake.

5 Things that piss you off: Cold, being woken up, Mondays, work, and lack of cake.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-19 00:03:36 UTC Post #270492
Oh god, I really don't need to see everyone's faces on here.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-19 00:39:21 UTC Post #270495
NAME Brett Bernier
AGE 20
NATIONALITY 1/4 Irish 1/2 French 1/4 German
BIRTHDAY 26th September
OCCUPATION Student Technician - Connecticut Light and Power

AILMENTS I have terrible spelling and i get sidetracked quite ea-

FAVORITE MEAL Medium-rare Steak, Grilled Sweet Potatoes, and a nice garden salad. - Ranch Dressing. To drink: Beer. Preferably from germany or amsterdam.
FAVORITE SNACK I'm quite fond of those fruit-filled granola bars.
FAVORITE BAND Breaking Benjamin / Positive Chaos (shameless plug)

5 Things that make me happy -Playing a show w/ the band. -Getting a nice fat paycheck -shopping at Autozone or Guitar Center -Sitting in front of a fire with your best friends, a guitar and a beer -eating the above mentioned meal
5 Things that piss me off -Liars -People who drive like FUCKING MORONS -playing shows with cocky bands that suck -Assholes -My girlfriends Mom
User posted image
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-19 03:07:48 UTC Post #270500
Name: Alyssa B.
Age: 15
Nationality: German, Scottish, Irish, I forget what else..
Birthday: September 1
Occupation: none =/

Ailments: quack

Favourite Meal: Macaroni and cheese w/ pickles =D
Favourite Snack: cookies
Favourite Drink: Chocolate milk heck yesh
Favourite Band: Green Day
Favourite Animal: Owls (for the past few years it's changed between all different types of birds. At the moment, it just happens to be the owl. =D)

5 Things that make you happy: Friends, not being bored, music, books, writing.

5 Things that piss you off: hypocrites, egotistical ppl, stereotypes, Alex (see user ATDestroy), posers...i could go on and on..

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Posted 15 years ago2009-07-19 03:09:44 UTC Post #270501
5 Things that piss you off: Alex (see user ATDestroy)
You suck.

BTW: OMG a car!!!
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-19 04:03:02 UTC Post #270504
Name: Marcel
Age: 16
Nationality: Romanian
Birthday: 15 April
Occupation: Student

Ailments: Fear combined with love for the thunders.

Favourite Meal: Roast dinner with garlic sauce
Favourite Snack: A good ol' icecream I guess ?
Favourite Drink: Pepsi, Coca-Cola ... home-made drinks from home-made fruit juice.Or milk.
Favourite Band: Don't have one. That's because every band has good songs and shit songs. I listen to all kinds of music genres. Even classic. I mostly listen rock, but hey, if the music's good , I can listen to it.
Favourite Animal: Dogs, I think...
Favourite Plant: Cactus

5 Things that make you happy: Swimming, computer, my friends, nature, finishing something after hours of work

5 Things that piss you off: Raining, some subjects at school, c++ programming when it fails, arrogant people, .... trolls.

Optional image :
User posted image
What are you doing right now: I'm drinking milk.
What's outside your window ?
User posted image
[EDIT] Luke,
1/4th Romanian
Wtf !
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-19 06:17:19 UTC Post #270506
Name: Josh
Age: 15 (almost 16)
Nationality: Australian/Filopino
Birthday: 19th September
Occupation: Student

Ailments: Is hay fever considered as one?

Favourite Meal: Lasagne
Favourite Snack: Yogurt
Favourite Drink: Milk
Favourite Band: (Don't actually have one; I listen to anything I find that's good)
Favourite Animal: Cat

5 Things that make you happy: Sleeping, sleeping in, TF2 achievements, looking at the development of games, snowboarding.

5 Things that piss you off: BSOD's, booting a new computer to find a BSOD, sunny yet rainy days, face planting, people who shuffle.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-19 06:52:54 UTC Post #270508
Name: Scott Fredericks
Age: 15
Nationality: Aussie
Birthday: 4th May
Occupation: Geting a edjukasion. (aka student)

Ailments: Allergic to vampire bites.

Favourite Meal: Roasts.
Favourite Snack: Whatever I feel like at the time.
Favourite Drink: I'm fairly fond of soft drinks (eg sarsaparilla & coca-cola)
Favourite Band: Changes quickly. Atm it's Simple Plan.
Favourite Animal: Cats, i guess.

5 Things that make you happy: Days off school, my girlfriend (when I have one), hanging around with my brothers, rain and hanging out with mates.

5 Things that piss you off: Arrogant people, not being able to hang with mates, not having a girlfriend (which is most of the time, unfortunately), dickheads and waking up feeling like crap.

Optional Photo

Yeah, no.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-19 07:22:14 UTC Post #270510
dogs, having to cook food that you don't like
LOL @Pboy! At first I didn't see the comma. I think I would also hate it if I had to eat food I didn't like not to mention have it prepared by a dog.

Also, people with no photos. Your all pansies!

monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-19 11:57:49 UTC Post #270524
Also, people with no photos. Your all pansies!
Yeah, Penguinboy is too important, or he's a criminal.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-19 13:41:39 UTC Post #270528
No one is allowed to see his face.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-19 23:29:39 UTC Post #270546
Well you can't see mine, I got shades on. :cool:
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-20 02:03:58 UTC Post #270552
Also, people with no photos. Your all pansies!
If you don't like it, you shouldnt have made it say "optional" photo.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-20 02:29:05 UTC Post #270554
Name: Ben Benson
Age: 22
Nationality: American
Birthay: October 4
Occupation: Student

Ailments: Socialogically withdrawn.

Favourite Meal: Biscuits and Gravy
Favourite Snack: Pimento Cheese and Crackers
Favourite Drink: Egg Nog
Favourite Band: None. Random Music.
Favourite Animal: Ferrets

5 Things that make you happy:
-When technology works
-Making stuff
-Drinking with friends

5 Things that piss you off:
-Windows Vista
-Lack of sleep
-Shit Talk
-Being in poverty
-Being single and alone

Optional Photo:
User posted image
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-20 07:33:49 UTC Post #270559
Rim, If i remember correctly, that picture is like.. 2-3 years old isnt it?
And i would like to add sex to the things that make me happy. I must've overlooked that in my list of prioroties.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-20 07:50:25 UTC Post #270561
I didn't put in a photo because I don't have one to put in.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 00:47:11 UTC Post #270601
Name: Leslie Young
Age: 37
Nationality: Chinese-American
Birthday: 28th October
Occupation: pediatrician

Ailments: allergic rhinitis

Favourite Meal: any Chinese food
Favourite Snack: milk and cereal (Cap'n Crunch)
Favourite Drink: water
Favourite Band: U2
Favourite Animal: dogs

5 Things that make you happy: my son, my wife, my penis, chubby babies, computer parts

5 Things that piss you off: bad parents, computer parts that are DOA, spammers, con artists, bad doctors
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 02:58:38 UTC Post #270605
Birthday:Feb. 1/89
Occupation:Waiter(Willie's Grill And Ice House) College

Ailments:minor anxiety
Favorite Meal:steak, potato salad, and a cold budlight.
Favorite Snack:pbj
Favorite Drink:Cocacola/pinia colada
Favorite Band:As I Lay Dying and 311 !!!DUHH!!!
Favorite Animal:BigFoot
5000 Things that make you happy:fishing, flyfishing, camping, MAPPING, drawing, painting, making flies for fly fishing, my sexy girlfriend, kayaking, building stuff, shooting stuff, praying, going to my cabin, the beach, swimming, God, making sculptures, making anything, KNEX!, playing guitar, making music in fruity loops or withstuff, playing good games, megaman, metroid, mario, ZZZEEELLLDDDAAAA, playing songs from zelda, halflife, condition zero, lookin for bigfoot, airsoft wars, boxing, working out, my family and friends, TWHL!!!, beerpong!!!, BONFIRES, chizzilin, drinking every once in a while, hunting, archery, carving, inventing, tons more... breathing?

5 Things that piss you off: When people don't tip. When my line snaps on a huge bass. When I fight with my girlfriend. Hangovers. Disrespect.

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Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 10:56:24 UTC Post #270637
Name: Hayden Walker
Age: 19
Nationality: Australian/British
Birthday: 27th October
Occupation: Nursing Assistant

Ailments: Allergic to some types of cheese, have a fear of standing over water

Favourite Meal: Spaghetti and Bologaise
Favourite Snack: Icecream, preferably chocolate
Favourite Drink: Vanilla Supashake
Favourite Band: Billy Talent
Favourite Animal: Elephant

5 Things that make you happy: Days at work, days off work , mapping, my fiancee and my friends.

5 Things that piss you off: Foolish Stupidity, maps made on 1 grid size, Peanut Butter, my sister, Windows.
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User posted image
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 13:44:51 UTC Post #270642
5 Things that make you happy: my son, my wife, my penis, chubby babies, computer parts
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-31 09:56:35 UTC Post #271252
Name: Mike Daigle Verret
Age: 23
Website www.mikeverret.ca
Nationality: Canadian
Birthday: 13th of December
Occupation: Work at 'The Source by Circuit City'

Ailments: Have a brain tumor, and asthma.

Favourite Meal: Donair Pizza
Favourite Snack: Monkey Tracks Icecream. (Banana Flavoured with Peanut butter cups)
Favourite Alcoholic Drink: Rum and coke
Favourite Drink: Pepsi
Favourite Band: Metallica FUCK YA get to see 'em Nov 1st in Quebec!

Things that make you happy: My girfriend, and my soon to be new PC. 3 more parts left! :P the case, psu, and Core i7 processor!
5 Things that piss you off: Um.. fuck.. Windows Vista.

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User posted image
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-31 11:53:38 UTC Post #271261
You still have that tumor?
How's that working out for you?
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-31 12:54:33 UTC Post #271266
nope, I'm just going through Chemo now, which sucks, but as of now the tumor is completely gone. I had (had being the key word) mastioblastomus.. dont really know how its written but thats how it sounds. lol
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-31 13:07:26 UTC Post #271269
Well its damn good to know you're recovering!
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-31 13:29:51 UTC Post #271272
Same. At least chemo is almost over. :)
Soon your hair can come back.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-01 08:49:37 UTC Post #271309
yea, it already slowly is coming back, thin as hell, but at least I can still grow a beard :P
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-16 07:26:35 UTC Post #272029
Name: C. Pascoe
Age: 18
Nationality: Australia
Birthday: 15th july
Occupation: i go to schooly

Ailments: i like drama and perform in musicals. and i get hay fever sometimes and have a fear of spiders in the bath, eeeep!

Favourite Meal: a nice sandwich
Favourite Snack: snack, meal, same thing
Favourite Drink: drinky drink.
Favourite Band: AC/DC (real rock and roll!)
Favourite Animal: cats are ok

5 Things that make you happy: drama, talking to people, playing the drums to ACDC songs, playing drums in a cool band and eating sandwiches

5 Things that piss you off: dial up. PDA people. people who text while they talk to me. scientology. being cold.
Optional Photo:

User posted image
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-16 12:37:56 UTC Post #272035
i like drama and perform in musicals
Not really an ailment IMO. My fiancee's step brother is studying performing arts at college at the moment. Last night I went to see him star in a production of Boogie Nights, all singing all dancing, the whole deal. Pretty damn entertaining.

Anyway, I has a few updates to make. Well one.

Occupation: Web Designer.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-16 14:59:28 UTC Post #272037
Occupation: Web Designer.
Hell yeah ;)
Taylor TaylorJohn Romero's Bitch
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-16 19:50:47 UTC Post #272047
Hey guys!
My name is Kristijonas a.k.a. Cristian.
Nationality:Pure European!I'm from Lithuania but currently living in the UK. God bless you Europe Union!
Occupation: I Have a Company. God bless Capitalism!

Ailments:I love METAL (music) fav. bands:
Within Temptation
Avenged Sevenfold
In This Moment
Lacuna Coil
Arch Enemy
Devil bless metal!(<--- Thats not a band)
Fav. meal: My own homemade Pancake with honey.
Fav. drink: I drink only juice.
Fav. animal: Cooked.
5 Things that make you happy: My girlfriend :) , METAL (music), my fiancee, demotivational posters, My own homemade Pancake with honey.

5 Things that piss you off:
1. Globalization, multiculturalism
2. Lack of nationalism, lack of willingness to preserve own culture, language, traditions
3. Tolerance for everything and shit like gay rights, animal rights, feminism, total equality, when Earth is dying
4. Destroying of nature.
5. Totally lack of morality, sex cult, world, where innocence, faith has no meaning

No photo.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-16 20:40:24 UTC Post #272053
That's the first time I've ever seen someone tell God to bless anything that isn't the US.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-16 21:18:58 UTC Post #272054
Europeans have created US. :D
[EDIT] And metal(music).
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-16 21:23:27 UTC Post #272055
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-17 00:40:46 UTC Post #272059
It's probably spelled "medulloblastoma".
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-17 01:22:50 UTC Post #272060

Name: Jonathon Wilkes
Age: 17
Nationality: 1/4 Welsh, 3/4 British
Birthday: 8th January
Occupation: Retail Assistant

Ailments: None

Favourite Meal: Anything that has Ribs or Corn on the cob.
Favourite Snack: Peanut butter sandwhich
Favourite Drink: Coca-Cola
Favourite Band: None
Favourite Animal: Dogs

5 Things that make you happy: Late nights watching movies, late nights gaming, Kayaking, Playing with my dog, Cake

5 Things that piss you off: Old men who just stare at you, endlessly, never blinking. Getting the crap beaten out of me by my brother, My dog who keeps stealing my food. I can't resist those begging eyes of his! People who leave their sprinklers on 24/7, Really bad drivers.

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38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-17 01:48:59 UTC Post #272061
kewl, forgot about dragonforce! Does your fiancee know about your girlfriend? Lol i have a lithuanian flag hanging on my ceiling. Its the closest I could find to a rastafarian one. :ciggie:
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-17 02:06:54 UTC Post #272062
Does your fiancee know about your girlfriend?
I was going to say something too, but I figured I was reading it wrong, or....something.

Hey, however you want to live, man, I wont question it.....
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-17 03:11:27 UTC Post #272064
Lol i have a lithuanian flag hanging on my ceiling. Its the closest I could find to a rastafarian one.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-17 19:53:56 UTC Post #272104
@ 4N!M4T0R: You have a fiancee AND a girlfriend?

No disrespect intended but in my mind that makes you a cunt. Actually, all disrespect intended.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-17 20:25:20 UTC Post #272107
No that was a joke we call eatch other wife and husband :D (I call her wife and she you know...). And she lives in Lithuania (~1000km away. I miss her ): ). So it's not hard to have another girlfriend. And the second girl is not even girlfriend, we just friends. It is hard to explain. I don't made any sins.
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