Then finally i tried Windows Media Player Classic, and this one provides a little more information. This is what it said:
Media Type 0:
Audio: RealAudio SIPR 16000Hz mono 16Kbps
majortype: MEDIATYPE_Audio {73647561-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}
subtype: Unknown GUID Name {00000130-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}
formattype: FORMAT_WaveFormatEx {05589F81-C356-11CE-BF01-00AA0055595A}
bFixedSizeSamples: 1
bTemporalCompression: 0
lSampleSize: 20
cbFormat: 22
wFormatTag: 0x0130
nChannels: 1
nSamplesPerSec: 16000
nAvgBytesPerSec: 2000
nBlockAlign: 20
wBitsPerSample: 0
cbSize: 4 (extra bytes)
0000: 30 01 01 00 80 3e 00 00 d0 07 00 00 14 00 00 00 0...?>..?.......
0010: 04 00|04 00 00 00 ......
Then it plays the video just fine, but without any audio.So it looks like i need the RealAudio codec (SIPR?). But i don't feel like downloading and installing that shitty Real player or RealOne player or whatever it's called, just for this file. I want it to be playable in either VLC, WMP or WMPC).
So i downloaded ffdshow, a codec pack. No dice. Then i downloaded K-Lite codec pack. Again, no dice. What the fuck? I also tried Real Alternative. Guess what? Nothing.
So im stuck now. Is there anyone who can help me getting this videofile to work?