Before I can try coding, I need... Created 14 years ago2010-04-26 19:21:26 UTC by 2muchvideogames 2muchvideogames

Created 14 years ago2010-04-26 19:21:26 UTC by 2muchvideogames 2muchvideogames

Posted 14 years ago2010-04-26 19:21:26 UTC Post #280801
Ok everyone, I know peeps here know how to code. I'm not asking how to code in new monsters or anything like that. I am just wondering what is the stuff I need to get in order to make a .dll file using the HL1 SDK that's compatible with half life 1 modding. Do I need nmake, or visual studio, or whatever. Preferably, I would like to make a .dll file without having to get visual studio, so if you know how to do that please tell us. I have the SDK for HL but I dunno how to create a .dll file out of it.
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-26 22:41:49 UTC Post #280802
I hate saying it, but you probably aren't ready to mod HL1's code at all if you dont even have a favorite IDE.

You might try code::blocks, but visual studio really is better if you can 'find' a copy.
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-26 23:02:58 UTC Post #280803
Ahhhh, please don't discourage me like that. Like I said I'm not undergoing some complicated total conversion attempt or anything. And I hate saying this, but you didn't really answer the question...

Er, what is code blocks? And how exactly can I produce a .dll file? I am not doing anything worth that much effort. I've seen it on moddb and frankly I don't think it is all that complicated; I could get visual studio to do it, maybe, but I am just asking if I can make a .dll file without using Visual studio.

I think that I need what is called compiler/linker which can produce the .dll file. Perhaps this is the right direction; perhaps it's not. I hope ppl here can point me in the correct path.
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-26 23:05:19 UTC Post #280804
You need Visual Studio 6, service pack 5. Nothing else, as far as I know, will compile the HL SDK.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-27 00:22:33 UTC Post #280805
Code::Blocks is a free C/C++ IDE.

Visual studio comes with a compiler.. and Code::Blocks has a version of it you can download that has a compiler with it.

I was trying to help you know, don't be an ass >_>

You really should learn C++ if you want to do things beyond changing hard-coded values and copy/pasting the code you find on tutorials.

It's not something you can just pick up and run with.
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-27 02:07:29 UTC Post #280808
I'm not known around here for writing lots of stuff. Honest.

Ahhh, I somehow became an ass I dunno how. I am really not trying to make you all feel bad, you know, because I'm the one in need of the assistance. You know. I have to say I am great full that ppl responded (unlike another coding question in this forum). However you all seem very discouraging attitude I see. Like how it's not something I can pick up and run with.

Ok, I know coding is not easy. But I said I wasn't going to do complicated stuff. I know for sure that you only need change one number to control the amount of grenades given by a weapon_handgrenade. I am to do that sort of thing. You know. And luckily for me I have had about a summer's worth of C++ coding experience. I learned how to do elementary dos crap all by my self! (I'm getting condescendingly sarcastic looks right about now)

I looked at code blocks; it looks like a watered down visual studio guessing by the pictures. It has a compiler I am guessing that can build .dll files, I dunno. After twenty years I'll download it and hopefully it will help. But I think having this answer is great, thanks!

Curious: How long does it take to compile a dll? Lot longer than a running vis for a map, I hope not.
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-27 04:45:40 UTC Post #280810
Having a different kind of compiler will not help you. See my answer above, attempting to use a different compiler will just cause tons of compiler errors. Do not waste your time attempting to use a different IDE, either. It wont work. VS6 is ancient anyway, you can grab it from most places and it's under 300mb, if I recall.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-27 08:09:29 UTC Post #280811
Wait, visual studio is for free?
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-27 09:13:50 UTC Post #280812
Version 6 is not. BitTorrent is... eh, I mean I'm sure you can find it cheap on eBay.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-27 10:10:16 UTC Post #280815

For C++, I use DevCpp at the moment. It works perfect with the allegro library.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-02 17:19:14 UTC Post #280946
I just found out, GCC is crap in this respect.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-20 12:04:56 UTC Post #283263
I managed to get client.dll to compile from SDK version 2.2 with VS6 (don't know the service pack, if any), but instead of the standard 95kb it came to 2Mb or something. More importantly, HL couldn't read it (the error message was literally "cl_dlls\client.dll cannot be read", don't you love helpful error messages!).

I've several years coding experience with C, Java, C#, PHP, etc. so I'm not a complete n00b but I'd like to get into this. I know it's not much to go on but any idea what's up with that?
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-20 19:49:58 UTC Post #283281
dunno. i only got hl.dll working, i didn't go into client.dll but apparently it's needed for coding custom weapons. so basically i can only code monsters
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-20 20:04:47 UTC Post #283282
I managed to get client.dll to compile from SDK version 2.2 with VS6 (don't know the service pack, if any), but instead of the standard 95kb it came to 2Mb or something.

You probably compiled with debug information, which brings the file size up alot. (the standard size is a wee bit larger than 95 kb, tho.) Doesn't explain why it didn't work, though.
ChickenFist ChickenFist<Witty Title>
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-21 02:37:20 UTC Post #283291
Ah nertz, I really wanted it to code new weapons. I got it down to 484kb in Release mode, but it still doesn't recognise it.

I tried installing service pack 5, but it says I require MDAC 2.5 (or MDAC 2.6), but when I tried installing that the installer never did anything. Argh!!
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-21 03:10:52 UTC Post #283294
goldsrc SDK is a big mess
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-21 03:58:46 UTC Post #283296
Yeah, starting to see that! It must work though, I just need to find/work out how... :(
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-21 06:50:34 UTC Post #283302
i am reading the part with laser spot and RPG so i am going to implement a laser spot to Glock someday!!

i dont know why the code contains BOOL instead of bool? hell knows as i learned C++ from books i am going to write bool.
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