Lighting Anomaly.. Created 13 years ago2011-06-23 11:51:45 UTC by Saint_Stan Saint_Stan

Created 13 years ago2011-06-23 11:51:45 UTC by Saint_Stan Saint_Stan

Posted 13 years ago2011-06-23 11:51:45 UTC Post #295771
I seem to have a weird lighting effect on a part of my map.. I tried replacing the brush to no success.

I used (fast) VIS of ZHLT 3.4. (Don't know if that matters) All other compiling parameters at normal.

Please help me. Thanks. :D
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-24 03:34:50 UTC Post #295802
What exactly should we be looking at?
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-24 03:53:50 UTC Post #295803
The wall with combine metal texture with the glass-panel-like shadowing.. it shouldn't look like that,.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-24 04:21:52 UTC Post #295805
That's pretty fucking impressive that you're using goldsource compilation tools on a source engine game.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-24 05:44:48 UTC Post #295807
That screeny is rendered in Goldsource.. I ported the textures over.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-24 06:03:00 UTC Post #295808
You could have mentioned you ported them as this is in the HL engine discussion section and we continuously have people who don't understand the differences between source and goldsource, posting topics in the wrong sections.
So presumably a image with all source assets [How'd you get self illuminative light textures? Additive render mode?] with nothing tying it to goldsource other then the section the thread was posted in, could actually just be a source thread posted in a goldsource section.

With that aside,
As far as I know, the shadow maps shouldn't be affected by the texture [to the extent of that] and it might be worth upgrading your ZHLT, if i recall correctly version 3 isn't the latest and it might have some hotfixes to help with that type of stuff.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-24 06:17:43 UTC Post #295809
I'm definitely using Goldsource (HL1) engine. I accomplished the self-illuminating light textures effect by modifying my FGD to use texture lights.

ZHLT 3.4 is the final release for the Goldsource custom map compilation tools. I'm currently using the latest version of VHLT - custom ZHLT tools which are reportedly better - but I tried compiling on both ZHLT 3.4 and VHLT.

Anyway, I solved it. Thanks anyway.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-24 08:03:06 UTC Post #295810
idk, i know brush entities will take light differently than world brushes, so that's one thing to check. Also, maybe it's just the texture? (if you texture the illuminated part with a different texture, does it still light that way.

EDIT: didn't read down far enough to see you solved it. what was the solution?
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