Black & White Created 20 years ago2004-05-30 03:15:40 UTC by coldfeet coldfeet

Created 20 years ago2004-05-30 03:15:40 UTC by coldfeet coldfeet

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-30 03:15:40 UTC Post #29243
I was just thinking, is there anyway to get a mod going where parts of the game (such as a flashback sequence) could flash to black and white/greyscale for added dynamics?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-30 04:11:29 UTC Post #29244
Only parts? Hm, I suppose so. Spirit would be handy for monsters with custom models, you'd have to have copies of all the monsters with monochrome skins. Textures too. As long as the player has no suit at the time (the yellow HUD'd show) it should be okay. Except the weapon flares...
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-30 08:28:15 UTC Post #29266
To change the HUD color, you'll have to code it. It's easy to change the colors, it a bit more work to make that triggerable though.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-30 15:35:46 UTC Post #29336
You wouldnt think that the hud color would matter much. Its monochrome anyway and I bet Valve would keep it normal. But is it even possible to make the screen COLOR black and white? Because you cant use env_fade for that can you?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-30 16:23:59 UTC Post #29342
this is about XIII again, innit? the lighting would also have to be v well done. to make it look more blurry like a real memory
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-30 16:52:00 UTC Post #29346
you can fake this with some reskinned models, cameras, new monochrome textures and alot ofdetermination
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-01 03:14:49 UTC Post #29633
Ok, thanks. I'll see what I can do.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-01 07:38:51 UTC Post #29638
Here try this-- Make an env_fade with the time it takes to fade out a very high number, Therefore it will fade to slow to notice it is actually fading, You would just get a blurred picture-and I take it thats what you are looking for, so yep give it a try.
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-03 13:39:41 UTC Post #30034
Not so much blurred, as black and white, lol. Won't the env_fade just make the screen all wonky and pixelated? I just want to get things dramatic, for maybe a dream sequence, or a nightmare, etc etc. It's to enhance the environment, to induce a certain "mood" or "feeling" to the level.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-03 13:44:26 UTC Post #30038
Maybe sepia instead of black'n'white would do better?

Just a suggestion... :)
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