Okay, petty complaint time, and spoilerz ahead.
*********************************************List of things cut from Surface Tension that disappointed me:
- Tentacle in desert was missing completely
- Scripted sequence with Grunt throwing C4 into pipe was gone
- You no longer have to blow open the bay door with the rocket turret
- There's no Alien Grunt shoving a Marine through the wall
- Two instances of Xen launchpads are were cut (WTF? There's few enough already)
- Large sequence is missing where you had to escort Barney to RetScan a door open for you
- They cut out an optional sequence where Barney could open a secret door
- Multiple buildings and areas were completely cut out towards the end of the chapter, before the Garg chase.
I know this is nitpicking in the grand scheme of things, and you can easily say that this minor stuff was made up for with all the expanded areas that were included, but dammit, Surface Tension was my FAVORITE CHAPTER in Half-Life, and it pains me to see all this completely memorable stuff mysteriously missing. I see why they cut out the escort missions, which I guess some people thought were annoying. That added a lot of playtime in the original in the form of backtracking. But this other stuff, it's all the cool little details that made the chapter so damn interesting. And yet, it's still REALLY hard to talk shit about a chapter that includes set-pieces like an the incredible dam, and the whole cliff battle. Because overall everything's accounted for and done better than I ever could have hoped for.
And it's pointless to complain now, but I could go on about the scripted sequences that were cut. There's actually a surprising amount, and it left me with the feeling that something was missing. It's still an incredible game in every way, but I'm telling you, I could have waited another dang year if it took them to include all the stuff they left out.
And onto another subject...
If you read on the Black Mesa forums, you will encounter another common sentiment that I share, and that is that the Marines are inhumanly skilled. There's essentially no way to sneak up on them, they recognize your presence from a mile away with you crouched behind a wall, their reaction time between noticing you and firing is approximately zero, and they can spray submachine gun fire at you from a concealed location a football field away with 100% accuracy. See it's not that the game is too hard - far from it. It's just silly how much tougher the Marines are than every single other enemy in the entire game, event the Alien Grunts.
What's even sillier is that the toughest battle in the ENTIRE GAME does not happen towards the end, it's smack dab in the middle of it at the end of Questionable Ethics of all places. Now that's just plain old bad pacing. Aren't games supposed to get progressively harder as they go on, at a fairly steady rate? The original difficulty ramp was perfect in this sense, but they had to go messing with the game mechanics. I shouldn't have to be switching from normal to easy mode every time I encounter a few marines to compensate for poor enemy balancing, but that's what I was doing. And on Easy mode, EVERYTHING is too easy!
sighAnd of course, with Xen missing, I found the end to be less of a cliffhanger, and more of an anticlimax than anything. It's gonna suck waiting another year or who knows how long for them to get that together.
Also, it has to be said: With the numerous crashes, missing Xen chapters, and everything else, the first play-through felt a BIT like a well polished, slyly concealed public beta. I feel like maybe that's how it should have been announced, but it would have completely stolen their thunder. Because for a game of this immense magnitude, it is now encountering all the first-day release bugs of any AAA PC title, the only difference is they didn't have a multimillion dollar budget for beta testers.