I was wondering if any Goldsource veterans could enlighten me about how decals are supposed to work when they appply to multiple faces. I've been messing with Hammer for a little while now and I still have no idea what behaviour Hammer and the engine use for decals, aside from the fact that the two are quite different.
Let me demonstrate (please excuse my silly example map): Both behaviours seem illogical. Sometimes the decal is applied to multiple faces, sometimes it isn't. And when you try some different angles:The VDC and a few other places say that the decal texture is projected outwards from the infodecal entity, however this explanation seems inconsistent with the screenshots above. Hammer seems to be projecting to all faces in the first and last screenshot, but didn't project at all in the second one. The reverse is true for the in-engine screenshots.
Does anybody have any idea how the engine renders decals like this?