Some bug-fixing on GoldSource (quite min Created 11 years ago2013-09-22 14:36:08 UTC by ciba43 ciba43

Created 11 years ago2013-09-22 14:36:08 UTC by ciba43 ciba43

Posted 11 years ago2013-09-22 14:37:38 UTC Post #315864
Hi, I recently picked up Gold Source mapping (after 3 year stop) and I learned a lot. A lot. But I still find 2 problems:

1.Lighting issue. This doesn't interrupt gameplay, but it just doesn't look good. It's gives stripes. Usually on 2 sides.

2. Another issue of lighting. I call it the 'black door' issue. The brush that's touching the wall is black.

Btw, I am using ZHLT. It could be the problem, but I switched about 5 other Zhlt builds and custom builds.

If anyone knows the answers, say it :D
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-22 14:46:20 UTC Post #315865
1. You should get VHLT (V30): It's the best compilation toolset for GoldSource currently available. It has some new entities, one of them being a brush entity designed for detail brushwork, func_detail.
You can consider light fixtures like the one in your image as detail brushes. You should turn those into func_detail (see first issue). That ugly line, known as face splitting, which is caused by two solid brushes touching each other, should go away.

2. What's the initial position of that door, open or closed?
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-22 14:52:28 UTC Post #315866
VHLT has many fixes for lightning.
For more information:

for the lamp, convert it to func_detail (VHLT only)
The thing with the door is really old. I don't know if VHLT has a built-in fix for this, but if not then putting a light inside the door-brush should light all faces of the brush.

Edit: aaaah, too slow ^^
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-22 15:41:35 UTC Post #315867
the lamp can be fixed by dropping the lamp 1unit down or make it a func_wall

the door "start open" angle down that fix it
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-22 17:00:20 UTC Post #315870
well, I will switch to Vhlt, cause it will only take few seconds :)

Gonna try the door fix.

I started mapping as a CS1.6 mapper. Every forums about the game said the Zhlt is the best. Well, guess they were wrong.
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-22 19:10:44 UTC Post #315876
Zoners was the best. But new ones pop up every now and again
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-23 13:59:21 UTC Post #315882
Oh, and I hope none of you had problems with the host of the pics. It's kinda the fastest and easiest for me to use.

The map that had the problems is now having major remake, but I had other similar maps that I will try to compile.

PS. I have 2 Pc's. This one is the Net one and the other is the PlayGames, MakeGames one. When I will get to it, I will try Vhlt. Sounds good.

It fixed the light issue

but the door is still black :(

And the compile time increased a lot. From about 1, 2 mins to 5 mins.
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-23 14:16:01 UTC Post #315883
I think the door is black because it's spawning in the closed position so no light is hitting that surface.

So if you've already tried having the door spawn open first (so light will hit it) try the following parameters:

Minimum light level - set it to a brightness value (maybe 10?) It seems to me like there is 0 light getting to that face. Any value above zero will prevent the texture from being black. Any light cast on that object greater than the minimum light level will behave normally.

Light Origin Target - possibly have a separate light (with a name) close to the door and have the door get its lighting information from that specific light.

I haven't tried this but i would think the minimum light level would be your best bet to get rid of that blackness.

Also, your compile times probably increased due to the better quality of the compile tools.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-27 13:31:37 UTC Post #315964
Well, I tested that Min light level and came to a conclusion - 10 is too much. The door is very bright. Almost self emmiting light.

Gonna try a lover value, but it fixed it (kinda). So thanks. I will still need to find the perfect value for it, but still, thanks.
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-27 13:36:37 UTC Post #315965
In this picture:

...are you using a pointlight? You shouldn't.
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-27 18:51:44 UTC Post #315968
Oh, forgot about that. I have many compile tools and the last ones I used, didn't had the lights.rad file. Totally forgot about that. I think Vhlt had this file working properly.
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-28 02:39:09 UTC Post #315971
Well, I tested that Min light level and came to a conclusion - 10 is too much. The door is very bright. Almost self emmiting light.
The values for Minimum Light Level actually range from 0 to 1, so try setting it to like 0.1 or so.
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-28 19:54:23 UTC Post #315974
I will compile it when I get to that computer.

EDIT: Compiled it, came to a conclusion - it's the same as 10. So, now I will need to look for the perfect value.

It's also pretty interesting, how Valve did this using very old compile tools. Kinda amazing, isn't it?
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