Clipping objects lead to errors Created 9 years ago2015-12-22 11:36:21 UTC by EsprimoP EsprimoP

Created 9 years ago2015-12-22 11:36:21 UTC by EsprimoP EsprimoP

Posted 9 years ago2015-12-22 11:36:21 UTC Post #327836
Every time I try to make a part of the map or add some kind of little item and making it realistic by clipping it just results in "Plane with no normal" or "Ambiguous Leafnode content"... every map on any mod I know has tons of those things with the similar placements of light. Can I somehow make the compiler just compile it the way It looks like in the editor? Also I used pipes (cylinders with 6 faces) and gave the same errors. Like there are tons of those objects in the original Half Life.
User posted image
That's the object.. I'm using ZHLT's, don't know which though because the user who posted it on another website deleted it.
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 9 years ago2015-12-22 12:54:49 UTC Post #327837
It all depends on how you're actually clipping the object, but the six sided cylinder (I assume when actually using the cylinder tool) makes me think that you may have something configured incorrectly. Six sided cylinders are actually very basic even by goldsource standards. I'm also assuming you aren't trying to make them too small or anything...?
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 9 years ago2015-12-22 13:30:25 UTC Post #327838
Nope.. just like those pipes from hl when you kill the tentacles and walk on them over the acid pool. That's the size, kind of.. and I also had another level made by me where some parts of the pipe's face is invisible (gone).

In this picture, I clipped the lamp thing and rotated it 45 degrees with those pods holding it
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 9 years ago2015-12-22 13:59:55 UTC Post #327840
You have to be careful with the clipping tool. Get VHLT and get vluzacn's float enabler for VHE. Such small items were always problematic in HL but with VHLT it's way easier, read about the new entity func_detail. The float enabler will let to compile your objects as you see them in the editor because by default VHE snaps everything to grid before compiling.
Posted 9 years ago2015-12-22 14:48:03 UTC Post #327841
and rotated it 45 degrees with those pods holding it
That is most likely your problem. You have to get your geometry on the grid.

Also, a small prop like that should be turned into a func_wall or other entity if it is not already.
Posted 9 years ago2015-12-22 15:50:42 UTC Post #327842
You don't have to get your geometry on the grid.
Posted 9 years ago2015-12-22 18:47:35 UTC Post #327843
func_detail worked. Got some warnings/errors but I got the bsp working fine.

I guess putting every wall/floor and such objects to func_detail wouldn't be a problem? I'm not saying I'm gonna do it...
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 9 years ago2015-12-22 19:13:59 UTC Post #327844
Walls and floors, no - they should remain world brushes. Detail objects, yes - go ahead and make them func_details.
Posted 9 years ago2015-12-22 23:11:06 UTC Post #327845
func_detail does create a world brush but tells the compiler to not contribute it to visibility (VIS) calculation so you can't seal the map from void with it. It should be used for details, just like it's name says. And some other smart uses...
Posted 9 years ago2015-12-23 14:56:59 UTC Post #327859
I'd recommend using Sledge. Developed In-house here at TWHL by the webmaster himself, Penguinboy. It's an amazing replacement for Hammer, and it supports off grid verticies by default.

You might want to check wireframe to make sure there's only one face per plane too.

Also consider turning those props into entities such as func_detail or func_illusionary (with an accompanying clip brush)
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
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