Created 17 years ago2007-12-16 00:58:58 UTC by doodle
I could. But RSS feeds for what? Forum posts? Vault items?Everything!
Is there a new wave of good mappers coming to TWHL lately?I certainly think so! It's refreshing to see new styles
png because it is very smaller than jpegno, not really... PNG's are lossless and Jpegs are compressed.
@DiscoStuYes I do!
Thanks you like my brush architectures?
I am deafHow does this affect how you write in any language?
Stop and please respect me! I don't like who abuses me.Relax, nobody is abusing you nor mocking you. People are just observing some of your sentences are a bit hard to understand fully. Keep practicing your English and it will improve with time!
You see about Urby has baby and he hasn't problem with money? If he releases free games than he doesn't know about money. Haha how does it happen with Urby's baby? Baby need foods, clothes and going to kindergarten than school.Not sure if I misunderstood what you mean... I've never charged money for a game
Your problem! I don't do free because I need earn for my life. My wife is from the Philippines and I bring she to Germany - I must pay for visa. It is not free and it is very expensive ( ca 3000 Euro surprised - because embassy of Germany is very strict. That is why I want "sell" my finished source mod. And I want enjoy rich life for my future.Please note that what you are going to read below is not meant to discourage you. I'm just telling some facts that you need to be aware of before diving into the unknown.