Some of you may remember me from my silly projects a few years ago, and the rest of you you don't know me. Doesn't matter.
I used to really enjoy most forms of game design--I mainly did 3D art but I started out with level design for half-life (therefor me being here). Never made anything decent, but I got quite involved with the 3D art side of things and made some things I could say I'm proud of.
However, lately I haven't really been able to muster up any amount of motivation towards anything. I don't feel motivation at any point in my day to day life that I'm aware of, and it's very difficult to commit to doing things I want to do or need to do. I used to find myself opening 3ds max only out of habit, trying to do a project and closing it shortly after out of frustration.
Now to be clear, if I was concerned about being depressed I would not be posting here. My mental well-being is not the responsibility of others, and if I feel sad that is entirely my responsibility to deal with.
But I do not feel sad, and I do not believe this merely an angsty\edgy "phase" in my life. I am fully aware that there is joy despite feeling so frustrated all the time, and I am simply trying to figure out what I need to do right now.
I'm interested in what way others may have experienced this all inclusive "writers block", and any advice they may have to give in getting past it.
While I am of course posting this out of self-interest, it may also be helpful to others that find themselves in the same situation.
nfs sucked since underground,