I need help compiling a .MDL player mode Created 7 years ago2017-03-16 09:39:27 UTC by 789 789

Created 7 years ago2017-03-16 09:39:27 UTC by 789 789

Posted 7 years ago2017-03-16 09:39:27 UTC Post #333979
I'm trying to make a
multiplayer model for half-life but I can't get it to work!

using milkeshape
I decompiled the vanilla zombie player model

and opened up the: ZOM_Template_Biped1 model
and made sure to uncheck "rename bones"
then deleted the zombie mesh and imported my
mud golem model and used the joint tool
to automatically assign the verticies to the bones
then I saved the smd file
*using milkeshape*

and deleted the DM_BASE texture and put the Golem_au texture in. that my model uses.

Then I opened up the SMD again in milkshape to make sure everything was fine
and everything was present, and the model was textured.
User posted image
I didn't generate a qc file sence the model allready had one and I did not want to clear the animation data

then I opened up Jed's Half-Life Model Viewer
with the mdldecompiler installed and studiomdl installed so
I could recompile the model
but when I went to compile
the window just poped up and closed rightaway
and nothing happened to the decompiled model's folder

and I tried decompiling a vanilla model and recompiling to make sure the program works and it does

I dont know what i'm doing wrong
I have retextured models before and just replacing the model and making sure the bones are assigned and it's textured
doesn't seam like it should be so complicated.
iv tried off and on throughout the year to get it to work
and recently I just learned how to UV map and started making textured 3D models and I
really want to use them in-game.
I can make texture wads, skyboxes, .WAV sounds, and use Hammer, but I can't model!
It's going to my birthday in a few days and me and my friends are going to have a LAN party
and I really want to have my custom player models for it!

Can someone please help me!

the files that i used are here:
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-16 10:57:22 UTC Post #333981
Try this:

1.Open Milkshape
2.Import the reference.smd from which the skeleton will be used .
3.Delete the mesh and create/import yours, this time uncheck all options that pop up except the triangles part. Your model just only have to have one bone, the mistake is to create a whole skeleton for it and then try to mimpor it for being a replacement for an existing model of HL with its animations, as I said, MISTAKE!!!.
4.Delete the bone you use to create your reference.smd and assign vertices as normal.
5.Test the model in animation mode (try to pose it a bit to see if all verts are properly assigned).
6.Compile it WITHIN milkshape, this way you can see what is happening into the Viewport Caption (Activate it on the VIEW menu on the toolbar). If some error exist will be displayed there.

I´m sure your model will be compiled this way. This is the method I use to create new versions of my models. :)
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-16 13:13:36 UTC Post #333986
abbadon is correct here.

Also, just a side note. I hate the way HLDM works with player models. If you're using a custom made one, other players will only see it if they themselves have the model. Otherwise, they will see the orange HEV player model. Although, I guess it prevents people making an invisible/tiny model and cheating other players.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-16 15:43:00 UTC Post #333987
@Urby : you are correct. And sending the skin to the server is a no because 1) security 2) sending the MDL to the server and transmit it to all clients is bandwith expensive. Furthermore, data about the game is more important than a skin.
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-16 17:46:40 UTC Post #333990
the server can however send custom models to all the players so if youre the admin you can make yourself invisible
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-16 20:20:05 UTC Post #333995
[/quote]if youre the admin you can make yourself invisible[quote]

But, the locked chasecam option in the observer menu will unmask him, right?
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-16 23:06:05 UTC Post #333998
thank you abbadon
i'm still having a little bit trouble though
so I have decompiled vanilla deathmatch player model
and I import the .smd with reference in the name (and uncheck rename bones) and delete the mesh then I import my model with only the triangles option selected
and assign the vertices to the skeleton's bones
but if I delete the bones then the model can't be animated?
and when I go to compile QC file I get an error?
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-17 04:54:27 UTC Post #334000
Once vertices are properly assigned the model should be fully animable. and, what's the error you receive?
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-17 16:38:10 UTC Post #334015
Ok so in Milkshape 3D when I go to Tools -> half-life -> Compile QC file
I get the error:
User posted image
in tools -> hal-life
is generate QC for making a QC file and
and compile QC file for editing it to include the
changes in your model?
and if you generate QC instead that ruins your model's animation data?
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-17 16:41:45 UTC Post #334016
ZOM_Template_Biped1 was the name of the SMD that I made changes to
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-17 16:44:13 UTC Post #334017
oh you mean assign the vertices so they know what bones to be attached too
then you can delete the bones when you save and compile
because the mesh will still have the name of the bone that it goes with when its paired with an animation?
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-17 21:31:17 UTC Post #334026
and if you generate QC instead that ruins your model's animation data?
No. Open your model and then you must generate a new qc file with your model's name, this way the qc file will include the path for all its textures, then copy-paste all the animation lines, don't use the origin and textures of the model of which you took the skeleton.

If you assign the vertexes of your model to the right bone, once you compile it it will perform all the animations as if they were done for it. The process is like this.

1.Import reference.smd of the decompiled HL model. Delete all faces and vertex.
2.Import your reference.smd, it only need a single bone. Once imported, delete that bone if you import the mesh along with the bone.
3.Assign vertex and test when finished. Use another copy of the original HL model and check where its vertexes are assigned in case of doubt. Now it is time to generate the qc file.
4.Once done export your reference model into the very folder from where you took the HL's reference smd, replace it if necessary, but warning!! it sometimes has another name, like your "ZOM_template_Biped1", if so change the name into the qc file.
5.Compile normally. It must work.
6.If textures are misaligned, use the texture alignment tool inside milkshape.

If all that does not work, well... Oh, c'mon!, It must work!! :crowbar:
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-17 23:06:05 UTC Post #334028
Thank You! so much it worked!
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i'm going to become a forum regular just so I can help other users the way you helped me
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-17 23:08:19 UTC Post #334029
I'm going to go check off model in Half-Life 1 Engine Skills: in my settings

I'm really good at modeling and texturing if you ever need a model just pm me
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-18 00:12:50 UTC Post #334030
It's a shame i came into this forum too late :(
glad you got it working.

If you ever want to model using Blender, let me know
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-18 00:47:02 UTC Post #334031
User posted image
and Thank you tetsu0 I'v already been using blender for UV mapping and modeling and i'm pretty familiar with it.
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-18 01:27:36 UTC Post #334032
I'm going to try making a model with colors you can change in game
your UV map has to use certain colors right? and have the name DM_BASE?
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-18 04:26:58 UTC Post #334035
I made a ghost
User posted image
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-18 14:35:07 UTC Post #334038
I'm really good at modeling and texturing if you ever need a model just pm me
Thanks!, the same I say. ;)

For ghost models try additive for the main body's texture. I did made semi transparent parts of some of my models checking that flag on HLMViewer.
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-18 16:51:23 UTC Post #334039
Thank you I will try doing that to the ghost

--I made a mantis---
User posted image
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-18 19:12:53 UTC Post #334040
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-18 21:35:58 UTC Post #334042
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-19 18:53:33 UTC Post #334052
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Posted 7 years ago2017-03-19 19:58:18 UTC Post #334055
lol good work, the ghost looks straight out of runescape
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-20 04:50:51 UTC Post #334057
Omg. yuck again!, :crowbar:
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-20 06:05:21 UTC Post #334058
User posted image
I got a good work flow going:

sculptris -> Wings3D -> gimp -> milkshape 3D -> Jed's Model compiler
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-20 09:23:04 UTC Post #334059
Once you make "pop" there´s no stop...
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-21 03:04:24 UTC Post #334067
There is no stop....
User posted image
zomg chips in a tube
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-21 09:08:58 UTC Post #334070
Look what you've done. I hope that you're all proud of yourselves.
Ghost129er Ghost129erSAS1946 Certified Nuisance
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-22 04:52:41 UTC Post #334079
I'm so proud of my self! I just had the most epic LAN ever
User posted image
User posted image
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-23 22:01:39 UTC Post #334116
Haha!!, wow, cool!!, triple yuck!!
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