My last comeback to CoD for now:
Yes, we start with our meme Pvt. Bell, who didn't follow his damn orders.
I assume this is WW2 Pvt. Bell's grandson.
This was my favourite mission:
Guess what I did. I just ran around with the machine-gun (and the P90 when I ran out of ammo for the machine-gun) and jumped around so they couldn't hit me. What an amazing hip-fire experience, lol.
At some point, I turned on the specular maps:
But the game was too laggy, so I turned them off.
The same thing goes for shadows and dynamic lights:
They're beautiful, but they halve my fps.
I'm just so sorry because of these cute, little dogs:

Heavy would be proud, lol.
Anyway... I managed to complete All Ghillied Up.

The hardest part was this:
I failed it countless times. Then I realised I had to move a bit to the side, lol.
Wow, this part really reminds me of one of the parts at my elementary school. The stairs and the fences on the stairs are just like that.
Wow, looks like Zakhaev was really given some priority in terms of rendering.
This guy got killed:
Good night, gospodin Zakhaev. See you in hell. >:)
Well, there you go, no more CoD stuff from me.
My laptop won't run WaW nor any of the latter ones at a framerate greater than 0.5fps. CoD 4 ran at 5 to 10fps most of the time, but I'm used to it, so I managed to complete it, lol.
Ah, one last thing:
I was so disappointed that they didn't put "No cows were harmed in the making of this game" at the end. Though, I did get one thing after the credits: