I decompiled de_boatseason2c to see what they did and they used strange witchcraft wizardry where they basically placed the boats a certain distance away from land brushes that kept them floating above the water. I replicated this but did not like how the cliffs dropped into the water. I wanted the beaches sand to gradually slope into the ocean.
So the only thing I could do is set the func_vehicles on the outside of a "net" that they cannot go over, just a func_wall... To make them float you just set the paths on the ocean floor and then set the vehicles height above track to the distance in units above the entities. In order to allow the player to get back on the vehicles when they fall off I had to create a step on the back of the jet skis...
With the original method when you drive the boats onto land they act as a regular func_vehicle but with the method I used, they float the "height above track" over the land. Being Jet Skis, they shouldn't be able to drive over the land anyway so I just blocked the area off with the nets.
And lol yes I should win by default for func_vehicles.

Is anyone else entering?