MAX_MAP_CLIPNODES Created 4 years ago2020-06-16 12:54:50 UTC by zaku1 zaku1

Created 4 years ago2020-06-16 12:54:50 UTC by zaku1 zaku1

Posted 4 years ago2020-06-16 12:54:50 UTC Post #344408
Any way to fix that problem? Can someone explain it (I suck at english), any easy way to get it work? I almost finished my map, but can't place 5 more blocks because of it... I tried to look it on internet but I'm not that good at english again and there isn't that many topics about that. Someone told me that too many face textures are the reason, so I replaced couple of them with null texture but it didn't make any changes either (still clipnodes usage 99%).
Greetings from Uganda and thanks for any responses, Michal.
Posted 4 years ago2020-06-16 16:34:21 UTC Post #344409
There is a big problem with the map.
It's surrounded by a sky "box".
Instead, you should "cap" the parts where you can see the sky, like this:
It looks the same in-gameIt looks the same in-game
Clipnodes are collision data for the map. If there were no clipnodes, then we'd fall through the floor as soon as we spawned.
The problem is, when you have a large sky "box" around your map, the compilers will generate clipnodes for literally everything. Even the outer parts that you aren't supposed to reach as a player.
If you seal a map properly and fix all leaks, this problem shouldn't happen.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 4 years ago2020-06-18 11:33:56 UTC Post #344415
I even deleted the hitboxes but it still says clipnodes 99,9%:)
Posted 4 years ago2020-06-18 13:02:51 UTC Post #344416
Do you have any leaks in the map? That could be a cause as well.
The map doesn't look like it needs so many clipnodes.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 4 years ago2020-06-18 13:53:29 UTC Post #344418
With VHLT you can use -nohull2 on hlbsp to reduce clipnodes, if your map is too complex, and the cause is not a leak. Hull 2 is solely used by large monsters(Gonarch and Gargantua), so if you don't have monsters like that in your map, -nohull2 can help. Otherwise if you have a leak, fix that, or if you are using a skybox, get rid of it.

Surrounding more complicated geometry with clip brushes can also reduce clipnodes drastically.
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