TWHL! Sound off! (who are you) Created 4 years ago2020-03-26 15:24:46 UTC by monster_urby monster_urby

Created 4 years ago2020-03-26 15:24:46 UTC by monster_urby monster_urby

Posted 4 years ago2020-04-12 21:13:29 UTC Post #344093
Pineapple pizza is the shit.
Oh look! Someone smart! :aghast:
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-13 08:06:06 UTC Post #344096
You don't like the new Doom games? But they're so good 🥺
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-13 10:29:34 UTC Post #344097
You don't like the new Doom games? But they're so good
This is correct.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-13 10:35:44 UTC Post #344098
I mean, if DooM 1 were to be made now it would have glory kills, because technology!
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-13 10:47:40 UTC Post #344099
I mean, if DooM 1 were to be made now it would have glory kills, because technology!
Not so accurate. Brutal Doom is older than Doom 2016, which, btw, copies all the mechanics of Brutal Doom and, afaik, Bethesda did not mention the guy who created Brutal Doom. Correct me if I am wrong.

BTW: Doom Eternal is overwhelming in what secrets, easter eggs and exploration is about. And I love it!
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-13 12:36:00 UTC Post #344100
Regardless of the glory kill mechanic (which is a perfectly reasonable means of getting a small health boost in terms of gameplay) DOOM 2016 feels a lot closer to the frantic fun my friends and I had with Doom 1 and 2 back in the early 90s. They were never scary, but they were always hilarious. I enjoyed Brutal Doom for a while, but I much prefer the vanilla Doom experience.

DOOM 3 was such a massive disappointment in terms of the overall feel and sluggish pace. At the time it was visually stunning, but I never finished it because it was boring and it got uninstalled as soon as Half-Life 2 came out.

Looking forward to grabbing Eternal on pay day. :D
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-13 22:19:03 UTC Post #344101
Respectfully disagree. They miss the mark completely in my opinion.
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-13 23:31:24 UTC Post #344102
Hometown: One of the worst towns in Michigan, Snover
Was always curious how you ended up in Greenland then (as per your profile) of all places
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-14 00:19:44 UTC Post #344103
As someone who played through Doom 2016 again recently for god-knows-what reason, I thought it was completely and utterly... fine. No more, no less.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-14 09:16:30 UTC Post #344107
Respectfully disagree. They miss the mark completely in my opinion.
Exactly my opinion, but aimed at Doom 3. :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-14 09:27:49 UTC Post #344108
Doom 3 is the best Doom IMO.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-14 10:17:52 UTC Post #344109
I'll always remember that Doom 3 expansion pack, featuring the most blatant gravity gun rip-off ever :lol:
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-14 11:43:12 UTC Post #344110
Doom 3 is a decent game, it feels competently made and cohesive with a lot of world building details in things like the PDAs and computers you interact with, even if it drags on for too long, but it barely feels like a survival horror game, more like an action game with a spooky atmosphere.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-14 14:00:34 UTC Post #344111
How is this what got fucking discussion going
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-14 14:14:23 UTC Post #344112
Woops, looks like we drifted a bit too offtopic, still within the bounds of the discussion kind of, so whatever.

EDIT: Here's something about me for a change

About You

Name: Farouk Derbali
Age: 22
Hometown: Laghouat, Hassi R' Mel, Algeria
Relationships: Single (also kind of an introvert)
Occupation: Student
Current goal(s): Finish my university studies and find a decent job
Politics: Not my thing
Religion: None

Favourite Things

Food: I honestly don't know, I like a lot of things, don't worry, I'm not fat, I don't think I'll ever be, I only get to eat 3 times a day.
Hot drink: Coffee
Cold drink: Soda
Snacks: None
Movies: None
Videogames: Anything but RTS, MOBA, arena shooters or battle royale games
Music: Anything that's not depressing
Other: None

Disliked/Hated Things

Food: None
Hot drink: None
Cold drink: None
Snacks: None
Movies: None
Videogames: RTS, MOBA, Arena shooters and Battle Royale games
Music: Anything loud or depressing
Other: None

.......yeah, probably should have kept this to myself, nothing to write home about, reading my post again made me realize I sounded like edgy teenager lol
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-15 13:54:29 UTC Post #344115

About You

Name: Thomas J. Boyle, hence the name TJB
Age: 27
Hometown: Depends how you define it. At the moment I live near-ish to this place, but these days I rarely go into town
Relationships: 1 previous that lasted a few years. I've been single for the past ~5ish years, and I'm intending to stay that way
Occupation: I work for a company that leases aircraft to airlines. The main part of my job consists of reading lease contracts and working out from that when maintenance is going to happen in the future, and the associated costs
Current goal(s): I dunno really. I'm interested in being able to play VR games, and then create things for them
Politics: N/A
Apathetic Agnostic
Sounds like a good description

Favourite Things

Food: Steak, usually with rice. I've been preparing my rice like this recently, would recommend
Hot drink: Good quality tea. Coffee can be alright too, I suppose
Cold drink: I like root beer, although it tends to be kind of hard to get here. My go to (other than water) would be Coke Zero
Snacks: If I'm watching a movie I might make some popcorn in goose fat, sometimes with a bit of bacon grease. Makes for a very delicious, if probably horribly unhealthy snack
Movies: I tend to like Sci-Fi, among others. I find it hard to answer as I haven't watched many movies over the past few years due to lack of time.
Videogames: Honestly I've played very few games in the past few years. I like Kerbal Space Program, although I haven't played too much of it recently - whenever I advance enough to start building large stations or mining bases it just kills my processor. It's definitely a game I would like to play in VR.
I like Deus Ex, the first System Shock, Halo, Half-Life (obviously). I've also been playing Deep Rock Galactic recently, that's pretty fun.
Music: A lot of different kinds of music, but mainly Metal and Synthwave. Recently I've been listening to Master Boot Record. I'd say my favourite metal band is Rammstein, and my favourite synthwave artist would be Perturbator. For the past few years I've been collecting music in the form of vinyl records - I like physical media, it's nice to have something you can hold in your hands
Other: I've been watching Star Trek recently, it seems pretty good.

Disliked/Hated Things

Food: There are a good few things I'm not a fan of, but if I had to pick one it would be coconut. Fuck coconut, and fuck anyone who ruins snacks by adding it in.
Hot drink: Poor quality tea, which in my book also includes any tea that's got milk in it
Cold drink: I'm not a fan of most fruit juices
Anything with coconut. The creator of Bounty is a sociopath.
Movies: Hard to say. I thought Suicide Squad was terrible, but I knew it would be ahead of time.
Videogames: The only game I can remember actively disliking would be The Stanley Parable. I would have preferred to spend the money on an hour watching paint dry, because at least then I would know ahead of time not to get my hopes up.
Music: What with the advent of streaming services, I don't know how to answer this one. I can't remember the last time I listened to music that I didn't specifically request.
Other: Daylight Savings time. Whichever sadistic bastard thought that up must be having a great time in hell right now.

And thats bacicly my life story.....
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-15 20:29:01 UTC Post #344116
Pineapple pizza is the shit.
You've got one extra word you don't need there.
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-15 21:31:02 UTC Post #344117
Pineapple pizza is the shit.
You've got one extra word you don't need there.
Yeah, honestly that sentence is absolutely fine if you remove either pineapple, pizza, or the. Otherwise it's just wrong.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 4 years ago2020-05-25 21:59:08 UTC Post #344300
TWHL has been my hotel California since day one, guess its time I wrote in one of these too. So here it goes:

About You

Name: Nikola Stojković (ć sounds like cc in cappuccino)
Age: 27
Hometown: Novi Sad , Serbia
Relationships: Currently single
Occupation: Electrical engineer , Specialised in servicing of any kind of electronical device
Current goal(s): Improving my sciences , becoming a real man (Youre a real boy now Pinoccio!)
Politics: Not one politician is brave enough to push all of Gods principles so only mediocre interest into it so far. Been a part of an political party for more than 10 years only because they dont kick out those who are inactive.
Religion: Chistian fanatic (Not gonna lie) . My personal proof for Christianity being true and Christian God being real came from understanding of and application of physical sciences and sheer logic.

Favourite Things

Food: Beans.
Hot drink: Nes coffee
Cold drink: Cola
Snacks: Idk , roasted peanuts?
Movies: Robocop 1 , Alita Battle Angel ( ... I dont really watch movies that often )
Videogames: Half Life , Red Alert 2 , Duke Nukem 3D , Counter Strike . Warcraft III , ZZT , Sonic games & Mario , Metal Slug , Lotsa nice games out there that I like to play but these came to mind instantly
Music: Pretty much anything , as of lately lots of rock and upbeat disco/electronic/house music (who can catch all these genres nowdays? )
Other: Long relaxing walks around the town

Disliked/Hated Things

Food: Stuffed peppers with meat (yuck)
Hot drink: Beer
Cold drink: Soup
Snacks: Cakes and sweet suggary foam thing they use an almost all homemade sweet treats
Movies: Cant say Ive ever watched a movie that I hated
Videogames: Acton games that rely purely on reflex
Music: Shitty lyrics can trigger me
Other: Idiot customers who only want something done for free , gtfo shuu :)


Blood type 0 , green eyes , 175cm tall . God bless you all .
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 4 years ago2020-05-26 10:26:33 UTC Post #344301
My personal proof for Christianity being true and Christian God being real came from understanding of and application of physical sciences and sheer logic.
I desperately want to see what leaps of logic you've taken to arrive at this black and white a statement, but I know this is not the place.
If it makes you happy.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 4 years ago2020-05-26 20:42:59 UTC Post #344307

I do care when somebody wants to challenge my logic, but usually those who do are easily defeated only becase it is the principles that are important and not the little details they try to cling onto.
Religion, a science of the mind, traslated meaning would be "a way of which ones life is led" is present in every man, woman and child. What is your religion, depends on what you nurture within you, and is with out a doubt a set of principles that are applyed to everything that person defined and applied within it self (talking about ones mind).

To arrive at this statement where I am took a lot of sacrifice and endured hardships in life out of which many cost plenty of time, health and money.
It is pretty simple to defend your self online but I would like to see us discuss these things in person as much more information is passed via guestures and just by a display of physical presence and emotion.

Simply put - If a man could just like that realise that everything he knows and does is wrong he wouldnt be here in the first place. It is very hard for one to give up himself and change to something completely diametrically different.

But the key is in ones life principles as they are the starting point of all expressed emotion.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 4 years ago2020-08-14 17:58:19 UTC Post #344624

About You

Name: Paul Mataruso
Age: 28
Hometown: Newport, New Hampshire
Relationships: Single
Occupation: Own a small IT MSP
Current goal(s): Move forward
Politics: Squarely in the center of left and right
Religion: Never been very religious, but I find pagan and wiccan ideas pretty fascinating

Favorite Things

Food: Sushi
Hot drink: Coffee
Cold drink: Coffee
Snacks: Cheese, wasa thins, pickled stuff
Movies: House, Zero Dark Thirty, Full Metal Alchemist
Videogames: Zelda! and of course Half-Life
Music: All that remains, BFMV, Good Charlotte, slightly stoopid, brandnew
Other: Long boarding, cisco stuff, linux, nerdstuff

Disliked/Hated Things

Food: Eggplant
Hot drink: Cider
Cold drink: Milk
Snacks: Ice cream, not all of them, but most
Movies: Not a big fan of romance type movies
Videogames: Games that you play on your phone
Music: Jambands
Posted 4 years ago2020-08-14 20:50:10 UTC Post #344625
Blimey. You've been around for some time. :P

Welcome back.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 4 years ago2020-08-29 17:01:59 UTC Post #344670

About You

Name: Luis
Age: Teen
Hometown: Closest I'll specify is Northrhine-Westfalia
Relationships: None
Occupation: School
Current goal(s): Get rid of my shitty manipulative friend, finish school decently, expanding my home lab
Politics: Not interested
Religion: I don't believe in god, but one objectively can't say what is truly real, so I just choose what I like most, which is science,

Favourite Things

Food: Everything very spicy
Hot drink: Would be coffee if microgram amounts of caffeine wouldn't make me horribly dizzy
Cold drink: Fruity things are cool, but I also enjoy sweet things such as milkshakes
Snacks: General sweet chocolate things, cookies or cake
Movies: Fantasy or sci-fi. But I rarely watch videos, I usually watch series of fantasy or sci-fi, sometimes also horror.
Videogames: I am very picky, and picked out a lot of very great games and I all love them equally, so let me pick out a few: Half-Life series (obviously), anything from Frictional Games, I also sometimes enjoy me some FNAF. I also very much love a nearly unknown game called Distance, which is a mysterious horror game with the very experimental element of you being a car robot chasing an anomaly, and also Terraria has a very special place in my heart
Music: Dark ambient, creepy music such as earthbound giygas music or the cave from the past and the other track that plays there
Other: I very much enjoy science, and practice home chemistry and am collecting elements as well as hard to synthesize compounds

Disliked/Hated Things

Food: Many vegetables, lots of other stuff I forgot
Hot drink: Also coffee since it makes me feel very bad
Cold drink: not sure
Snacks: many sorts of chocolate, sometimes
Movies: Horror movies, romances also isn't really something I will watch if I can avoid it, some other things I don't remember are also in that category probably
Videogames: most puzzle games, most strategy games except for some games in the C&C series, some other games
Music: All that wasn't named above, except when it fits into a game (for example in Distance or Terraria)
Other: I hate when people say that they don't like chemistry because they don't understand that chemistry is the study of all matter, and that they buy everything which has natural written on it, as if everything found in nature isn't as synthetic as everything else is
Posted 3 years ago2021-01-30 03:31:45 UTC Post #345302

About You

Name: cambreaKer (my actual name is gonna be a mystery :combines: )
Age: 15
Hometown: born and used to live in Poland, but since 2015 i live in Germany
Relationships: nope
Occupation: school
Current goal(s): finishing my Half-Life: WAR mod and a crappy little game i'm working on in FPS Creator :D maybe even actually learn C++ one day haha
Politics: not interested at all
Religion: used to be a Christian (sorta) but nowadays i'm not religious

Favourite Things

Food: pizza, spaghetti, the good ol' schnitzel's, and lasagna. also, cheese - if The Core won't have a cheese vending machine it's gonna be a 1/10 from me :ciggie:
Hot drink: tea, preferably mint tea, that stuff's great
Cold drink: cola
Snacks: chips, mostly Lay's sour cream & onion, those are great
Movies: ehh i watch movies very rarely, so i can't really say what's my favourite one.
Videogames: definitely FPS games. Half-Life, Counter-Strike, Delta Force, Timesplitters, Call of Duty (the old ones) and even crappier games like Terrorist Takedown and Code of Honor hold a special place in my heart. i also like third-person-shooters, like Max Payne or the GTA games.
Music: i like various genres, rap, hip-hop, pop and some other ones. i also for some reason really like listening to game OST's really often
Other: modding games, mapping and even making crappy little games sometimes. i really enjoy mapping in particular, especially mapping for Goldsrc engine games. i've also made quite a few games, mostly with FPS Creator, sadly most of my early work is lost but maybe that's for the better :D

Disliked/Hated Things

Food: mortadella, that stuff sucks.
Hot drink: can't really think of that from the top of my head
Cold drink: not sure 'bout that one either
Snacks: gonna have to do some hard thinking about that one
Movies: like i said, i watch movies very rarely, so not sure #4
Videogames: i don't really like strategy games, i liked C&C but others, not so much.
Music: "mumble rap" songs, that stuff is just horrible
Other: that one store from which i bought hl2 goty edition back in 2013 and it turned out to be a friggin' used copy and i couldn't play it!
Posted 3 years ago2021-01-30 19:56:37 UTC Post #345303
Who tf vends cheese?
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 3 years ago2021-01-30 22:06:12 UTC Post #345304
The Swiss. It's beautiful. And it probably helps keep Archies away.
User posted image
Posted 3 years ago2021-01-30 23:17:09 UTC Post #345305
slowly crosses Switzerland off my list of places to visit
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 3 years ago2021-01-31 00:40:18 UTC Post #345306
holy cow i never thought there were actual cheese vending machines lol
Posted 3 years ago2021-01-31 05:48:53 UTC Post #345307
mortadella, that stuff sucks.
Doctors Kolbasa is a guilty pleasure!
Posted 3 years ago2021-03-06 15:23:57 UTC Post #345399
Lol saw this thread a little bit late

About You

Name: My name is too long so you can call me Kemal or Daniel. Or just call me Frantic
Age: 19
Hometown: Bolu, Turkey | Glasgow, Scotland, UK (Bloody mixed people)
Relationships: 2 ex-bfs are crying for me to come back. Single now.
Occupation: University Freshman
Current goal(s): Big one: Being a successful game developer. Small ones: Finish my games called "C.A.P.I.T.A.L." and "The Lone Guy", Finish my mod called "Half-Life Planch Epoch". Mod is my top priority in between these small ones.
Politics: :)
Religion: Muslim

Favourite Things

Food: Mantı (Can't translate. it is a specific name)
Hot drink: Tea
Cold drink: Coke
Snacks: Doritos Orange
Movies: Hot Fuzz and Ölümlü Dünya (Translated as "Mortal World")
Videogames: Half-Life, CP2077
Music: Rap, Soft Rock, Classical
Other: I love programming and level design. Also, I like watching football (the one you play with your feet).

Disliked/Hated Things

Food: Mushroom Soup
Hot drink: Weird bloody herbal teas
Cold drink: Alcohol, Şalgam Suyu (Translated as "Shalgam Juice")
Snacks: N.. ope?
Movies: Suicide Squad, Recep İvedik (Don't even bother to google it)
Videogames: TLOU2
Music: K-Pop
Other: Bloody compiler errors and playing football (I just like WATCHING it).
FranticDreamer FranticDreamerR.I.P. Benny Harvey. Miss you big man. Gone but not forgotten.
Posted 3 years ago2021-03-19 01:07:06 UTC Post #345454

About You

Name: Niall (pronounced N-eye-ull, not Nail or Niel or Nee-yall)
Age: just about 14
Hometown: around County Down, Northern Ireland
Relationships: nah
Occupation: Grammar School Student
Current goal(s): actually finishing a solo project for once
Politics: what's a politic?
Religion: not really religious, but if I had to choose it would be Christianity

Favourite Things

Food: chicken pie, rice krispies in a glass, beef sausages with mash and gravy
Hot drink: hot chocolate
Cold drink: blackcurrant squash
Snacks: cheeto
Movies: the good ones
Videogames: valve games. shocking i know
Music: Tally Hall
Other: coding (not very good at it but still)

Disliked/Hated Things

Food: baby potatoes, also just any green vegetable. except lettuce and green beans, those are ok.
Hot drink: coffee
Cold drink: squash that has so much water you can barely taste the juice part but you can still taste it just enough so that it tastes really weird
Snacks: worcester sauce crisps
Movies: the bad ones
Videogames: sonic boom shattered crystal
Other: lining up angled walls in hammer
Posted 2 years ago2022-02-07 13:00:46 UTC Post #346262

About You

Name: Les
Age: 50
Hometown: Long Beach, CA
Relationships: married since 2005
Occupation: pediatrician
Current goal(s): survive the pandemic
Politics: fucking liberal
Religion: heathen

Favourite Things

Food: Chinese food
Hot drink: tea
Cold drink: boba
Snacks: nuts
Movies: La La Land, Back to the Future, Mouline Rouge
Videogames: Half-Life 2, Portal 2, Mass Effect 2
Music: classical, jazz
Other: books, above all, books

Disliked/Hated Things

Food: fast food chains
Hot drink: warm piss
Cold drink: cold piss
Snacks: fried things that are no longer hot or crispy
Movies: I don't have time for bad movies
Videogames: ditto a (see above)
Music: metal
Other: people who are lazy or slow
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 2 years ago2022-02-07 18:15:21 UTC Post #346265
Please stop drinking piss
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 2 years ago2022-02-08 05:06:21 UTC Post #346266
Posted 2 years ago2022-02-08 12:11:49 UTC Post #346268
Religion, a science of the mind, translated meaning would be "a way of which ones life is led" is present in every man, woman and child.
I think you're referring to the Force. When you quote Yoda, you need to credit him properly.

Regarding drinking piss, do not knock it until you tried it. It's perfectly sterile, unless you have an UTI.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 2 years ago2022-11-19 21:17:14 UTC Post #347107

About You

Name: Goonty (actually that's my cat's name. Short for Gunther)
Age: Mid thirties
Spent formative years in: Missouri Ozarks/Portland, Oregon
Currently living in: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Relationships: Married with baby on the way
Occupation: Landlord, Airbnb owner (and cleaner), DIY home renovator
Current goal(s): Finish writing book, finish making levels
Politics: Former radical leftist, currently a dangerous conspiracy theorist (watch out!)
Religion: Agnostic

Favorite Things

Food: German food, specifically liverwurst and bratwurst
Hot drink: Guayusa
Movies: Mystery Science Theater, Red Letter Media Best of the Worst, Kung Pow: Enter the Fist, Barry Lyndon, schmaltzy Hallmark Christmas movies
Videogames: Clive Barker's Undying, Deus Ex, Half-Life: Opposing Force, Goldeneye deathmatch
Music: Classic country, oldies, dark ambient
Other: Cats, cozy mysteries

Disliked/Hated Things

Food: Mexican, Indian
Music: Paul Simon, anything where the singer is mush-mouthed and doesn't pronounce consonants
Other: Censorship
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