The one issue, after editing the maps with bspguy and placing the model, is that it's not visible anywhere in the map. In normal workflow (compiling from source) VIS takes care of that, by marking the area with
as "visible everywhere on the map", and then I'll just place the 3D skybox model in the same place. It does that by perusing the portal file generated by the previous program (CSG or BSP). But with the released game only the final product, the BSP, is shipped.
I googled for a way to get the prt from a bsp, and found the program
for quake. But it only takes a quake bsp. I can't cheese it into taking a goldsrc bsp masquerading as quake bsp.So the most straightforward way for me to proceed is if there exists, in this whole wide world, in a hard drive somewhere, a bsp2prt program that works on goldsrc bsp. Any lead is much appreciated.
p.s. I actually looked into this more technically; to find a way of actually modifying the bsp's PVS lump directly, but it's way out of my league. bspguy's source code (as in any C/++ code) is just goobledygook to me.
p.p.s. I was working on an unrelated project when I discovered about creative commons and how it's actually illegal to make derivatives of most of the stuff on gamebanana (the 3D skybox model included). I'm grateful that the forefatheres of this site saw through the asininity and not have the option to upload stuff to vault with the CC-ND clause (well, not that I know of.) I know the 3D skybox is also here in vault but now there are two licenses and I dunno which takes precedence.
ppps I just raised an issue in bspguy's github.