A Horror Idea, Some Screens Created 20 years ago2004-06-09 10:04:10 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Created 20 years ago2004-06-09 10:04:10 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-03 12:12:47 UTC Post #38503
make barney your campanion wich found you in the abondonded city and gets you healty, then he dies and you have to run for those groups, there hunting you because they think you have the road ot the exit.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-03 14:34:33 UTC Post #38531
Hmm, I think we shouldn't add any friendly NPCs.
Everybody is egoistic there, no one can take care of others since it's hard enough to keep one self alive.
Also we should not use things fdrom original HL. No barneys, no soldiers, no nothing.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-03 15:36:23 UTC Post #38538
A dealer maybe good, but the times have to be very tough
Maybe he scavenges rare/powerful items/weapons and sells them at high prices/services, but the item you get is worth it?

Maybe one or two friendly NPCs along the game wouldn't hurt. The player builds relationships with them, tries to keep them safe, sometimes having to manage ammo smarter when they have the NPC with them...making gameplay harder. Yes, we shouldn't use original HL content, but maybe by coincidence, the NPC's name happens to have Barney or Calhoun in it (a tribute to HL, as it nears its final modding days with HL2's release imminent)? Theyre common names.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 07:47:06 UTC Post #38673
Alright, I spose we could have a (or some) particular person(s) who attempt at being friendly towards you, but may always seem a little edgy, frustrated, difficult to talk to perhaps.

I suppose it is much like prison politics. There is always one major criminal dude who rules the pack regardless of anyone. And theres always the weakest, the newcomer, who is taunted at the beginning and tested out for who he/she is and how tough he/she is. Then gradually that person builds up some kind of relationship with others who try to stay as one group in order to survive.

Rival groups are probably more dangerous than the actual zombie infestation. Especially if they were to realise that you were originally involved with the zombie epidemic experiments.

Perhaps we could have one major rival gang who occupy a highly zombie-proof area in the city, barricaded and heavily guarded. Remember, this whole thing is almost post-appocalyptic style -- a city with abandonned, ruined buildings, all run-down, no rules, not much hope, and a shit-load of zombies! + And if you tread on someone's foot, don't expect a gold sticker!

If this were a half-life 2 mod, we would be able to achieve a heck of a lot more alot easily. Consider the fact that most of half-life 2 is set in a city! All we need is to make a run down city with the perimeter boader. Or the boarder can be seen in the skybox.

And, as mentioned earlier, we need to avoid much of the gung-ho action packed stuff. It needs to be a nitty gritty hard game of survival and horror. You are dumped by helicopter at the beginning, on your own, probably on the roof of some abandonned condo, without a single clue as what to expect, and it just goes on from there.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 07:59:43 UTC Post #38677
BUT we can make it for hl2.
just use this hammer, and go to the maximum of possibilitys, map a map wiht so many faces ad so much small detail it wont run in hl2. and when hl2 is out we can start texturing and creating new textures. :D
and it gives me time to make some very high poly guns and models :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 08:08:59 UTC Post #38683
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 08:45:28 UTC Post #38703
Doing it for HL? would increase the expectation extremely.
HL? is better, bugger and more powerfull and it's new to us all. It'd be hard to make something that uses the engine and has a good quality. Harder than for HL.
I like the prison comparison.
Are there any plans about a team for this mod? I'd like to make some abandoned buildings. :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 08:49:23 UTC Post #38704
but make them as high poly as possible.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 09:16:24 UTC Post #38710
Yay, hazardous! uses the superscript :)
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 11:47:14 UTC Post #38736
hl wouldnt b able to take this v well, hl23 is the ticket.

btw, this story is sweet, but it could be bigger once things get going. if you need any resources of destroyed cities, i think i could nab a screenie from the intro to fallout tactics.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 13:33:27 UTC Post #38747
'superscript' ?
What's that?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 13:58:19 UTC Post #38748
"Text that appears slightly higher than other text in a line, as in F=mc?."

or as in Half-Life?.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 16:21:57 UTC Post #38771
As opposed to subscript - the opposite.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 17:46:39 UTC Post #38785
Oh you meant the HL?.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 18:22:30 UTC Post #38793
Omg jaardsi 'the moomin' matti posted ^^

I made a start of a 'horror' thing, but it didnt turn up very good... I can post a in-hammer screenie if you want.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-05 08:35:49 UTC Post #38876
Yeh, I think we should use HL?. I think it would be ridiculous not to, specially as it is due very soon, well, apparently.

And yeh, there definately needs to be a formation of a team. Man this sort of thing requires effort, I mean mapping realistic looking areas of the abandonned city (I still haven't even come up with a decent name yet y'know ;) ).

The city is very much similar to the film Escape From New York, and so too is the senario (except for loads of flesh-eating zombies! ;) ) And parts of the city should be reminiscent of the film Apex, loads of graffitied walls, industrial-looking, etc.

Also, the great thing about using half-life 2 is the fact that you can interact realisticaly with the environment. Blocking out, barricading zombies etc, throwing things at them and all sorts. And the physics are realistic, which means dying zombies/criminals will look cool ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-05 08:56:14 UTC Post #38880
how about half lifeless?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-05 09:00:07 UTC Post #38882
...Not even half a life, completely Lifeless! ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-05 10:14:12 UTC Post #38886
Hey, so far I sort of come up with this name, a possible name for the city, but I'm not sure how it really sounds:

Fallen Wing?

Fallen Wing City?

Does that sound fcking stupid?

As for the player name, there needs to be one.

P.s. I just have a normal/average amount of RAM, my comp is no more superior than anyone elses.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-05 10:56:19 UTC Post #38887
ALT+(numpad)0178 = ?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-05 11:03:44 UTC Post #38888
Didn't work for me, only got one character then it stopped working again
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-05 11:58:57 UTC Post #38900
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-05 13:08:18 UTC Post #38920
odd, fallen wing sounds ok. for the characters name, find a website with a list of names on it. just mix n match!
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-05 14:30:29 UTC Post #38960
ok, if we move to hl2, then i release my shotgun model.
and im gonna study the poly count in hl2 and all the possiblitys. :nuts:
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-05 15:17:51 UTC Post #38983
i want to be on the team. and i can't wait for HL? to come out im going to buy it imeadiatly.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-05 15:27:28 UTC Post #38990
lol, its 0178. id like to help out too, if your looking.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-06 09:09:40 UTC Post #39157
Definately, if any is interested in helping that would be excellent.
I can't wait to play around with the new stuff. Imagine if you could animate brushes in hammer, and you didn't even need to have func_ entities, and you could animate monsters in hammer, or make your own monsters in hammer that are made of world brushes -- now that would be nice.

As for the character name, I went to a page of generators (http://www.seventhsanctum.com/gens/index.html) but I didn't really manage to get a decent enough name. I just don't think it would be right to have a player called 'John Smith' or 'Phillip Bronsun' etc.

But maybe something like Rian Carver, or something that sounds remotely interesting.

I also came up with another name, perhaps even better than calling the gameshow 'Lifeless', how about Problem-Reaction-Kill? I thought that sounded like a better gameshow title, especially as it is fundamentally aimed at killing contestants.

P.s. ? <- the only subscript character I got :
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-06 11:20:59 UTC Post #39203
I like Carver as second name, but Rian is too ... normal.
The TV show needs a motto. 'Hey kids. Don't do no crimes, or you'll end up in there.' :badass:
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-06 14:10:17 UTC Post #39243

i want HL? NOW
i wish they would hurry up the development
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-06 17:43:29 UTC Post #39286
They've already finished.
It's supposed to come out very soon.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 04:26:36 UTC Post #39370
lol, dont expect to much of the good ol entinity system.

but im willing to model for the mod. but obviously i do not know anything about hl modeling
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 06:27:20 UTC Post #39379
۽ ?wow dude. I heard christmas 2004 or spring 2005 :(
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 06:29:29 UTC Post #39380
I know that it's in internal testing (post E3). Who knows?
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 09:27:03 UTC Post #39399
"Hi everybody! Welcome to Problem-Reaction-KIll, the show that gives you, the viewers, the chance to see convicted criminals get eaten to death by flesh-eating zombies!"

"Well Davina, it's been fairly interesting these past few days?"

"Yes, indeed, so far we've had a staggering 8 deaths!"

"Wow, that's slightly more than last year..." :badass:
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 09:59:13 UTC Post #39420
nice. this could be an introduction .dem!

my idea for the following areas of the game:

we have the player being introduced along with the other criminals being taken to the city. a camera watches the viechle (dropship?) enter (land?) and gaurds throw you out into the city and leave hurriedly. a quick level change gives you control of the player and at that moment a hoard of zombies attack. since the game will be vastly non-linear we could have the choice of running or finding some weapons, either by looking around or punching out one of your criminal buddies.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 10:07:26 UTC Post #39421
That's exactly the idea I had in mind. Let's say, like a black chinook, you get thrown off on to the street or even a rooftop of some building. As soon as you decide to enter the building, you encounter hoardes of zombies. Remember, it is supposed to be unfair, that's the aim of the show.

Maybe at first you just pick up a smashed stool leg or something, just so you can fend of a reasonable amount of zombies. (You couldnt kill them with it though, just knock em back). Maybe the others run in all directions, or one of them lingers with you and tries to help you out etc. (and then get's eaten!)

I also came across this site which claims to be another zombie mod:


But I just don't think it's even that great-looking.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 10:17:30 UTC Post #39422
its multiplayer, course its not great looking. although it sounds alot like an idea for a multiplayer part of this mod.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 10:22:33 UTC Post #39424
Yea, well I reckon this could also have a great multiplayer facility. Players join a different (individual) fallen-wing/city syle maps full of zombies etc.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 10:46:39 UTC Post #39440
i got plenty of ideas already ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 15:24:53 UTC Post #39460
gang warfare in fallen wing city. sounds alot like GTA.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 15:38:10 UTC Post #39465
make the frickin decision for hl2 now. i need to know what i can model for it, how much polygons and what bones and stuff i need
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 16:24:36 UTC Post #39475
It's definately going to be a HL2 mod/tc pepper, this idea will be complimented by it's newer engine etc.

Hmmm, maybe not so much gang warfare though. Just plain survival. Let's say, the last man to survive wins. (heh, and then gets eaten)

So, what do you think about the naming so far, does Problem-Reaction-Kill seem alright? or is that too long for a title?

Also, you know the criminal buddies/not so buddy buddies at the beginning, hows about one of the guys, a fat/chubby/un-energetic type of guy who eats nothing but butter beans (only kidding) is the first to wonder off and get trapped and over-run by the zombies? :badass:

I also had it in mind for there to be a beginning sequence of the earlier millitary/lab experimentations, and your character's involvement with them. Then afterwards, when the epidemic is underway, the millitary officials tell him that it is a matter of state security for him to be immediately apprehended. He is accused of doing crimes, and in full public approval to be given a death sentence as a contestant.
Perhaps. Captain P's recent playtest map (at the end sequence) inspired me on this one.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 18:51:29 UTC Post #39515
survival is definetly the key here, but i was thinking we could use gangs as a much deeper storyline. for instance a gang (just call them the collective, no reference to VERC :) ) hiding in underground tunnels that lead around (and even out of) the city are managing to take control of some of the zombies to keep intruders out of the tunnels. the collective use them to sneak in supplies from the outside so they can secretly live underground without fear of zombie attacks or the TV company finding out.

problem reaction-kill seems fine.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-08 08:26:05 UTC Post #39652
Excellent idea ministeve. A large complex of inter-connected subway tunnels, sewer tunnels, maintenance tunnels etc, may be part of this territory. A secretive gang that operates covertly, perhaps a gang that were thought to have been killed during the beginning of the game, but never were. Your character could only find this out near the end, but there are various minor clues and hints that there is something going on but you don't know till near the end. I like the 'collective' idea. Maybe at the end, you manage to escape Fallen Wing city by using the underground tunnel networks that lead out of the city -- maybe Fallen Wing is more than just a city. Maybe beneath the city and beneath the subways, sewers, deeper underground there is a network of ancient tunnels created by the original inhabitants of that area? But an underground - base (?) if you like, could house the collective. Their leader could be someone who was the first prisoner to enter the city alone. They may also have a facility which allows them to tap into the TV monitering stations to allow them to view different things.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-08 08:30:38 UTC Post #39655
P.s. Maybe also, other criminals who try to live on the surface/in buildings etc think the idea of another gang whom are never seen as superstitious nonsence, and refuse to except that others are managing to live secretly and safely. Ministeve, how about we call the collective the 'Upper Hand'?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-08 08:50:28 UTC Post #39669
gee, just as in the film wiht arnold swarchenegger.

ok, then il go chek out the stuff i need for hl2 models :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-08 09:06:14 UTC Post #39682
all god ideas jahzel. this could turn out something like fallout, where you have a number of missions to complete, but one ultimate goal that always lurks in the backround. i.e ecsape.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-08 09:07:56 UTC Post #39684
Wait don't tell me it's already been used, 'The Upper Hand', man if it is I'll have to beat schartzenneger up, again. :o
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-08 09:11:17 UTC Post #39686
again? pull the other one!
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-08 09:11:57 UTC Post #39687
It'be good if we can get a texture artist such as The Postman, who worked on 'The Wastes HL'.
this could turn out something like fallout, where you have a number of missions to complete, but one ultimate goal that always lurks in the backround. i.e ecsape.
Yeah, well there is definately plenty of things to do. Notice how we actually have the story in full now. (apart from various minor bits etc)
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