Posted 20 years ago2004-08-13 06:07:30 UTCPost #50568
hey, instead off remving the buyzone just put them in a place where the players can't go i.e. floating in the air or something (well tha wha i done lol)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-13 06:22:34 UTCPost #50573
hey, first off all insert armoury_entity then go to the properties and selt what gun and how many i have create an example map for you here is the link
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-13 06:44:50 UTCPost #50576
u insert the armoury_entity highlight it click properties it should then say weapon it defualt to mp5 just change tha check out the map i put in the vault for you! if u just mess around with it on there you should get to grips with it! thas how i leanrde just messing with it
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-13 14:19:54 UTCPost #50688
There we are, now you're a proper member
D'you mind if I replace your example map 'there' with something more specific with a screenie an' all, showing the same thing? For peoples' future reference as this is a frequent question. I like the Example Maps to be neat and tidy so that people can actually find things in them.
3 weeks agoOskar PotatisNo clue, stop! Try another map editor
3 weeks agostop!hey guys, thanks a lot for being such an awesome community, I learned a lot here, but today I have released my last map. I will move on now to starting a more successful career than the level designer one hopefully haha. All the best, Daniel
2 weeks agoCombiner 1PYes, I've seen the news, we're waiting for awesome mods.
2 weeks agoMeerjel01Isn't the TF2 bot problem still around? If so then the SDK release could be a lazy attempt to skip fixing it.
2 weeks agoMotaLast I heard it, Valve dealt a major blow against the bots about a year ago. Dunno if they've recovered yet, though
2 weeks agoXylemI haven't seen the bots since the update a year ago thankfully
2 weeks agoMeerjel01Still. I think Valve grew tired of maintaining TF2. Since it's code is out.
2 weeks agoFingersntoesI have just come to the conclusion that the helmet soldier , black overalls engineer and the ugly sentry is lost media cause when i tried to run the leaked tfc files it didn't give me the models .Such a disappointment...
2 weeks agoFingersntoesnot "is" it should be "are"
2 weeks agoFingersntoesHl is lost media if i am not mistaken