Camera moving too slow and off path. Created 20 years ago2004-09-21 07:12:30 UTC by hazardous! hazardous!

Created 20 years ago2004-09-21 07:12:30 UTC by hazardous! hazardous!

Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 07:12:30 UTC Post #60917
Lazy as I am, I just copied the content of my VERC thread and pasted it here:
I'm getting pissed with this map.
Making me more trouble than anything before.

There is a little outro seqeunce in the map, with a camera of course.
I built this months ago and it worked just fine on my old PC.
For some reason the camera is completely screwed now.
Maybe I'm just blinded by my wrath and the solution is absolutely simple.

I have uploaded the map, so you can look at it directly.

Please help me with this one.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 07:43:34 UTC Post #60919
Ya this happened to me..

This is caused alot of the time when you have you camera target something like a human_grunt or something like that... so to fix this problem either

Make a func_train as the target-- or

Insert a env_target (func_target---not sure of the name--lol)
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 08:00:46 UTC Post #60925
I currently use a func_train.
Using info_target is not possible since the camera moves through several rooms.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 19:54:43 UTC Post #61045
Check the "Freeze player" flag on the camera.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 01:05:50 UTC Post #61065
This doesn't work. I had a play with this map and it's a toughie. I did everything possible. Here's what I did:

*Changed the func_train to an info_target
*Messed with the speed settings of both the camera and the path_corners
*Messed with the settings of the button
*Deleted the camera and built a new one, gave it a new name
*Deleted the path_corners, built new ones and gave them new names
*Deleted the sprites to see if they could somehow be interfering (I got desperate here folks)
*Opened up my map Preludes and compared the setup (exactly the same)

Now according to all normal logic, the configuration should work. Perhaps something else is screwing it up.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 07:43:28 UTC Post #61113
Ok--look just do this.

1. Insert your cam, fix the settings to follow a path corner.
2. Insert the path corners--- name them something simple like
cam1stop, cam2stop, and so on.
Now that you got your cam set up it will slowly wonder of(your
problem) because you have'nt got a target---
3. Now make a square brush about 12x12 units with the AAAtrigger
texture,  And make another brush with the origin texture half the
size(6x6) Put the smaller brush into the bigger one and select them
both. Tie this to a func_train Make sure the settings are correct.
also make sure you cange the render mode to texture and the flag
to not solid.
4. Now make more path_corners-- this time there for the func_train
Name them something like--targetpath1, targetpath2. e.t.c.
5. Now the final step is to select the Cam, Make sure the "firststoptarget) of the cam is the first pathcorners name in this case cam1stop, and for the func_train its targetpath1.

6. Oh and name the func_cam and func_train the same thing--like
"camdisplay1" Now trigger the camdisplay1 and it should work fine.

Keep me posted.
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 08:16:11 UTC Post #61121
I downloaded the map, set the trigger_camera flag 'Freeze player' and it ran fine.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 09:43:04 UTC Post #61134
Unbreakable: He knows how to do a camera, to get it to work, to follow a path, to target a train - this isnt his problem (and if it were, he'd read a tutorial).
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 10:08:37 UTC Post #61135
I had a similay problem a whil ago, i fixed it by deleting it ad completly rebuilding the camera. Are you using PAth_track or path_corner coz for some reason on one of my maps path_corner worked on one cam and path_track worked on the other cam.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 13:04:24 UTC Post #61158
Yes---- but sometimes newbies can get very confused maybe he had a func_train and camera follow the same path---??? Who knows-- but the problem seems to be fixed now so Yippeee.
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 14:10:35 UTC Post #61181
Uh, haz! is definitely not a newbie ;)
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 14:13:50 UTC Post #61189
but sometimes newbies can get very confused
OUCH! That did hurt.
but the problem seems to be fixed now so Yippeee
It is?

Did one of you, besides Anthony, actually look at the map?
It's not an entity setup problem.
Naming cam and target similar is advisefull, since a camera also triggers it's target. Also the targeted train is supposed to start later then the cam.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 14:26:11 UTC Post #61200
WWWHOOOAAAAAA, SLLLOOOWWW DDOOOWWWNNN....Sorry I did'nt intend that to be directed towards you
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 14:30:34 UTC Post #61202
Hehe, I didn't really think it was.
I wouldn't take it too seriuos anyway.

So, I just got some help on this in another forum.
Not fixed but a beginning.
Try to compile the map without VIS and RAD.
It should work then.
I cannot imagine why this happens though.
Maybe someone here knows someone else who is really into the HL-code?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 15:14:07 UTC Post #61213
I'm afraid that was false alarm.
I just tried it on my PC.
Compiled without RAD and VIS, no change.

Now I need a HL-code expert and a miracle.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 15:40:21 UTC Post #61224
I can get you that miracle, but it'll cost ya.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 15:42:46 UTC Post #61226
Did one of you, besides Anthony, actually look at the map?
Yep. As I posted before - I downloaded the map, opened the .map file in VHE 3.4, set the 'Freeze player' flag in outro_cam, compiled it and ran it (..halflife.exe -dev -console +map camtest) and it works fine. Absolutely no other changes. The problem report says you've got some unused keyvalues in your func_breakable glass thing but, otherwise, no speed problems as in the original bsp.

The camera disappears out the end wall at the far end for a couple of seconds but reenters and goes through its final loop.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 15:52:05 UTC Post #61231
FYI - copied my compiled version of the bsp into my Steam maps directory, ran it as a single-player HL map and it works okay there, also.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 17:55:10 UTC Post #61284
So it did follow the path that I marked with blue sprites?
Then you have the third PC which can run it without problems.
I didn't try 'freeze player' yet, as it worked without it before.
But I'll give it another go.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 18:10:00 UTC Post #61287
Your question:
So it did follow the path that I marked with blue sprites?
My answer from 10 hours ago:
it works fine
My answer from 2 hours ago:
it works fine

My answer as of right now:

Yes. It followed the path that you marked with the blue sprites. Very nicely, too. I like the double spiral effect.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 18:40:05 UTC Post #61292
I just asked again, because I wanted to be sure that it does follow the path exactly.
On my PC, and almost all the others, the camera just moves slightly along the path. After the glass window it moves towards the big white sprite, does a very slight spiral and then moves up a bit.
It seems as if it moves along a very smootherd version od the path.

Still I don't know why. :(
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 19:46:14 UTC Post #61299
Yes it's strange. Normally you should be able to go straight into Half-Life after the compile and run it perfectly, not manually load the map after the compile.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 21:10:57 UTC Post #61309
Prior to changing the 'Freeze player' flag, the cam barely moves at first, then moves quickly but just to the next pc, moves very slowly to the vicinity of the player and pretty much freezes.

Recompiled with 'Freeze player' set and it runs pretty much as mapped.

I tried several things to see if there was any variation: normal compile, expert compile, OpenGL, software mode, Direct3D (DirectX 9), run from the command line, run from the console, run on the WON version, run on the Steam version. Same results with any combination: Freeze off - no good. Freeze on - works fine.

It runs through most of the sprites dead-center. I assume that was the idea.

With freeze on, the camera starts out moving fairly fast, spirals around the func_train in just a couple of seconds. When it reaches the glass, it moves rapidly to the second spiral in just a second or two, spirals around the big sprite (it does seem to overshoot and move out of the map for a second or two around p22 or so and then comes back in), rises and stays near (or in) the ceiling for quite a while until it times out.

Want me to upload the bsp I compiled? Don't know if that makes any difference. It shouldn't.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-23 02:50:20 UTC Post #61334
I'm happy and confused at the same time. :) :confused:
I compiled again with the 'Freeze player' flag and it worked just as BJ described it.
The cam moves almost perfectly along the path, flies into the void by the spiral and then back onto the path.
Thanks for the hint BJ.

But why did it behave so borked without the flag?
Anthony, does your camera in Preludes also have the flag checked?
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