Entities not working Created 19 years ago2004-10-16 17:08:11 UTC by Zimri Zimri

Created 19 years ago2004-10-16 17:08:11 UTC by Zimri Zimri

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-16 17:08:11 UTC Post #66957
I've got start points working and team spawns, yet i've run into a rather annoying propblem regarding taking grens off players and adding shells/rockets/cells etc.

I've checked the map over with [WTF?]Defrag and he cannot find anything wrong with the entities at all. I've currently got the one info_tfgoal residing in a box outside the playable area, which i understand to be uncommon, but it doesn't work if i place the entity within the playable area. I've remade all entities and even remade the map but there is no change.

Any help would be great, i've read a bucket load of tutorials and still end up with the same problem. I've uploaded the .rmf if anyone wanted to look at the entities and placements of them.

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-16 17:36:40 UTC Post #66959
It could be that you are using too many entities in the one map.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-16 18:01:36 UTC Post #66961
I've only got 6 entities in the entire map though, so i can't see how it could be that.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-16 18:05:34 UTC Post #66964
What do you want to achieve exactly?

Also, this site isn't TFC-specific. You may want to look here:

Oh, and WC_Edit... the limit for entities is quite high, so don't worry about that.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-16 18:29:29 UTC Post #66972
I've posted on there captain P, and in answer, i'm trying to make the players have full ammo for rocket launchers, shot guns etc and remove the grens from them. But it doesn't seem to want to do it.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-17 08:22:55 UTC Post #67037
Judging from your map, I'd say its because your info_tfgoal isn't triggered. Try triggering it with a trigger_once or trigger_multiple. And wasn't there a brush-based entity like this too? i_t_g or something like that?

Now I'm no TFC expert, but point-based entities usually have to be activated by something else. After all, the game doesn't know when and why to trigger it when it's just there...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-17 12:20:06 UTC Post #67042
It turns out i didn't have an goal_effect option and so had to add it using smart edit. Quite why this didn't exist i've no idea and neither did a few other mappers. But cheers for the help anyways guys.
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