func_door_rotating "bounce" problem Created 17 years ago2007-05-17 19:23:59 UTC by darkphoenix_68 darkphoenix_68

Created 17 years ago2007-05-17 19:23:59 UTC by darkphoenix_68 darkphoenix_68

Posted 17 years ago2007-05-17 19:23:59 UTC Post #222481
If a player gets caught between a func_door_rotating and a solid brush, the door inflicts the specified amount of damage and then changes direction. If it was closing, it bounces open; if opening it bounces closed. Even if the damage inflicted is high enough to instagib an entire regiment of players, the door still changes direction.

Is there any way to prevent this? For a small door, it sorta makes sense, but for a big heavy door (or other simulated effect) it is rarely what you want!

The same problem occurs with ordinary func_doors too, but at least with those you can substitute a func_train (although even they pause if they don't instantly kill the player (and sometimes even if they do) which can throw out your timing...)

Edit: I should add that, in the particular case I'm trying to build at the moment, I want to be able to reopen and reclose the doors numerous times... ;-)

Posted 17 years ago2007-05-17 20:53:02 UTC Post #222486
I actually think that that is a bug with the engine and not a mapping issue.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-18 11:33:55 UTC Post #222544
It doesn't solve your problem, but I wouldn't call it a bug. That's pretty much how I'd expect an automatic door to behave.

Given how the engine is written, there's little else to do with a door but hold position or reverse if it can't close without interference.

Looking at the SDK, it would be nigh unto impossible to determine if the way is clear for the door to close if there's an object in the way. When an object takes damage, it's up to the object, not the door, to determine it's fate.

Just because something in the engine doesn't do what you want doesn't mean it's a bug.

If you want to make a mod, however, it's possible to change the func_door behavior with coding.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-21 04:19:34 UTC Post #222802
Yeah, thanks for the input guys.

I wouldn't have gone so far as to call it a bug; I was just hoping there was something simple I was missing which would prevent it from reversing direction as it does -- even if it could just hold position as the func_train does.

I might consider looking into the func_door code when I get the time -- but I've so far resisted the urge to do any coding for my DM levels (although at work we have them installed in a standalone minimod directory so I guess it's only a matter of time before I venture down that path...)

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