Hello, guys!
As you probably know, all existing GoldSrc BSP decompilers are not really effective. The result of a map decompilation is generally awful - a lot of brush pieces, leaks, texture problems, so you mostly can use that MAP file you're getting after decompiling only as reference for creating a new map, but can't compile it back in properly working BSP. But there is an opportunity to change this situation. Unkle Mike (the creator of Xash3D and different effective GoldSrc utilities, including his own map compilers) is currently working on Doom map decompiler (he called it doom2gold). While working on it, he greatly increased his understanding of effective map decompiling methods and eventually realized, that it will be possible to create a corresponding map decompiler for GoldSrc BSP format.
As he thinks, he's able to make the GoldSrc map decompiler, which can preserve the whole map geometry, texture aligning and give a very close brushes' layout to initial MAP file, which mapper used for compiling a map. So you will be able to compile the result of decompilation again without a painstaking map remaking. But while doom2gold is the thing which is personally interesting for Unkle Mike, new GoldSrc map decompiler is just an idea yet. Unkle Mike is not going to spend his time on its' development unless the community can motivate him for this.
So, what can you say? Is the thing like properly working GoldSrc map decompiler interesting to you? Could you donate some money for development of such tool (if Unkle Mike decide to begin it)? It's just a question yet, because Unkle Mike wants to know if this kind of program is meaningful for community or not. So please tell what you think about it.