I've played the entries and I'd like to provide my thoughts:
Warpmap - Dr. Orange
Your level was short, sweet and got right to the point. I thought it was very interesting to use portals in that led to nearby sections and solve a short little puzzle or obstacle in order to progress through the previous area. I did enjoy trying to find as many of the lambda caches that I could find (even though they weren't that difficult

). The fight at the end was a little rough but It ended up clicking with me that I could use the portals on each side in order to quickly get away from combat. Overall it was really enjoyable and the environments were pretty great too. 8/10
Teleporter Holocaust - Dimbeak
This was a pretty fun experience overall. What I liked about your level a bit more than Orange's was that your portal concept revolved around a main portal that others brought you too to progress. One of the gripes that I had was that I got lost a few times not knowing I had to backtrack but I eventually figured it out. The other thing was that a few bits of structures were causing me to get stuck on them. I don't know if the loads of ammo was intentional but I used it to my advantage. 7/10
You two definitely deserve to be placed higher up as you both had done singleplayer/"story" maps and I only did a multiplayer level. I enjoyed playing both very much.
Chuma, unfortunately, I couldn't get your map to load properly as I was spawning outside of the map, inside of walls. I'm assuming your map is a multiplayer level after I was flying around and exploring the layout. It looked like it would have been fun but as I said, the spawns were all broken when I launched them.