This really is my first map that I ever publish somewhere.
This started as a fun project to re create my shitty appartment, then I expanded and had a little creativity.
I hope it goes all accodring to plan because there are some ineractive elements and scripted events.
Be honest , say it's shit if it is I can take it
There is about 8 - 10 mintues of gameplay
Just take your time and explore things I guess
Oh by the way, don't jump from the window that is in the 'bedroom'
I forgot to put a playerclip so if you're there you'll be softlocked ( or noclip to get back where you jumped from )
On the other side, the enemies spawned in group, rather than being scattered around the map, wich makes it difficult to fight back. You could add a little variety on that, something like having 3 combine coming from one side and a pair coming from the other. I went right pass the citizen's sequence, since it took a while to get triggered. Also, you could signpost the HEV suit a little better.
Overall, just a decent map.