Brush-based Entity Last edited 16 years ago2008-04-27 08:59:31 UTC

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These include things such as water and doors, and as their name suggests they are solid objects. Create them in WorldCraft by building the solid, then binding it to the entity of your choice (Ctrl+T). Brush-based entities in WorldCraft appear in purple.

1 Comment

Commented 10 months ago2024-04-18 14:33:31 UTC Comment #106136
My FGD's ZHLT BaseClass is like this:
@BaseClass = ZHLT
    zhlt_lightflags(choices) : "ZHLT Lightflags" : 0 =
        0 : "Default"
        1 : "Embedded Fix"
        2 : "Opaque (blocks light)"
        3 : "Opaque + Embedded fix"
        6 : "Opaque + Concave Fix"
    light_origin(string) : "Light Origin Target"
    zhlt_hull1(target_destination) : "info_hullshape (standing)"
    zhlt_hull2(target_destination) : "info_hullshape (big monsters)"
    zhlt_hull3(target_destination) : "info_hullshape (crouching)"
    zhlt_usemodel(target_destination) : "ZHLT Template Model Target"
    zhlt_copylight(target_destination) : "ZHLT Copy Lighting From Target"
    zhlt_noclip(choices) : "ZHLT No-clipping" : "" =
        "" : "Default clipping"
        1 : "No clip"
    zhlt_invisible(choices) : "ZHLT Invisibility" : "" =
        "" : "Default (visible)"
        1 : "Invisible"
    zhlt_customshadow(string) : "ZHLT custom shadow (Alpha/RGB)" : : "Float value that specifies opacity of this brush entity. 0.0 (opaque) -> 1.0 (no shadow). Enter three values for RGB."
    zhlt_embedlightmap(choices) : "ZHLT embed lightmap" : "" =
        "" : "No"
        1 : "Yes"
    zhlt_embedlightmapresolution(choices) : "ZHLT embed lightmap resolution" : "" =
        "" : "[UNSET]"
        1  : "1 "
        2  : "2 "
        4  : "4 "
        8  : "8 "
        16 : "16"
        32 : "32"
        64 : "64"
    skin(choices) : "Contents" : "" =
        ""  : "[UNSET]"
        -1  : "Empty"
        -2  : "Solid"
        -3  : "Water"
        -4  : "Slime"
        -5  : "Lava"
//        -6  : "Sky"
        -15 : "Translucent"
        -16 : "Ladder"
        -17 : "Fly field"
        -18 : "Gravity fly field"
        -19 : "Fog"

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