Entity Attribute: Contents Last edited 1 year ago2022-10-16 20:32:05 UTC

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The Contents (skin) attribute applies to all brush entities, and can be used to define its contents.


The following code block in const.h of the SDK lists accepted values:
// contents of a spot in the world
#define    CONTENTS_EMPTY        -1
#define    CONTENTS_SOLID        -2
#define    CONTENTS_WATER        -3
#define    CONTENTS_SLIME        -4
#define    CONTENTS_LAVA        -5
#define    CONTENTS_SKY        -6
/* These additional contents constants are defined in bspfile.h
#define    CONTENTS_ORIGIN        -7        // removed at csg time
#define    CONTENTS_CLIP        -8        // changed to contents_solid
#define    CONTENTS_CURRENT_0        -9
#define    CONTENTS_CURRENT_90        -10
#define    CONTENTS_CURRENT_180    -11
#define    CONTENTS_CURRENT_270    -12
#define    CONTENTS_CURRENT_UP        -13
#define    CONTENTS_CURRENT_DOWN    -14
#define    CONTENTS_LADDER                -16

#define    CONTENT_FLYFIELD            -17
#define    CONTENT_FOG                    -19


While this property may apply to all brushes, in most cases, you don't need to add this attribute to your brush entities, and the FGD gives only a subset to entities where it's relevant (e.g. func_water).

Depending on how a brush is textured, CSG also automatically coerces brushes (including world brushes) into non-solid content. E.g.: Brush content is really a relic of Half-Life's Quake ancestry, and its entity system has largely sidestepped it, so use the equivalent func_ entities instead:


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