VERC: Making a Territory Control Map Last edited 2 years ago2022-09-29 07:55:09 UTC

This tutorial explains how to make a basic map where there are flags to capture. If one team captures (by touching) all the flags, then that team wins. This is the most popular type of map, and is the style used by Caen, Flash, and Donner for example.

Besides the details on the entities required and how they work together, the tutorial also includes tips on making a balanced flag map, plus a simple example map (source included) to help you along.

Basic steps

1. Place flags in your map where you wish them to be. Flags are dod_control_point entities. Set the "Group" attribute of the control points to be something like "myflags".

2. Add a dod_score_ent to your map. Set it's attributes as follows...
Nameaxis_winThis is the name of the entity. We'll need this so we can trigger it if the Axis wins by taking all flags.
For TeamAxisThis is the team that wins when this is triggered.
Points10This is how many points the Axis team get if they win the round by capturing all flags.
This entity will be triggered if the Axis team captures all the flags in the map.

3. Add a second dod_score_ent and set it's attributes as follows...
Nameallies_winThis is the name of the entity. We'll need this so we can trigger it if the Allies wins by taking all flags.
For TeamAlliesThis is the team that wins when this is triggered.
Points10This is how many points the Allied team get if they win the round by capturing all flags.
This entity will be triggered if the Allied team captures all the flags in the map.

4. Add a single dod_control_point_master. Set it's attributes as follows...
Target when allies winallies_winEntities with this name will be triggered if all flags are captured by the Allies.
Target when axis winsaxis_winEntities with this name will be triggered if all flags are captured by the Axis.
Group namemyflagsThe same group name you gave all your conrol points.

How it works

When all the flags are captured by one team, it triggers the dod_control_point_master, which in turn triggers the appropriate dod_score_ent based on what team won. The dod_score_ent triggers the end of the round.

Here is a screenshot from WorldCraft with some annotations to show the basic flow of the entities involved...
User posted image
When all flags are captured, the dod_control_point_master activates the appropriate dod_score_ent based on what team has captured the flags.

Some notes on making a good and balanced flag map

You will want to think out just where you place your flags in your map. Well placed flags will be challenging, but not impossible to capture (or defend). Also well placed flags will not give one team an advantage over another. Here are some pointers and tips to making your flag map balanced.

What else can you do?

There are various tricks and other things you can try with flags to take a map beyond the normal "capture the flag" style. There is definitely some room for experimentation on the part of a creative mapper! Here are a few thoughts and ideas...

Example Map

This zip file contains a complete mini-map with several flags. You may download it and use it to learn how flags work.
This article was originally published on Valve Editing Resource Collective (VERC).
The archived page is available here.
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