Download exampleIn this tutorial I will tell you how to make a zombie rip through a wall. I expect that you have read Vlad's previous two scripting tutorials. The only new things introduced here will be the
func_breakable entity.
Ok first we need to make a hole in the wall for the zombie to rip through. This is the hardest part because you have to align all the textures to get them to look right. In the example map, which comes from part of my unfinished single player level, we have the zombie rip through a cinder block wall.
You can see the screenshot of the hole without the func_breakable. As you can see I've aligned my textures to make it look realistic. Now we need to place a
func_breakable entity to cover up the hole. As you might have guessed, it's a brush based entity. First make a brush to cover the hole and texture it appropriately, then tie it to the
func_breakable entity. Now go into the
func_breakable's properties and give it a
name of
zombie_script_breakable. For
Material type we want
Cinder Block and there's one last important thing we need to do. Go into the flags and check
Only Trigger. If this isn't checked then you would be able to break the wall before the script is finished.
Above is a top down view of the level. We'll start describing things from the top down. First is the
trigger_once with a
target of
zombie_script_ss. Second is the
func_breakable which we talked about above. It has a
name of
zombie_script_breakable. Third is the
scripted_sequence entity. It has a
name of
zombie_script_ss, a
target of
zombie_script_breakable, a
Target Monster of
zombie, an
Action Animation of
busting_through_wall, and a
Move to Position of
Walk. In the flags we have
No Interruptions checked. This makes the script uninteruptable. And lastly we have the zombie whose only important attribute is a
name of
Now for a walk through. When you walk towards the wall you go through the
trigger_once which triggers the
scripted_sequence. The zombie walks to the
scripted_sequence and performs the
busting_through_wall animation. After he's done with the animation, the
func_breakable is triggered and the wall busts open.