1 day agoxX_Earlobe3_XxLearning on how to make a .qc it sucks
1 day agoErtyQC files are just plaintext files with a list of commands for the model compiler to run, and it's actually not that complicated 🙂
1 day agoErtyAt a minimum you'll want to tell the compiler what to name the model ($modelname), what mesh to use for the model ($body) and then at least one sequence ($sequence)
1 day agoErtyThe303 has a great glossary of QC commands (the303.org/tutorials/gold_qc.htm). That page also includes some examples you can look at
15 hours agoLappiphat_55Hello everyone, Is anyone know how to code Flame Thrower and incendiary weapon in Half-Life SDK? (sorry for bad english)
3 hours agoErtyLappiphat_55, I suggest you make a forum thread about that 🙂
1 hour agoGamer Awesomei just made a compile configuration for jack to make bshift compiling a bit more automated, where would i find this in file explorer and would i be able to share it here?
1 hour agoGamer Awesomethere was no other choice once i realised you had to run the map through an executable every time you compiled it
1 hour agoGamer Awesomeactually its not like i need to share the whole thing its just two lines that are modified
1 hour agoGamer Awesomeso where do i find the rules for this site?