This is a small mod featuring micro-maps made by ten different TWHL members. Each "cubicle" is unique of its creator and shows their style and personal taste in mapping.
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-09 13:57:51 UTCComment #20023
haha cubicles is here!
Superb stuff and I LOVE that you opted for a keybinds to change levels! (I NEVER knew you could change levels that way!)Rim, your ingenuity never ceases to amaze me! GENIUS! Splash is also very good as well we would expect from you. =)
I would rate each map, but i already did so for each map individually afaik.
A couple minor suggestions:
-add hev to each map? (unless it directly interferes with the gameplay of that map). i would of added one to mind if i had thought of it.. =(
-Maybe for the purposes of the coop the dark maps should be modified a bit possibley, to make them more "user-friendly"? it's just a little confusing, especially the furst one is full dark. maybe adding a game_text is all that it would take.
-possibly add a fading "author nameplate" (illusionary done with env_renders or whatev) at the beginning of each level, to idendtify the author of each map?
-after u reach the last map, possibly add a movie-style rolling credits or some such for fun.
-add some sort of music to the splash. The Office comes to mind! =)
Thank-you Rim for another superbly-successful TWHL coop project! Maybe we should get a mention in the news, yes?
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-09 14:57:53 UTCComment #20024
Um what? press e? is that yours? how exactly am I supposed to know I'm supposed to press an e while being clawed to death by random zombies and no idea of where I am? Well done.
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-09 15:04:44 UTCComment #20025
Just played again. So many excellent maps in the compilation. Among my favs are Muzz's, discostu's, but WorldCrafter's REALLY stands out, and makes me say "Wow." every time i see it.. EXCELLENT JOB ALL.
Note for my map(casino royale):
Whilst testing my map, my gamma/brigness turned all the way up, so, it looks VERY dark played in the mod(default gamma/brightness is 50%). I never realized this till now, and always wondered why some people would always complain my maps were to dark!
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-09 16:35:27 UTCComment #17316
^ We all uploaded our maps to our profiles / map vault, just check them out for screenies. They're all good except for a pitch-black map with some yellow blobs for stuck monsters :P.
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-09 18:00:07 UTCComment #18581
Awesome that you finally got around to releasing this
Not much to say here that hasn't already been said. Great job by all. We need some way to "frame" community projects like this and Rooms on the website, lest they be lost forever over time in the vault. Being a top map doesn't count >:U
Edit: New vault or new tab on the sidebar for community projects? Eh, eh, EH? Let's bother Penguinboy about it.
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-09 23:23:17 UTCComment #16939
Sure, but you made a new one.
Edit: I kinda played it. By moving all the files into the valve/ dir and switching cubicles manually through the console.
-1 for making me do that.
Oh and Joebama - you're an ass. You can't expect players to know that without any hints. Hadn't I read it here first, I'd have died a few times before turning on viewflat or whatever it's called.
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-10 08:48:06 UTCComment #16546
Im personally against having HEV suits and weapons in the rooms. It obstructs the player's view and its useless in other cubicles where's there's no combat. You're just exploring without having anything to shoot at.
And if you insist on having a HEV suit plus weapon(s) in your cube, make it clear and have the weapon automatically removed from the player in the next cubicle.
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-10 09:24:40 UTCComment #16192
First map was pitch black, last map was the worst thing I've experienced all year. Everything else in-between was pretty cool. And the first person to bother me about a community projects section gets banned! >_>
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-10 13:22:40 UTCComment #16191
"Oh and Joebama - you're an ass. You can't expect players to know that without any hints. Hadn't I read it here first, I'd have died a few times before turning on viewflat or whatever it's called." Says the man who had players use the elevator ceiling for no reason. Seriously, why are we supposed to think to use the elevator ceiling
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-10 13:35:14 UTCComment #10525
Elevators have their emergency exits in the ceiling! Where would you expect it to be, the floor? It even has a discreet but visible handle on it. You didn't pay attention to your surroundings. You might have been stuck but, even then, you're free to roam about the ground floor without getting killed by something you can't see.
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-10 15:27:05 UTCComment #9615
I don't know, The ladder was kinda dodgy too. I always have problem with that stuff, you should of made it a bit simpler and flexible but it's all good.
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-10 20:53:51 UTCComment #20229
Oh, the maps are random? Well, it's probably still pretty obvious which maps I am talking about. Because there's only one pitch black map and there's only one disgustingly horrible map.
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-11 06:46:42 UTCComment #20230
Wow. My map seems far darker than I remember it. Oh well. I'll work on it. I can't remember any that were particularly "disgustingly horrible". Whose are you referring to?
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-11 15:48:11 UTCComment #5214
Muzz's and Soup Miner's maps looked great. I also liked Captain Terror's, but are you supposed to be able to get onto the balcony? I jumped up there without using any cheats.
potatis: Yeah you cannot go up to the balcony without noclip.. there is nothing up there. The lights are REALLY dark in that map too, cuz my brightness and gamma were set to max when i mapped that. =(
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-12 03:59:59 UTCComment #3989
@ Captain Terror: Bad idea to do that. Defaults ftw.
@ All: This "map comment thread" is kinda funny, If you read it carefully you can clearly distinguish between the people that know how to extract a mod and those who do not. Tells me a lot about their mapping skills. <3
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-12 21:54:08 UTCComment #3744
1. copy the "cubicles" folder to your steamapps\yourname\half-life directory 2. restart/start steam. 3. the mod will show up as "TWHL Cubicles" under your games list. 4. Enjoy the awesomeness! =)
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-20 04:54:09 UTCComment #3695
@Captain Terror omg. I just dropped in everything what was in the "cubicles" folder... ...and later to discover... I have ruined my HL. -.-
Edit: WTF? I don't use steam but I can still play the mod just by "Change game" and when HL shuts down the cubicles bg comes up and it crashes down with no error...WHY? P.S. if someone can help, me help me faster-I've got a flight to København soon...
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-21 03:53:11 UTCComment #3642
Yeah well I kinda figured to put it the half-life directory since I use non-steam HL, probably thats why I cant play this mod...I can still get it to work, but I'm leaving tonight so I don't have that time for now...bye!
Commented 11 years ago2014-02-09 19:37:57 UTCComment #20482
FYI, I recently tried to play this again, but starting a new game makes the mod exit to windows for me fsr? (i didn't try manually opening a map from the console, so it might still work that way)
Anyhoo this was really really awesome. Hopefully we can do a cubicles two for source?
Commented 10 years ago2014-06-13 01:38:52 UTCComment #20622
Clicking anything in the mod seems to crash it. I imported all the maps/content into my HL folder and played them through that. Might be missing out on some stuff, but the map switching still works and it's better than nothing.
@SourceSkyBoxer, the mod has custom coding so that you can switching between maps with a key press. This no longer appears to work. Best thing to do is to remove the DLLs and just launch the maps from the console.
I resorted to editing the liblist.gam and comparing it to another mod that also uses vanilla dlls and is confirmed to work - USS Darkstar. I replaced gamedll to match darkstar's so it now reads:
Superb stuff and I LOVE that you opted for a keybinds to change levels! (I NEVER knew you could change levels that way!)Rim, your ingenuity never ceases to amaze me! GENIUS! Splash is also very good as well we would expect from you. =)
I would rate each map, but i already did so for each map individually afaik.
A couple minor suggestions:
-add hev to each map? (unless it directly interferes with the gameplay of that map). i would of added one to mind if i had thought of it.. =(
-Maybe for the purposes of the coop the dark maps should be modified a bit possibley, to make them more "user-friendly"? it's just a little confusing, especially the furst one is full dark. maybe adding a game_text is all that it would take.
-possibly add a fading "author nameplate" (illusionary done with env_renders or whatev) at the beginning of each level, to idendtify the author of each map?
-after u reach the last map, possibly add a movie-style rolling credits or some such for fun.
-add some sort of music to the splash. The Office comes to mind!
Thank-you Rim for another superbly-successful TWHL coop project! Maybe we should get a mention in the news, yes?
Superb Superb Superb!
6 stars
=) =P =0
Note for my map(casino royale):
Whilst testing my map, my gamma/brigness turned all the way up, so, it looks VERY dark played in the mod(default gamma/brightness is 50%). I never realized this till now, and always wondered why some people would always complain my maps were to dark!
Should/can i modify and resubmit to u rim?
HL.exe keeps crashing on me whenever I want to start a game. Gonna try again, I really really hope it was only temporary...
disco: mod format can be buggy sometimes.. are u running it in steam or won? it worked fine for me in steam.
Not much to say here that hasn't already been said. Great job by all.
We need some way to "frame" community projects like this and Rooms on the website, lest they be lost forever over time in the vault. Being a top map doesn't count >:U
Edit: New vault or new tab on the sidebar for community projects? Eh, eh, EH? Let's bother Penguinboy about it.
"Thank-you Rim for another superbly-successful TWHL coop project!"
Uhm... this is my first I think. I didn't create the "Rooms" one.
Edit: I kinda played it. By moving all the files into the valve/ dir and switching cubicles manually through the console.
-1 for making me do that.
Oh and Joebama - you're an ass. You can't expect players to know that without any hints. Hadn't I read it here first, I'd have died a few times before turning on viewflat or whatever it's called.
And if you insist on having a HEV suit plus weapon(s) in your cube, make it clear and have the weapon automatically removed from the player in the next cubicle.
Says the man who had players use the elevator ceiling for no reason. Seriously, why are we supposed to think to use the elevator ceiling
I can't remember any that were particularly "disgustingly horrible". Whose are you referring to?
potatis: Yeah you cannot go up to the balcony without noclip.. there is nothing up there. The lights are REALLY dark in that map too, cuz my brightness and gamma were set to max when i mapped that. =(
@ All: This "map comment thread" is kinda funny, If you read it carefully you can clearly distinguish between the people that know how to extract a mod and those who do not. Tells me a lot about their mapping skills. <3
1. copy the "cubicles" folder to your steamapps\yourname\half-life directory
2. restart/start steam.
3. the mod will show up as "TWHL Cubicles" under your games list.
4. Enjoy the awesomeness!
EDIT: WOW! Those maps are awesome, the last one is fantastic
omg. I just dropped in everything what was in the "cubicles" folder...
...and later to discover... I have ruined my HL. -.-
WTF? I don't use steam but I can still play the mod just by "Change game" and when HL shuts down the cubicles bg comes up and it crashes down with no error...WHY?
P.S. if someone can help, me help me faster-I've got a flight to København soon...
I mean, i don't know how to say it any simpler than that =| As to your other problem i don't use won so i can't direct you.
Anyhoo this was really really awesome. Hopefully we can do a cubicles two for source?
How to prevent the game from crashing
Delete the folders "dlls" and "cl_dlls"I resorted to editing the liblist.gam and comparing it to another mod that also uses vanilla dlls and is confirmed to work - USS Darkstar. I replaced gamedll to match darkstar's so it now reads:
gamedll "..\valve\dlls\hl.dll"
the edited liblist.gam:
And now it runs!// gamedir "cubicles" game "TWHL Cubicles" startmap "cubicle01" trainmap "cubicle01" version "1" // gamedll "dlls\hl.dll" gamedll "..\valve\dlls\hl.dll" // cldll "1" mpentity "info_player_coop" url_info "" // hlversion "1110" type "singleplayer_only"
edit: rating