
Commented 6 years ago2018-01-19 22:51:28 UTC in news: TWHL4 Public Beta Comment #100324
Possibly not in the next few weeks because I'll be a little busy, but I could find the time next month.
Commented 6 years ago2018-01-19 21:51:03 UTC in journal: #8905 Comment #44146
Maybe he'll be good at bunny hopping also, after hopping his way out of his mom.


8 lb 3 oz is a good size.

You have to teach him Hammer as soon as he opens his eyes.

P.S. Feel free to post any pediatric questions at TWHL. I can't guarantee that I'll have an answer right away, but I'll try.
Commented 6 years ago2018-01-19 21:01:38 UTC in journal: #8905 Comment #44149
Urby Burby 2: Jude Unglued
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Commented 6 years ago2018-01-19 13:42:45 UTC in news: TWHL4 Public Beta Comment #100323
So, when are we switching over for good? I think it's time.
Commented 6 years ago2018-01-19 13:38:05 UTC in journal: #8901 Comment #68504
Have you considered this processor?

It's ten years old, but it's still running fast in my son's rig. Amazingly, you can get it for US$40.
Commented 6 years ago2018-01-19 02:06:44 UTC in vault item: Skywatch Comment #10659
This is from Overwatch.
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Commented 6 years ago2018-01-18 13:11:49 UTC in news: TWHL4 Public Beta Comment #100322
Now it looks lovely with the old familiar shade of orange.

I was thinking to change the blue links to orange as well, but I think staying blue allows the clickable links to stand out more from the background of orange.

Thank you, Penguinboy! Happy new year.
Commented 6 years ago2018-01-17 21:51:34 UTC in journal: #8903 Comment #48480
Posts/Journal Entries like these is what convinces me to come back to this community year after year.
Commented 6 years ago2018-01-17 16:10:59 UTC in journal: #8901 Comment #68507
"Did your parents ask for tuition when they taught you to walk? Did they charge you fees when they prepare meals for you to eat?"
They didn't because it's priceless and of immeasurable value. No amount of money would be able to fulfill that childhood-long service. But they didn't do it for money. I'm quite thankful to have great, albeit a bit strict and partially odd parents that brought me to this world.

"My parents gave me money when I needed it for a down payment for a house. I buy them stuff (iPhone, TV, cars) when they need it. There's never any mention of any repayment."

You have a different system. Mine's been lasting since I was 9. I once collected about 400 KM when I was 10, and I had an idea to upgrade my PC, but my parents took it all and bought lots of other stuff, lol.

I was saving up for 5 years for this new PC, and just when I was at the peak, about to buy what so many people told me I deserve, they asked and took some money from me. One time, it was without even asking me, so I hid my wallet where they literally couldn't find it.

Also these 4 broken promises, and now probably the 5th one (or 4.5th? I mean it depends on something we cannot control, so). If the 5th promise is kept, I probably won't bother them ever again until I finish high school.

I didn't quite mean to 'rebel' in the way of studying poorly. No, never. That would be bad for my reputation and my self-respect, and multiply my self-pity. I hate F's, D's and to a slight extent, C's. These promises gave me that extra motivation to reach the more perfect scores, but that's just a cherry on top of the cake.

What's really motivating me is something else, something far broader and far-fetching than a single PC.
My jaw dropped when I entered the NSoft building with my classmates. We were so, so amazed that a relatively big IT company has its headquarters in this jalopy of a country, in the same city where I go to high school.

Therefore, by 'being a rebel' I meant having a stricter policy on this financial ecosystem going on at home. Either way though, it would end up worse. Bad grades = angry parents and no new PC, while refusing to give money = troubles with parents and perhaps more problems for themselves.

The talk I had yesterday calmed me down and brought me more hope, so I guess I won't mention this specific topic until either March, or June.
Commented 6 years ago2018-01-17 13:25:38 UTC in journal: #8901 Comment #68503
Perhaps it's my Chinese heritage, but the concept of borrowing or lending money to family members is truly strange.

Did your parents ask for tuition when they taught you to walk? Did they charge you fees when they prepare meals for you to eat? How about diaper changing surpluses at 3 am? Or holiday pays? How about end of the year bonus when you didn't die from some infection?

My parents gave me money when I needed it for a down payment for a house. I buy them stuff (iPhone, TV, cars) when they need it. There's never any mention of any repayment.
Commented 6 years ago2018-01-17 13:18:20 UTC in journal: #8903 Comment #48479
These forums definitely have the potential to become dramatic. Case in point--I left Snarkpit years ago and never went back due to a fallout with some members.

I created my own site, but it didn't go very far. It takes talent, patience, and a bit of luck to sustain a site. It does take a village, literally.
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Commented 6 years ago2018-01-17 00:33:19 UTC in journal: #8903 Comment #48478
His name is Pieter Witvoet. He's still active on Stack Overflow if you want to reach out to him.

As for your shoutbox queries:

Spencer Rose (RabidMonkey) is still a professional level designer. Last I heard he's been working on mobile games for a London company since 2015. I don't know if that means he's physically moved to London or not! Might need to track him down for a pint if that's the case.

Kasperg is eluding me. He went dark after a TWHL drama many years back. I can't find him.
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Commented 6 years ago2018-01-16 22:57:24 UTC in journal: #8901 Comment #68506
I talked to them today about this issue, and in short, they said it's going to happen if something else happens. It's something about my dad's retirement, since my dad hasn't received his pension for 2 months in a row, so he's apparently getting a higher one this time.
I'll be fine if it doesn't happen, since this is only for January and February.

If I've been patient for years, I can remain so for a couple of more months at the very least. Besides, there's a part of a song that goes: "ono što se čeka dugo, bude najslađe" - "what is waited for the longest, becomes the sweetest".

For now, all I could do is upgrade my new rustbucket a little bit, since its poor GPU is dying. I'm thinking a GT 710 for 85 KM (about 43 €) would do the job just fine.
My classmate will gift me his 2 GBs of RAM as well. In the end, I think it might end up more powerful than my current laptop, but we'll see.

That reminds me of the moment when my brother asked me "Admer, when will I have my own rules in the house?", "When you get your own house.", "When will I get my own house?", "When you're old enough and have the money for it."

I am, however, going to buy it by myself. I'll pay for the parts by myself, build it etc. but the problem is my parents just owe me money because around 20% of my budget is missing due to them borrowing some cash from me. And there's hardly any way I can earn money any more (until summer, of course). My paid maps don't count since that's for games on Steam. :P

Honestly, now that I had that talk with them, I feel like this journal was quite unneccesary for the most part. They told me that they might return the last 200-300 KM they owe me, I might finally build the computer of my dreams, and everyone will be happy. It comforts me.
Commented 6 years ago2018-01-16 21:22:46 UTC in journal: #8901 Comment #68502
Wait some more years, and buy it yourself.

I am 45 now, and I can buy any damn computer I want.
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Commented 6 years ago2018-01-16 21:09:48 UTC in journal: #4572 Comment #35673
I know this is ten years late, but I am sorry about your loss.

You may not remember me, but I sure remember you. You were one of my first mapping mentors, patiently going over my level designs and giving me constructive criticisms.

As one life ends, another begins. It was right around the time your mother died when my son was born. Now that he's almost 11 years old.

Anyways, I hope you can come back and visit us sometimes.
Commented 6 years ago2018-01-16 19:09:50 UTC in journal: #8901 Comment #68505
While it is quite unfair that they make promises they can't keep, I doubt they don't care or intend to go back on them.
Right now the worst thing you can do is 'rebel' against them or act based on assumptions you don't know are true, I half assed my way through all of my primary and secondary education and if I could I would go back in time and get the grades I should have had. The fact that you're doing so well in school is somewhat explanatory that they do care about you and are doing a good job.
Right now, in high school you don't even have an understanding of the responsibilities and pressures of adult life... And if your parents are anything like my dad, they don't want it, they need it for something they're going to keep from you because they want your life to be as painless and worry free as possible.
It's frustrating, but ultimately they know better than you and you should try to understand that. In the very least until you can move out and appreciate it first hand.
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