
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-12 14:16:28 UTC in vault item: RimResortHLDMvDD Comment #9852
This is an old map redone by Dizzy, tell it to him, not me. :D
I never noticed the sprite thing, i wonder how that happened. <.<
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-12 14:10:17 UTC in vault item: Realtime Clock - With Ticking Comment #9851
Nice. Quite realistic.
The second hand was a bit slow, tho.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-12 14:08:28 UTC in vault item: Torture that Alien - V2 Comment #9850
It was ok, I liked the way you could use all of the tortures at once.. That was niiice..
You should try making the zombie a prisoner, or putting a clip brush around him, coz every time I use the turret, the zombie walks to it, making the other traps miss him.
The shooting range kinda sucked.
The gibs were nice too :)
Good work.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-12 13:41:42 UTC in vault item: Realtime Clock - With Ticking Comment #9849
well there you are then... cheers 7th!
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-12 13:33:02 UTC in vault item: Realtime Clock - With Ticking Comment #9848
No, the rotational speed would be the same.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-12 13:06:40 UTC in vault item: The Unteenth Test Chamber Comment #9847
Nice entity work and interesting sequence.

I cant say the same for brushwork though... ;)
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-12 12:24:21 UTC in vault item: Realtime Clock - With Ticking Comment #9846
i think it would be different for every different size clock, because it is the circumference that is effected by the rotational speed and the size of the clock. follow me? try it out, but I think if you had a smaller clock, the numbers would also have to be smaller... im not 100% sure?!
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-12 12:18:34 UTC in vault item: Realtime Clock - With Ticking Comment #9845
Is this correct?
6: seconds
0.11: minutes
0.0025: hours

Very nice!
I think I'll use it in my lab map, I'll give you a credit of course.
I've never had this idea be fore.
Nice figguring m8! :)
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-12 11:59:32 UTC in vault item: Realtime Clock - With Ticking Comment #9844
6, 0.11, and 0.0025
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-12 11:51:46 UTC in vault item: Realtime Clock - With Ticking Comment #9843
Wow, nice, what's the rotating speeds?
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-12 09:05:08 UTC in vault item: Justice Comment #9841
oh... right!
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-12 08:59:16 UTC in vault item: Torture that Alien - V2 Comment #9840
Meh, some things were funny like that thing that just does a roundabout and SMASH!

Or the gibshooter, always a cool effect.

Everything on the lower area was just stupid.

Top > 5/5 - Lower Front > 1/5 = 6/10 = 3/5
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-12 08:15:00 UTC in vault item: The Unteenth Test Chamber Comment #9839
I would have given this at least bronze if it had worked. It's a shame that it didn't.

The test chamber is very big, but generally doesn't seem blocky or un-detailed, largely thanks to good texturing. The control rooms seemed well-scaled and the lift ride itself was nice (even if it was a bit difficult to get in and out). The sequence is long and dramatic.

There were some little architectural bugs, and I saw distinctive signs of carving when I ran in wireframe. It ran fine still, but I would suggest that you read all the Intermediate tutorials, especially the more general ones. Trust me, it works.

The sounds were a bit lacking, but it was nice to have music, which only one of the other entries featured ? and it was an ideal situation to use the HL soundtrack.

I agree with Daubster on the slightly anti-climatic ending. No Gman in a red suit to lead you away? A missed opportunity :)

Above-average for a map, and good for a competition entry. I'll be generous and give it four stars.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-12 07:09:47 UTC in vault item: The Unteenth Test Chamber Comment #9838
I'm impressed.. :)
+ Architecture. The test chamber was great. Nice detail, rotating stuff. I also liked the glass elevator and overall detail. There were some flaws, but they were only minor.
+ Texturing. The wall textures were super-stretched, although they didn't seem unnatural, which was a surprise. Some textures weren't very natural, like the ones on the rotors.
+ Lighting. I liked it. Not too bright in the test chamber, and bright enough in the labs. The lighting in the room after the disaster was also good. I liked the red-ish theme.
- Ambience. Some beam sounds, a louder rotor sound would have been very good.. The large test chamber could have had an ambient sound too. I'd recomment mechwhine.wav or industrial1.wav. You could also add some env_sound to make the ambience really sound like in the huge test chamber.
Overall - a good map. It only lacked atmosphere, and that's quite important for a test chamber.
The ending was somehow boring, you could have something happen then.
Good work.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-12 06:36:19 UTC in vault item: hldm_milivolt Comment #9837
Yes, this looks much better.
Although the map still looks empty, as Kasperg said.
I don't see much changes in this version, the textures were nice, imo.
Just one big problem:
The r_speeds go up to 1.5k in some areas and that's too high for a HLDM map.. Try hint brushes or null textures.
Anyways - the map still needs ambience, and I'd still change the theme of the secret room with the ammo. :)
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-11 22:30:33 UTC in vault item: dm_lakeside Comment #9836
How long do you typically have to wait for it to load? It was like 3 minutes or so!

K, I thought the map was pretty cool. Keep in mind that in regard to my following comments, I'm very inexperienced playing/mapping HL2...

+Liked the swamp boats
+The bunker with the switchable forcefields very pwn
+The sound buttons inside the bunker pwnt. I played like 3 simultaneously and made a sweet mix.
+Nice terrain, reminded me of Halo a bit.
+The lake looked cool
+pwn ramps for the swamp boats!

-Can you set the max-viewable distance higher in this? Terrain noticalbly disappears in the background. Is it because of settings on my end?
-I didn't like the combine walls on the far side, they seemed out of place.

3 stars
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-11 22:04:42 UTC in vault item: dm_lakeside Comment #9835
Dunno, it looks like it freezes but sometimes you just gotta be patient...
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-11 21:51:15 UTC in vault item: dm_lakeside Comment #9834
K. Got it and tried to run but it froze my whole system! It was stuck on the loading screen for a very long time, so I had to reboot!

Any Ideas?

Thanks for fixing the link, anyway :)
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-11 21:39:55 UTC in vault item: Multi-example (incl. rappel) Comment #9833
Thank you!

You ass! :P ;)
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-11 21:38:30 UTC in vault item: Multi-example (incl. rappel) Comment #9832
Me too!
This is a very helpful map! I have always wondered about the water effect!

P.S. I make worse maps than you :D
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-11 21:36:02 UTC in vault item: second chance lvl 1 Comment #9831
Many memories! I miss the old days of HL1 mapping.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-11 21:26:50 UTC in vault item: dm_lakeside Comment #9830
Link is fixed ;) Go try it out, Hunter loves it :D Just like he loves my huge ;)
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-11 21:17:02 UTC in vault item: dm_lakeside Comment #9829
Link still doesn't work, and it keeps popping up in top maps... WTF!?
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-11 17:43:39 UTC in vault item: Torture that Alien - V2 Comment #9828
updated. sorry bout that, renamed it badly!
btw, this has textured lighting. my compo entry didn't... dunno why I didn't...mmmm...
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-11 17:03:36 UTC in vault item: Torture that Alien - V2 Comment #9827

Question : Were is the bsp?? :x
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-11 17:03:27 UTC in vault item: Torture that Alien - V2 Comment #9826
While looking at your compo entry (nice btw) and looking at this screenshot I noticed that you use point light entities instead of texture lights. I know that point lights are easier to trigger on and off, but not all the lights should be that way.
You should try to compile some of your old maps with textlights to see what a huge difference it can make :)
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-11 14:02:24 UTC in vault item: RimResortHLDMvDD Comment #9825
Cool map, will rate soon.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-11 10:35:30 UTC in vault item: RimResortHLDMvDD Comment #9824
I liked this map. It has a style that's almost abstract at points yet feels realistic as well. Sort of typical for you, Rimrook, but it fits well together.

This level uses vertical combat nicely and has some good connectivity I think, it's not hard to learn either. 5 minutes is enough to understand the layout which is just fine. It's not uber detailed but the overall structure feels fitting together good and that may have more impact than extra little thingies all around. Good job here. :)

But uhm, the waterfalls had some uber-bright glow sprites underneath them... the smoke sprite messed up or such? Looked strange. And you used those green plants as ladders at some point but at another point they were just decoration. That's inconsistent and I just had to try to climb them but nope, they weren't climbable. Perhaps use a different plant texture there to avoid confusion.

Overall, a good-looking map with a nice, a little abstract, style to it and it looks like it has some good vertical combat. Good stuff. :)
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-11 08:16:30 UTC in vault item: Justice Comment #9823
You must be sick of this map by now. It looks exactly the same as the HL2SP version. The whole point of this map is that it's now converted to CS:S.

Sometimes after I retire, I'll make a new map from scratch. Between now and my kids graduating from high school, I'll probably be busy changing diapers and grounding kids.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-11 03:34:45 UTC in vault item: Justice Comment #9822
does it look any better than the hl2 singleplayer version? if not - no download - i've seen this map WAY too much
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-11 00:28:24 UTC in vault item: tm_seether (for The Specialists) Comment #9821
Thanks for the tip, I fixed Zeromancer's link the other day, forgot about this one, so yeah. :P works now.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-10 22:50:54 UTC in vault item: tm_seether (for The Specialists) Comment #9820
Link no workie.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-10 19:30:39 UTC in vault item: dm_rusty Comment #9819
Looks nice. Looks like it has a good layout (though somewhat cramped now and then and the shotgun's a dead-end), but I preferred it to be somewhat bigger. The architecture is well done and the lighting is overall ok, though I think the fire was too yellowish, I think yellow really doesn't go well with concrete grey and such. Make it more orange, gives a warmer feeling and I think it fits better.

Put the sky brushes somewhat higher though. Explosive barrels explode almost immediatyl when you throw em up. I also think a more distinct theme would do your map good, right now it's really generic (I can't see what this area is supposed to be, actually). Wider paths provide some more room to dodge fire, too, so that's something you could improve on as well. Oh, and that fire wood looked odd. Too flat I think, not really burnt either. Oh well...
However, there's some nice touches to this map like the hidden vent route and the stunstick that lies around. And indeed, props don't block movement which is a good thing as well.

All in all, a nice map with some nice touches, but little too small and cramped for me.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-10 18:04:58 UTC in vault item: Spellbinder - The Summoning Tower Comment #9818
Download link updated! (no really :P)
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-10 15:53:59 UTC in vault item: RimResortHLDMvDD Comment #9817
I du.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-10 12:35:00 UTC in vault item: PHW Comics Comment #9816
Because this is for Gmod and just posing models, it wouldn't hurt to make the map extremely detailed. Lag and framerates obviously don't matter so much when your taking screenshots rather than trying to line up headshots.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-10 12:04:17 UTC in vault item: RimResortHLDMvDD Comment #9815
hey rim we played this level last night on theserver it was quite fun it played quite well there are lots of hiding places and sniping points hopeyou like the modification of the level
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-10 11:06:45 UTC in vault item: C2 Breach Comment #9814
for no reason - a comment...
thats neat, for some reason it reminds me of Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. there is a "bash door" action in which you can kick a door into an enemy standing in front of it. good work.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-10 03:36:17 UTC in vault item: In-game tutorial Comment #9813
VALVe did the same thing with their example maps for Source, which I found to be quite useful. They can easily show how and what entities are working at a set time.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-09 21:07:56 UTC in vault item: dm_rusty Comment #9812
Great map! Original, well crafted and nicely lit.
Connectivity could be a bit better: since the map is small I dont know if it's a wise idea to make players go into crawlspaces...
Texturing is good, and so is prop placement. I didnt find any phys objects blocking my path at any time, which is good since the map is small :)
For future maps, you might want to disable the shadows of the prop_static trash groups. The default shadow just tends to look wrong imo.

4.6 stars in my opinion. Keep up the good work!
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-09 19:50:10 UTC in vault item: Justice Comment #9811
It's done. I originally labeled it CS:S, but when I updated the screenshot, the label reverted back to the default HL. Tricky huh?
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-09 15:18:36 UTC in vault item: Justice Comment #9810
great map.. always has been.

please fix tags though
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-09 13:59:17 UTC in vault item: hldm_milivolt Comment #9809
I'm going to check this one. Your maps always look so neat.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-09 13:33:19 UTC in vault item: hldm_milivolt Comment #9808
This version looks better. But yes, it does feel empty.
The problem of using detailed textures is that the whole map needs a high detail level in every aspect.
The usual dilema of: why do textures look realistic but a lot of things in the map look strange?
This map would be really easy to fill with props in HL2DM :)
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-09 12:21:22 UTC in vault item: hldm_milivolt Comment #9807
this is definatley a lot better, but there are still some things that need work... its still a bit bare. i love the textures, and lightings improved, but for a big area, its a bit boring on the ground.... maybe some parked cars... etc, i dunno... i don't make a lot of DMatches, so...
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-09 11:53:24 UTC in vault item: Justice Comment #9806
Thanks Kasperg, I did consider increasing the lightmap density, but that would increase the polycounts for the various brushes. After obsessing about it for a long time, I decided that I would go with performance than the additional shadow-sharpness.

As thanks habboi. This is not a large map, and I am afraid that more players would overwhlem the space in the map, destroying the fun factor (and making it too much like a deathmatch chaos free-for-all). There are eight players playing if the map is full, and I think that's plenty.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-09 09:55:35 UTC in vault item: Justice Comment #9805
Haha, your the first person i've ever seen use his map in so many versions :)
Well the HL2 version was impressive, your map actually got me mapping as a hobby.

My only concern is it should have more than 4 spawns.

5 stars because it helped me begin mapping, it looks gorgeous and the gameplay was fun in HL2 so it must be similar in CS:S
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-09 05:10:08 UTC in vault item: Justice Comment #9804
Just a quick comment just by looking at the screenshot: have you tried using lower values for the lightmap resolution of the floor(s)? Since this map takes places at sunset, it would benefit from more defined shadows imo
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-09 03:31:35 UTC in vault item: Justice Comment #9803
Yeah, I know the screenshot was taken within the HL2 engine, but I promise it looks exactly the same.

And before you accuse me of recycling my map over and over, I plead guilty.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-08 17:28:58 UTC in vault item: Sancefar Comment #9802
Beutiful, well made.

To bad HL1 light is boring!
But this map is stunningly well made

Only downer is that some textures are a little bit boring

...beutiful! it's a 5 star map