
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-24 12:25:11 UTC in vault item: cs_deadline Comment #2052
Definitely your most impressive map so far! Really, really good!

1. Great texture usage!
2. Good use of prop models (from Poke646... :)).
3. Very good atmosphere, it's really that abandoned appartment. A very strong sense of place, very well done.
4. Great architecture. I really liked the details and well, just all of it!

1. I just can't think of one... well, the doors indeed, but further...
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-24 12:11:28 UTC in vault item: cs_deadline Comment #2051
thx for the comment :).The models were found on this french site (i'm french too) (there is 386 models ;) )
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-24 11:32:08 UTC in vault item: ka_bounce Comment #2049
i update the map make some ajustments regarding the streetlight and the glass thanx to Captain P
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-24 11:10:44 UTC in vault item: De_Hidden Comment #2048
To much of open spaces.
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-24 10:34:50 UTC in vault item: Elevator Comment #2047
i was targetting the path_corners the whole time lol
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-24 10:34:35 UTC in vault item: Elevator Comment #2046
i think i got it :) thx
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-24 09:56:08 UTC in vault item: Garden Comment #2045
from series "not another tomaatti map" :)
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-24 09:14:15 UTC in vault item: Garden Comment #2044
Ow well, right, snipers penetrate small walls. My fault.

Still, it doesn't look convincing. In real world, glass would definitely break when you tear a bullet trough it.

Then again, your next release really should look a lot better. I'm not going to be so easy next time.
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-24 09:07:54 UTC in vault item: de_forsaken Comment #2043
Mmh, I'm in doubt about this map. Looks good and bad at the same times and gives me both a good feeling of atmosphere and the feeling some things just don't fit.

1. Good texture usage, they really fit the theme. Especially those windows.
2. Strong sense of place, it's very obvious a castle.
3. Strong atmosphere. I like it how much attention you give those sounds, very good.

1. Somewhat bad lighting. At some places just average, at some places really bad. Like the green light on the trim of the castle wall, where you come out of the water. The yellow light inside doesn't really seem to fit well with the textures too.
2. Kindof strange layout. Somewhat complex, some area's look very similar and some are really different. I liked the chapel and the bridge, but the rest is just... plain castle wall or corridor. It just doesn't fit together.

After all, you do show potential put it doesn't come out so strong in this map. The combination of good and bad points just made me feel strange about it. Not a map I would quickly like.
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-24 08:57:38 UTC in vault item: Garden Comment #2042
You can shoot thougth the glass !
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-24 08:48:48 UTC in vault item: cs_deadline Comment #2041
Very nice, except for the little scale issues - why is my face at door-handle level!? The doors are far too big. Apart from that, great, 5*
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-24 08:46:42 UTC in vault item: Garden Comment #2040
Tomaatti, you'd do fine if you just spent more time on your maps. Read a few tutorials, mess around, learn and experiment. Don't release everything!
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-24 08:46:05 UTC in vault item: de_bunker Comment #2039
Not one of the best maps you made but still, it ain't bad either.

1. Good atmosphere upside! Really nice sound usage.

1. Not really stunning lighting.
2. Little bit boring texture usage.
3. No real bunker atmosphere. Looks more like a few storage rooms.
4. The fan sounds were annoying. Too loud and well, didn't really fit actually.
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-24 08:35:36 UTC in vault item: Garden Comment #2038
Well, Tomato, I see some improvements.

1. Texture usage.
2. At least this has a little feeling of place. Not that much but well, more than your previous maps...

Still, I think it's unworthy a release. Very simple brushwork. The glass in the tower isn't breakable but still you've put sniper rifle's there, very strange. The roof of the tower seems to rest on the glass solely, some pillars should make it more believable. Also, check the tower, there are some holes were the glass touches the upper floor. Ugly.

Tomato, you still need to put more work in your maps. Hey, I released my first map after 2 years of mapping and a lot of people were stunned by it. Now, 6 months later, I'm about to release my next DM map, and also a small SP map (for the compo). Maybe I'm the other opposite but still, don't be so hasty with releases. Really, you can impress people much more with a good map when it's your one of the first you made than when it's your thousand-and-some'th release.
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-24 04:46:00 UTC in vault item: de_innercity Comment #2037
To: Seventh-Monkey
Thank you for your comment and your advice, I will surely read that tutorial.

To: Worldcraft dude
I forgive you :)
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-24 04:04:29 UTC in vault item: The Lobby Comment #2036
hey pepper, may I know how you made that nice mirriring effect? I want to use if for my map. (if that is possible for cs)
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-24 01:20:44 UTC in vault item: Elevator Comment #2035
Tick the buttons flag 'Don't move'. When you trigger the doors (that are func_trains), don't suspect them to slide open as doors would. Instead, you trigger the trains to go to their next path_corner. So, place path_corners so that the trains (doors) slide open.

I'm not gonna do it for you now, exams are quite stressing, and I have a contest entry to finish too, so for now you'll have to do it your own. And I think you'll learn the most of that, so, succes!
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 21:05:30 UTC in vault item: Elevator Comment #2034
ok i allowed uploads just incase anyone fixed it ...
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 16:49:51 UTC in vault item: Elevator Comment #2033
lol ok new stupid problem...i used func_button and tryed to open the doors but instead of doors moving the buttons moved
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 16:23:49 UTC in vault item: Elevator Comment #2032
I don't know but it seems to happen more on TWHL.

Doors need to slide open I heard you shout? Path_corners on the side should help. Oh, and the path_corners the doors initially move to shouldn't have their 'Wait for retrigger' flag set, so the doors will automatically continue to their open position.
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 15:30:39 UTC in vault item: cs_deadline Comment #2031
oh, btw, i've found there really good models: adaver, envtrash2 and bigrat. do you made them yourself? they perfectly fits my resident evil map if you dont mind :)
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 15:26:39 UTC in vault item: cs_deadline Comment #2030
i must say wow! amzing textures (reminds me max payne). all these sounds makes really good atmosphere. can't say anything about the gameplay, tested alone. very detailed map with very low r_speeds! GJ. keep makin maps that good :)
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 15:22:06 UTC in vault item: aim_roadblock Comment #2029
well, this one is one of the best aim maps i've seen. it reminds me one of the DOD map. nice trees btw.
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 15:20:52 UTC in vault item: de_forsaken Comment #2028
now this is good looking for a third map. as always i dont have cs installed
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 14:07:25 UTC in vault item: Elevator Comment #2027
why is it posting all of my stuff twice....
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 14:07:11 UTC in vault item: Elevator Comment #2026
but i dont think u can use it for counterstrike..
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 13:17:46 UTC in vault item: Elevator Comment #2023
i could probably follow the tutorial here but they left out like half of it....tell u to put in 2 corners then he shows some pics and then.."u should have 7 path_corners now" so that was a lost cause...but ill try ur way
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 12:49:20 UTC in vault item: Elevator Comment #2021
When you can get one elevator to work, you can get this one too. It does requires some logical entity-work wich can be very confusing at first. Draw it out, on paper. Make a schematic of what entity needs to be activated, and when, and what has to happen after that. It's very usefull.

I'd say, when you press the button, activate both doors, and let one of the path_corner's that they move to, fire a multimanager when the door is in place (e.g. closed). This multimanager should then target the doors and the elevator, so they move down all together.

I would advise you to break it up in simple chuncks. Maybe you're known to programming, it's like using functions for often used things.
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 12:40:44 UTC in vault item: Elevator Comment #2020
ya i go the "simple" elevator to work on different maps its just this one and its numerous entities is driving me nutz...but i need the doors since ur going underground (and it looks better :))
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 12:34:04 UTC in vault item: Elevator Comment #2019
Err... have you succeeded in getting a simple elevator (without all the extra stuff like moving doors and such) to get to work? I think you've taken a too difficult elevator setup to start with.

BTW, all you need is a func_train, that starts at a path_corner. Tick the 'Wait for retrigger' flag of that path_corner, of all path_corners you use as destination points, so you have to trigger the train first before it moves on.
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 12:07:03 UTC in vault item: Mars Comment #2018
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 10:45:52 UTC in vault item: cs_deadline Comment #2017
you got talent from what i cna see from the screenshot. same answer again, wish i had cs installed for htis sort of maps
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 10:44:42 UTC in vault item: aim_roadblock Comment #2016
looks great for this maps i almost would install counterstrike
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 10:00:12 UTC in vault item: Mars Comment #2015
That I started in the air was because you use info_player_deathmatch, wich is used for muliplayer maps. Info_player_start is for singleplayer maps but I'd advise one in a DM map too, just for quick testing the map from the console.
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 09:59:03 UTC in vault item: Mars Comment #2014
I mean I started about 4 meters above the ground and was gibbed almost instantly by the tentacles.

OK, multiplayer map. Some things to know about them:
1. They don't feature monsters. So no zombies, tentacles, grunts, scientists, whatever. You play against human opponents in DM maps.
2. The don't have a linear layout. Good DM maps have good connectivity, so for example when you have to battle area's, you shouldn't make only one connection between them. Make some more so players have a little more choice.
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 09:51:09 UTC in vault item: Mars Comment #2013
Multiplayer map

Did you see the car in window??

Ohno you mean you started always from bottom?
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 09:42:19 UTC in vault item: Mars Comment #2012
Oh, BTW... I started just above the ground in the tentacle room. You used info_player_deathmatch instead info_player_start?
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 09:33:09 UTC in vault item: Mars Comment #2011
Tomaatti, listen to my advice. This seems to be both a multiplayer and singleplayer map. Weapon placement like in MP, monsters that belong to SP. The liniear layout of the level is also typically SP, as is camera entity useage.

My question is: what do you want with this map? What's it meant to be? SP or MP?
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 09:14:19 UTC in vault item: aim_roadblock Comment #2010
I am impressed... most aim maps I've seen are low-effort cheap looking crap, but this one... man, it's great. Still a quite easy layout but graphically worked out pretty good. Go on and continue mapping, you show you're willing to put some effort in it. It's great to see that!
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 08:14:14 UTC in vault item: de_small Comment #2009

I imagine that's the kinda language you speak, producing maps like this.
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 07:49:30 UTC in vault item: de_innercity Comment #2008
+ Nice setting
+ Pretty well-made, I saw no errors
- Streetlamps were boringly textured
- Poor light placement

2/5. Better than some, but a little plain. Keep going. Also, I strongly advise you read this tutorial: . In fact, I'd read all the tutorials you can find if I were you (and I did).
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 07:43:48 UTC in vault item: de_small Comment #2007
ok... in the example maps part... this an example of some of the piece of shit maps people decide to put on this site. Please, stop posting stupid maps like this and make maps which are playable and do not consist of 2 rooms and a corridor which is the bomb target using only one texture the whole time. Even if you are a noob, please only put maps on that actually achieve a standard of being playable. Rating your map is bad, Rating your map 5 stars is worse, Rating your shit map 5 stars is the worst thing you could possibly do. Please do not do it again.

Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 07:37:16 UTC in vault item: de_small Comment #2006
please tell me you didnt rate your own map...
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 07:13:29 UTC in vault item: Sabotage Comment #2005
hey, u make the textures pts
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 05:53:33 UTC in vault item: CS crashes when C4 detonates Comment #2004
Thanks, I will give it a try
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 05:49:49 UTC in vault item: de_small Comment #2003
Screw this sad excuse for a map. Really it is tht bad!
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 05:44:53 UTC in vault item: de_small Comment #2001
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-23 03:33:22 UTC in vault item: killring Comment #2000
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-22 17:21:55 UTC in vault item: de_icepalace Comment #1998
ghm, this map looks better than cs_aztec to me :). the architecture is really nice, but textures too repeatitive, you can lost out there if dont know map very good. and yes, r_speeds are horrible! it reached 6600! never seen that high :)